Are you sure you are an Elvis fan? If you are then these scenes should not be a problem for you. Just name each song and the movie it was featured in. Write your answers under the Post a Comment page below:
[1] Yes, they were up in the cable-cars too. [1960]
Movie? Song?
[2] You got the wrong guy to fight with. [1958]
Movie? Song?

Movie? Song?
[4] Street food fit for a King? [1958]
Movie? Song?
Movie? Song?
If you can't manage them, well, you're ain't no Elvis fan. Just joking. But no googling for answers... Take your time; the 6 correct answers will only appear in a week's time.
Elvis Presley Movie [1964]: 'Viva Las Vegas'.
Song: 'What I'd Say.'
YouTube Video by: oliounidizlove.
Andy, This Song, " What I'd Say."
It's Normally Played in Dance Hall, T-Dances n Parties. Except for Dance Hall Where the Dance Hostess Depends On Dance Coupons To Get Payed For Their Night's Work. The Hostess Prefer the Music To Be Short. These Type of Music is Base On 12 Bars n Can Be Repeated Over n Over Again, Played Mainly In Parties or T-Dances.
As For Elvis, I Did Listen To His Music n Went To Watch The Movie, With My Late Mum. I Think It Was Blue Hawaii ... Not Too Sure Of the Spelling. Thks Bro.
Hi Merlin, thanks for sharing your interesting and detailed description of how dance hostesses earn their income. Yes, it can be a long night for them. And BLUE HAWAII was one of his best movies... Again thank you.
Andy Young
Koh Daisy WOODEN HEART: GI BLUES is correct. 👍 5 more to go 🙂
Andy Young
Thanks to James for the early LIKE. He's truly a man of many talents. Try the quiz.
Andy Young
Alphonso and Somkid. Thanks for the visit. Can you guess the songs and movies.
Andy Young
Hi John, Thanks for the KLASSY heart you sent. Love it always.
Can remember No 1 GI Blues . Song: Wooden Heart. Have seen Blue Hawaii, It happened at the World’s Fair. Girls, Girls, Girls, Fun in Acapulco and know most of his songs but can’t associate the scenes for his earlier movies but still am an Elvis fan. Love “The Wonder of You, Don’t Be Cruel” and all of his hit songs.
Alphonso Soosay
Hello Andy Young. I can’t remember the songs that linked to the movies. (Getting old). But what I can say is that, the voice and music that first wowed young Elvis fans in the late 1950’s, has always appealed to new fans in every generation till now. Elvis had a voice and stage presence like no one else before.
So, My Favourite Elvis Songs of All Time Were & Are: The Wonder Of You, Can’t Help Falling In Love, Jailhouse Rock, Hound Dog, Don’t Be Cruel, Heartbreak Hotel, Love Me Tender, Are You Lonesome Tonight, Return To Sender, Suspicious Minds, In The Ghetto, Burning Love, How Great Thou Art, Devil In Disguise, Blue Suede Shoes, All Shook Up, Kentucky Rain, Teddy Bear, Blue Christmas, Amazing Grace & Always On My Mind.
I believe Elvis still remains as one of the best-selling solo artists of all time.🎶🎤🎸🎶✨.
Andy Young
Alphonso Soosay WOW!!! Thanks for the list my good friend. Yes, he still is; one of the best! Appreciate you took time to response, Al.
Andy Young
Hi Dick, thanks for the LIKE on this Elvis Quiz.
This quiz has taken the mickey out of me. It's hard and unless you live in the 60s, it is challenging!!!
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