It all happened in Singapore in the mid-50s. When streets were narrow and traffic light, young boys in primary schools were pulling their parents to the movies to watch Fess Parker as Davy Crockett, king of the wild frontier (image). With a beaver hat and thin rifle, he had youths gasping in awe when Crockett, "killed him a bar (bear) when he was only three." Blogger rushed to the Capitol Cinema in North Bridge Road to watch the movie.
Some students cycled from Woodsville Road on their rickety bikes to the same destination. And Tennesse Ernie Ford was thudding the bass with his heavy rendition of, Sixteen Tons, warning everyone with, "and whadaya get... another day older and deeper in debt."
But the one song in 1955 that started nearly every Singaporean rockin' and rollin' was Bill Haley's Rock Around The Clock, so when the doors of the cinemas opened to screen this Alan Freed movie, every one flocked and stampeded to watch it. (Check posting, February 10th, 2009).
For Singapore 60s baby boomers it was Cliff Richard and The Shadows. But in 50s Singapore, Bill Haley And His Comets hit the joints. Then came the greatest of them all...
Image: http://www.passionweiss.com/
Original article: Andy Lim Collection.
One of the defining moments in one's life, wasn't it? What a dashing figure he struck in that stylish attire of his.
Yes and the song too was enjoyed by most pop music lovers from the 50s.
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