Friday, January 06, 2023

Angeline Wong: 黄晓凤 : Si Jantung Hati: My Sweet Heart: 印尼歌曲, Nyonya n Jasmine Flower


New Southern Records Malaysia

The above video generated 10 million+ views.

This posting is specially for international readers who may wish to understand the language and culture of S.E. Asian pop music.

[Thanking the above person and company for compiling the video. 
There is no financial gain to this post. It is done to promote 
the song, language, culture and the Malaysian people.]


Like I have always mentioned, "Ten million viewers cannot be wrong!" Pretty Malaysian *nyonya Ms Angeline Wong sings it well and her expressions denote the very animated and cute lyrics that go with the song. Simple as the song is, unless you understand the Malay language, you might still be wondering why it established so many views.

A *nyonya is a Straits-born Chinese lady.
She is in sarong kebaya.

Below is the literal translation; 
nuances in the language can differ:

My figure is slim not because I have insufficient food
My eyes are red not because I have insufficient sleep
Sad is my heart because... of my **sweetheart [twice].

A week ago he came home, 
My yearning for him left me half-dead [mentally exhausted?],
My affair with him, oh oh, my sweetie pie, oh [twice].

'You promised that I'm the only one you'll wait for
When I left, you injected the #Melati flower
But now I realise it was all a dream'.

I sing alone to amuse myself
I don't want to be hurt a second time...
My experience with him, my sweetie pie, oh [thrice].

[the whole song is repeated]

# Bunga Melati = A Jasmine Flower
Symbol of purity and devotion.
*nyonya = Straits-born lady who speaks a mix of Hokien/Malay. 
She would usually be dressed in a sarong kebaya. 

**'sweetheart', 'sweetie pie' or 'lover' 

#Bunga Melati = the Jasmine flower

'kau sunting-kan' = literal = ' you injected'

Singer Angeline Wong

The chorus girls dressed in typical 
Malay gold sarong kebaya.

Images: Google and YouTube Video.

Thanks to Mr. Alfred Wong who
recommended the above song.

Please read the comments below.

Click below for another nyonya song n dance:


FREDA HANUM [FB] said...

My favourite song too and sung by such sweet lady....
Thanks for sharing Andy 👍

ANDY: Pop Music Not Pills. © said...

Freda Hanum yes, thanks.

You should be singing such songs too, with your own keyboard accompaniment.
It'll be a sensation!

MICHAEL GOH [FB] said...

Angeline Wong has an Immaculate voice with her beauty to match.
Thank you ANDY.

ANDY: Pop Music Not Pills. © said...

Michael Goh thanks, like you, handsome with a golden voice! And all on record... Best.

MICHAEL GOH [FB] said...

THANK YOU for the kind words of a humble and talented old Friends.
May this year 2023 bring you great joy and all the good things you hope for come true.
Warmest Regards to you


Have to agree. She looks as beautiful and she sounds.
yes, she is. Truly a combination of beauty and talent.

DAISY KOH [FB] said...

Sung with such sweet sadness … “Kesian…”😂
Enjoyed the song and like her kebaya. 👍

ANDY: Pop Music Not Pills. © said...

Koh Daisy thanks, her personality just oozes with sweetness and charm.
10 million viewers. Appreciate your comment too.
Kesian. 🙂

FRED CHING [FB] said...

Beautiful song..

Thumbs up Brother Andy for posting!

I remember as a kid growing up in Hindhede Drive, thanks to Aziz for exposing us kampung kids to music from local to around the world.
Cheers Andy

ANDY: Pop Music Not Pills. © said...

Fred Ching hey brother, thanks for the comment.
Important too from a music enthusiast like you.
Yes, I had another Aziz too, who taught me my first guitar lesson.


She can really sing in Malay.

ANDY: Pop Music Not Pills. © said...

Stephen Han yes, she can.
And very well pronounced and articulated.
Thanks my friend for your total support of the postings here.


I am always impressed that your blogs are really cultural education. love the song and a bit embarrassed with the lyrics. I am fascinated with Sarong Kebaya. Your mom was a Kebaya maker if I remember rightly.

ANDY: Pop Music Not Pills. © said...

Hiroshi Deguchi hi, yes the song is supposed to be one of humour and gaiety, I guess making fun of the male, always fooling around. I was embarrassed too with certain words

Yes, my mother used to teach dress-making and kebaya embroidery. It was a lucrative business those years.

Thanks Hiroshi.

ANDY: Pop Music Not Pills. © said...

Thanks for all the interesting comments and LIKES on Angeline Wong's post.
10 MILLION VIEWS is no joke, even today.


Freda Hanum
Ivor Lesslar
Fred Ching
Michael Goh
Stephen Han
Jalani Mohamed
Hiroshi Deguchi
Michael Lee
Ann Rowena Lim
Koh Daisy
Somkid Lakhawat
Ser Kiong Tan
Ukhti Aminah
Yen Chow
Peter Cheong



Wow manisnya muka dan suara!

ANDY: Pop Music Not Pills. © said...

Thanks also to MICHAEL LEE for your comment.
Yes Mike, beauty and talent.

What a great combination for performing artistes.

ANDY: Pop Music Not Pills. © said...

Thanking good friend ALFRED WONG
For introducing the video...

ANDY: Pop Music Not Pills. © said...

Thanks Jimmy
Coming from a Peranakan, that's a very sincere comment.
Yes she does have a sweet face [manis muka] and sweet voice [manis suara].

DAVID WONG said...
