Very true dear friend! There were so many kind-hearted folks in the old days.
But I was also fortunate I had a very independent nature, unafraid to venture out alone even at night. My folks at home were never worried where I was or what I was up to. They knew I could look after myself pretty well in the 50's and 60's. 🙏😍
In 1960, I was in Primary Six at Geylang English School One. I was living with the family at Lorong 40, Siang Lim Park. But because I was sitting for the PSLE [Primary School Leaving Examination] and we had a big family at home, a decision was made that I should bunk with my elder sister's family at Dakota Crescent, in a ground floor shophouse unit. It was great for me as I could study quietly and walking to school was a breeze.
On many weekends night, I would go to the Happy World Amusement Park alone [also known as Gay World] as it was not far away for a twelve year old child. I would have no money to pay for the entrance fee or anything else. But I had observed other children entering free with adult parents or uncles and aunties. The trick?
I just stood near the entrance and always a kind unknown uncle going in will ask, "You want to go in?"
And "Yes!" was my reply.
Such friendly, kind uncles after getting me in for free will also ask what I wanted to see. My first request were the Wrestling matches inside the covered stadium.
"Come!" they'll say, as they bought tickets, and in we went. It was free again!
Happy World was a magical land at night for everyone. Food, music, dances, rides, local culture, shopping, delicious, chewy tidbits and more.
The story of my night adventures was featured on TV, "There Was A Time", a historical documentary by Media Corp, a few years ago.
Comments are always welcome...
🥰🌺✌👍☘️Here's another one:
Author: Dick Yip
Andy Young
Thanks Ann Rowena for being the first to visit this post. Appreciate it.
Koh Daisy
Happy World … used to live in vicinity … synonymous with King Kong and Rose Chan. Was quite a happening place then.🤣🤣🤣
Andy Young
Thanks Daisy for taking time to click the LIKE on screen. Always appreciate you acknowledging 60s music n stories.
Andy Young
Koh Daisy Yes, with shops all around the outside circle of the stadium. I guess it's a more fun version of a mall today. But when it rains... Thanks for sharing.
Thanks to the people below for the LIKES
and LOVES they provided on this post:
Stephen Han
Ann Rowena Lim
John Klass*
Colin Ren
Rose Khoo
Koh Daisy
Jennie Law
Yip Dick*
Raymond Cho
Joey Koh*
Ben van der Laan-Hatikustia*
Ser Kiong Tan
Hi Andy. Memories of the 50s n 60s Are Getting Fuzzy With Age. During Those Early Years, There's Not Much Places For Entertainment, Except the " WORLD, ".......
Happy World /
Gay World n Great World, Besides the Red Light District.
Wrestling At
Happy/Gay World, Was Not Popular With My Father, but I Do Remember the Wrestler King Kong n There Were A Couple More That Hve Elude My Mind.
I Remembered My Dad, After Discussions With His Buddies, He Did Organise A Boxing Match At Guy World.
He Prefered Guys With Padded Knuckles n Maybe 8oz Gloves.
Was It A Success or Did He Make Money From That Promotion, That I Can't Be Sure.
As Far As Providing Background Music,
I Do Recall Playing Maybe Once For Our Joget Sisters To Dance n Get Paid Coupons, To Be Exchanged Later For Their Nights Work.
Yes, the Lovely Strip Tease, Rose Chan.
We Played the Song
The Wedding, While She Perform To the Crowd but That Show Was'nt At Great/Gay World. Thks Andy.
Andy Young
Hi Colin, thanks for checking in. Mighty nice of you.
This tagged post has Dick Yip's admirers
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Koh Lina
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Frances Lee
Lim Eng Chong
Victor Lim
Francis Tan
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Zul'Irfan Zullkefle
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Mohamed Zainudeen
I am waiting now when Mr Trump and Mr Zelenskyy could meet and have a friendly wrestling or boxing match at the White House Stadium. 🤣
That's a great idea. Mr. Kim or Mr. Xi could be the referee.
I like this blog as it tells how young children enjoyed their life in the past when pockets were empty; also generous kind souls paid for child tickets. My grandpa had stayed around the area at Lorong 4 and he worked at 大同酒楼 [Datong Restaurant] in front of the house before the Japanese occupation.
My dad got to tag along but then didn't have the chance to watch wrestling. He recalled at the Happy World, it was always crowded, tickets were needed to participate and there was Ronggeng [Malay dance music] where many adults enjoyed. - Yen
Hi Yen, thanks so much for sharing your dad's experience at the Happy World Amusement Park. Yes, the ronggeng used to be very popular as it was the Malay version of the cabarets at such venues. Men could dance with ladies as long as they bought tickets for each dance.
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