Sunday, May 02, 2010

Western Union Band With Chris Vadham: Paper Roses, Paper Dreams... Yesterday's Sorrows

Chatting with Audie Ng who managed WUB in the 70's:

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The Western Union Band (WUB) needs no introduction. Like some of the top guitar groups in Singapore 60's, they have made a mark on our local music scene, especially with their 70's recordings.

Everyone loves Sausalito (1972), the song synonymous with the group but compositions like Yesterday's Sorrows, I've Got Love, Driving Me Crazy and the uniquely enchanting, Paper Roses, Paper Dreams are only some of the original songs composed by singer/songwriter and anchorman *Chris (Kris) Vadham and his brother Moses.

These originals stood out among the covers they record. According to the 1978 recording sleeve  We've Got Love, the line-up was Vadham on lead vocals and guitars, Danny Lim on guitars, flute and backing vocals, Abel Gan on keyboard and backing vocals, Peter Mangkok, bass and Daniel Wee with drums and percussion. This group had recorded for Libra in the early 70s and EMI in the late 70s with changes in the group.

The band started in 1971 and parted company around 1980. WUB were a hit when they played at the Orchard Road circuit in Singapore, comfortable at the Jane Fonda-movie inspired night spot called, Barbarella.
                               Sausalito - Chris Vadham by Mr Rainbow

Then there was this Katong bar in the east coast where they played quite regularly. It was called Moonshine.  The area was a hotspot for the gatherings of Katongites who frequented the cinemas and bowling alleys.  At the Hong Kong Hilton patrons told them that they were comparable to the best bands in the region when they played at the hotel's club called The Den.

Western Union Band were formidable as a group and had cut 4 singles and 4 LPs inclusive of the ones mentioned and Chris Vadham, who had since passed on in London, was a truly respected musician in this region.

Four LP's could be a recording record in the 70's because if they didn't sell, contracts would have been torn after only one LP. And there were quite a number of  Singapore artistes who never recorded again afterwards beyond one LP.

"But my paper roses don't let me down..."

*Chris and Moses Vadham have successfully recorded in Malay in the 80s. The album Mimpiku Retak Seribu, under the Philips label, is an example.

Information: Audie Ng (Leader/Bassist: The Silver Strings)
Image: Ebay.
Original article: Andy Lim.


Lam Chun See said...

Sausalito must be one of the biggest local hits ever.

ANDY: Pop Music Not Pills. © said...

Yes but the band's other hits have been minimised, unless of course, the enthusiasts get their LPs. A worthy effort.

Chris Vadham and his brother Moses are very talented musicians. They have also recorded in Malay.

I guess music has no barriers and a piece of music can be translated and recorded into any language.

Anonymous said...

Clean vocals, solid guitar backing without noise or tin-can guitar sounds like other groups in the sixties. Very pro. why not put them on CD. Many will buy, esp. me.

Anonymous said...

During mid '80s when we are very young used to listend the Band. though we were young i just love their music... especially Paper roses paper dream...

ANDY: Pop Music Not Pills. © said...

Thank you very much for providing feedback regarding WUB.

I love this group too, versatile and entertaining also when they are on stage.

When I first heard them I wondered why Singaporeans do not patronise our local music as much as they do imported music.

We are just as good aren't we?

Phil said...

Where can I buy their music?

ANDY: Pop Music Not Pills. © said...

Sorry for late reply. You can buy them from the second hand record shops all over Singapore.

ANDY: Pop Music Not Pills. © said...

This posting has one of the highest number of readers on the blog.


I was chatting with a local show-business entrepreneur about 10 years ago and he chatted about this fantastic group. Check them out and their song SAUSOLITO on the blog.

Kevin Mathews
Our humble tribute The Fast Colors
The Fast Colors - Sausalito

Andy Young
Wonderful tribute.

Fred Ching
Kevin Mathews Hey Kevin good job! I have goosebumps.
This was my favourite song back in the day.

Andy Young
Yes, Kevin' s much interested in SG70s music and what happened those years.
Please write to him if you can help...

Stephen Han
I had seen the performance of the Western Union Band at the National Theatre and they are good. Song, ”Sausalito “ was very nice to hear.

Chow Wen Hing
Yes, who can forget the strains of 'Once upon a time...' so enthralling, so promising and so romantic..! I can imagine listening to a song from once upon a time, promising a journey to once upon a time.. what a thrill! Songs must be able to do that - bring us into a world of make believe with bittersweet feelings of longing, of wanting.. and Sausalito does just that, now and once upon a time!

Fred Ching
Ages since I’ve listened to this song, and still love it as much. Still one of the best, if not the best rendition of it Brother Andy. I can’t describe how lucky I feel too, because I have had the opportunity of a lifetime: seeing and hearing Western Union Band performed as the opening act when the Bee Gees played Singapore, at the now defunct National Theatre in 1972. Great to hear this again! Thank you for posting!😊

Andy Young
Yes, I'm usually more at ease with 50s and 60s music but with you younger folks coming in to comment, I am glad to learn some...

FACEBOOK said...


Freda Hanum
Davy Chan
Jimmy Appudurai-chua
Koh Sui Pang
Ann Rowena Lim
Hiroshi Deguchi
Rocker Lee
Stephen Han
Kevin Mathews
Chow Wen Hing
Ser Kiong Tan


Jimmy Appudurai-chua
Lovely record by my good buddy Chris

Freda Hanum
Those were really the golden unforgetable bands and songs of yesteryears, missing those times indeed Andy

Andy Young
I'm sure you do Freda, especially as a musician in the heat of the throbbing music. I miss those times too. Thanks for your many visits to this site.

Andy Young

Joseph LOW said...

Great band, used to see them in clubs. thought they started at a a highland country club in Upper East Rd opposite Hwa Yue restaurant.
Anybody can remember the club's name? Great place up in a little hill.

ANDY: Pop Music Not Pills. © said...

Thank you Joseph.
A slow process when they started in the 70's and like the human species, disappear in time as they grow older but the memories live on...

I thank Audie for the chat as he related me the story of this wonderfully great band. Abel Gan is brother to Sam Gan who's currently featured on the front page of this blog [January 2022}

FRED CHING said...

Brother Andy, this is one classic song from this album by Western Union Band. I remember playing it all day long while doing my housework and it will always be one of my most cherished possessions. I once met Chris Vadham, frontman of WUB at ICA when he was getting his passport done. Man, this dude is truly unique and special and I thank him and his bandmates for their contributions to music made in Singapore. I have always loved attending concerts, but most enjoy them when they’re eye opening experiences that change my entire perspective. Also, I can’t describe how lucky I feel because I have had the opportunity of a lifetime: seeing Western Union Band as the opening act when The Bee Gees performed at the iconic and now defunct National Theatre of Singapore on 1 April, 1972. Cheers and blessings to all your dear friends here 👍❤️🥰…


1st line up - 1970/71
Sidek was the drummer. Later he joined Glass Union for awhile.

T.G. MIGUEL said...

Love it and till loving this song since the age of 14 till now
Sang it more than 300 over times in my entire singing career . Lol

Anonymous said...

At 14, Victoria School, I remembered we played Sausalito on stage....gabra like hell 😂