Saturday, August 27, 2022

RIP Vernon Martinus: Legendary Dancer From Singapore: Tribute from Horace Wee

Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Martinus
Copyright image: Mun Chor Seng.



Just past the middle of August 2022, Vernon Martinus turned 90 years old.

He had been frail and was in the advanced stages of dementia, unable to recognise his loved ones. Sadly a few days later he passed away in the UK.

Together with his wife Frances Poh, they were the trail blazing power couple that promoted the ballet and art of dance to never before seen heights in Singapore.

In the 50s and early 60s doting parents would enrol their children in piano or ballet lessons. The Singapore Dance Academy was their de facto choice. Annually they would present a showcase of ballet from their pupils. It was an event that generated excitement in the arts community.

Besides dancing, Vernon had various stints in broadcasting. From the early pre Radio Singapore days at the Cathay building and Rediffusion.

He joined the fledgling TV Singapore around 1963 , as a TV producer when it had commenced operations. The two significant events he was part of were the televised broadcast by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew announcing the break away of Singapore from Malaysia and the first televised production of the National Day Parade. Contrary to suggestions to stop the recording, he was the one that decided to continue to record the  PM Lee breaking down during the historic event.

Many from this era will cherish the memory of this pioneer from Singapore. May you Rest In Peace and dance with the angels , Vernon Philip Martinus.

Mr and Mrs Vernon Martinus

[This very personal tribute comes from Horace Wee. Thank you Horace for your contribution to this music blog and Mun Chor Seng for the photograph.]


Anonymous said...

Vernon martinis n the academy were not the first to start a ballet school. In spore The very first was Taylor Dance studio in the early 50 s n she showcased her dancers on the capitol cinema n Cathy cinema. It was run by the Australian dancer. Courtney Taylor n later by her top student ballerina Of course ballet has gone a long way it has developed over the years


Vernon Martinus was a TV producer in the 60s. The program was POP INN which featured THE QUESTS. He passed on in England due to Alzheimer's disease. He was aged 90.



Cedric Collars said...

I remember Vernon Martinez and Frances Poh from my youth as a wonderful ballet team. Time has slowly diminished the number of great Singaporean artistes as we gently store them into the archives of our memories. RIP Vernon and may Frances have the strength to move on.

FL said...

Vernon's active years in showbiz were in 1960s. May u rest in peace.


Another notable personality has left us, and whilst it is certainly sad, this is how we will renew ourselves. And it is in the general remembrance of all who came before - the great people who did great things during and before our time that I wrote this song, 'ALL THE GREATS'

In my own way I honour the memory of all who came before me, giving meaning to their lives with their deeds and humanity, to light the way for those who come after.

RIP Mr. Martinus. We promise we will do our utmost to carry your torch forward.


Anonymous said...

Came across this by chance. I remember him. The first and only male dancer for many years. And I remember Horace Wee who used to stay in Chancery Lane near ACS school. We had the same violin teacher. Time really passes by but it is nice to know some old names are still around.

ANDY: Pop Music Not Pills. © said...

Thank you ANONYMOUS, wherever you are.

Yes, time flies.
I'm with Horace and anytime you feel like, leave your email and phone number.
I'll send them to him but won't publish the information on this comment page.

Appreciate your visit.
Drop in anytime... to tell your story too.

Anonymous said...

I was about 8 yrs old when I started at Vernon's school, what a gentleman and dancer. It was breathtaking to watch his wife Frances and him dance together. It's a pity we have lost him the best Ballet Dancer