Sunday, July 21, 2024

Singapore 60s Out Of Tune 60 Years Ago. Racial Riot @ Kallang Gas Works 21 July 1964.

This story was featured on 23rd November, 2014 during Brian Richmond's 90.5fm radio show, Sundays With Brian during the 'Reminiscing with Andy' segment.

21st JULY, 1964:

Mine is not a political blog but I have to address this matter because it shaped my mind for later years and because the Velvetones pop guitar band and I were together that day. We met during this holiday and spent our time till late. 

The Velvetones in 1964 and morphed into The Firebyrds [Philips Records.]

Members of the pop guitar band called The Velvetones were jamming at a bungalow in Lorong 39, Geylang that day; the house was diagonally opposite the former Chief Minister's Lim Yew Hock's bungalow on Sims Avenue. This group consisted of our usual Singaporean mix.  We had been practising for a few weeks and I was enjoying myself as one of their many singers. It was the first time that I had joined a band and it was extremely exciting for a 24 year old. 

While we were practising the leader of another Singapore pop band visited us to watch me sing.  Both of us had thoughts that I could join his group as a singer since I had met him some time ago to discuss it. 
The jam session lasted till late evening when we decided to call it a day. Meanwhile there were goings-on in the streets that we were not aware of. My friend only told me when he was sending me home in his car since he did not want to alarm the others during our practice. Although I was living around the corner I took his offer only after learning what had happened earlier.

Quietly in the car he told me how he had to dash through a barricade at one of the roads in Geylang before coming to the bungalow. He was not sure whether it was a police barricade or otherwise. No one stopped him as he sped to where we were, fearful for his life.

When he left me at my home at about 6.30 pm I experienced a strange quiet and uneasy stillness in the air. There was not a single vehicle or human being anywhere near my home or street. It was an eerie, eerie feeling as I felt my hair behind my head stood on ends. I felt as if an atomic bomb had dropped on Singapore and that the whole island had been devastated.  
"Not a soul on earth..." was the thought in my mind.  The whole stretch of Geylang Road, from the Paya Lebar end on one side, to the other where I could see the distance at Lorong 30, was totally empty and quiet. It was truly frightening. And the memory lives to this day!

My family, who were anxiously waiting for me and huddled behind the door, told me that a racial riot had started at the Kallang Gas Works earlier that day. I realised how serious the situation was when I read about it in the newspapers the next morning. The Gas Works was not too far from my home.

We shouldn't, as Singapore citizens, let this incident happen ever again!

On the music scene, the Beatles were hot those years with so many of their songs on the Top Hits list, "I Want to Hold Your Hand", "She Loves You", "A Hard Day's Night", "Love Me Do" and "Please Please Me". 

But the most ironical song those months was Dean Martin's, "Everybody Loves Somebody Somehow." I wish! Ironical it was!

[I cannot remember the details but the story is reasonably accurate.]

Dean Martin: 'Everybody Loves Somebody Somehow'. 
YouTube Video from Dean Martin.

Were you aware of this 1964 Singapore riot? Comments are welcome.
The roads were empty with 
a few bystanders and the police.

Racial riots affected the country as 
people were in chaos and business disrupted. 

'The Singapore Story. Memoirs of Lee Kuan Yew' 
Pg: 556-559. (SPH/Times Edition 1998).

Google; National Heritage Board, Personal Collection.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

He Was Flying With SIA, Now He's Singing n Dancing With The Stars: Dennis Ng.

The bunch of 99 stalks of roses was given to Dennis Ng by a
long-time friend, famous Taiwanese singer Qing San [青山].


      40 CHATS, COMMENTS      

We started this project at 9 this morning and posted it at 7 this evening. I can understand why his friends call him, Speedy Gonzales. Spend some time with this gentleman and you will. He moves like Greased Lightnin' and does everything in quickness and perfection but let Mr. Dennis Ng tell you himself. Thank you sir and good friend Lawrence Lim for this post...

Author Dennis Ng sings as well as 
he dances; full of soul and vitality.

Dennis says:

Out of the frying pan into the fire? After having spent 42 truly wonderful years as a Cabin Crew Member and then as an Assistant Manager in Singapore Airlines, I finally retired on 05 January 2023, but I seemed to have re-tyred and have become busier than ever! 

The Arts have always been in my blood as a lover of music, musical instruments (I play a little of the pianoforte, guitar and now ukulele) and naturally dancing was easier when you understand music. 

In all honesty, my interest in dancing stems from my Officer-in-Command in the army when he introduced me to Latin Ballroom Dancing. But before that, many of my interests then were curtailed because of preparation for “O” Level, “A” Level, National Service and then my job at SIA, but when I reached the pinnacle of my career, I was able to indulge into my passion of dancing cum singing.

Dennis front left, with former PM Goh Chok Tong
and the cabin crew of an SIA flight.

Hence, my real journey into dancing started in 1999 when the world was preparing for the Y2K bug which never happened. I was able to progress quickly so that I competed in a number of Latin Ballroom Dance Competitions both in Singapore and Malaysia, often emerging as a Champion with my partner who unfortunately had suffered a stroke 8 years ago and was never able to dance again. I do miss her! 

Long-short, within a span of 6 years, I obtained my Teacher of Dancing accreditation with a Highly Commended grading in the Latin American branch of dancing in November 2006. Even though I was still under the employ of SIA, I was given a Waiver of Exclusive Service to teach and share my passion in dancing to Singapore at large since 2007. 

Never a dull moment, for it was most rewarding to see people enjoying while learning from me, and turning some two left feet to two right feet before turning them to two gracious dancing feet. To me, this was quite a feat. From a two-day teaching week before retirement, I’m now teaching daily except the weekends at various venues (community clubs, country club, private dance studio and at a non-profit organisation). Am glad many are able to withstand my brand of wit and humour which I often inject into the classes. 

With a dance troupe so beautiful and sophisticated, 
together with Dennis [centre] they wowed the crowd.

Now about singing. Since young, as young as school days, I’ve always liked only the cliched oldies but goodies. All those songs that my dad knows, I know even more! Today I sing with 3 live bands, on Sunday nights, Monday nights, and a newly formed band on Saturday nights (but about twice a month). 

Our Monday band, The GLUERs came into being on 13Sep2016, started by the late drummer Andrew Soh, also the late keyboardist *Tony “Baba” Ng, lead guitarist Steven Tan (who still helms the Sunday night band), rhythmist Peter Chng, bass guitarist *Joe Woon (of Easybeats) and drummers Jeffrey Low and Philip Tan. 

'Wooden Heart': Dennis Ng.
 During a birthday celebration
of a community club.

Times change, things change, and some band members change, so the band was renamed to The GEMs before finally becoming The Jammers. With the current musicians comprising of Hansolo on keyboard, Adi on bass, *Patrick Teng on lead, Jeffrey Low and Joe Panjang on drums, Gilbert Fernandez on steel guitar and Rick Wong on rhythm, although the 11 singers sing all genres, but none of us is below 60 years old sans one, hence all of us sing mostly oldies. 

Incidentally I sing in three languages; English, Mandarin and Japanese, and yes, I do speak, read and write quite a bit of Japanese, so don’t “Pray, pray” as Gurmit Singh would chime in. 

The singers, mostly ladies and the band boys, 
with ties. Dennis is in a white shirt.

I would also call myself most fortunate to be the only Singaporean to be invited to sing yearly at the Dusit Thani Hua Hin’s annual New Year’s Eve Gala Dinner & Dance for a span of 20-odd years since 1998 until the retirement of the former General Manager of the hotel. This was a most wonderful opportunity for me to build my confidence in performing in front of a very large audience of between 800 and 1000 hotel guests, standing on a humongous stage to sing, and sometimes to dance. 

Today, I dare say I don’t suffer from any stage fright and I take pride in what I do, more so being a trained dancer, dancing comes naturally to me when I am singing or performing. Also, I will use my knowledge in dancing to good use in terms of deciding song genres when the band is required to play at dancing gigs. By the way, I am also a Committee Member of the Singapore Elvis & Country Group (SEACG).

My parting shot is for everyone to “Live Simply, Speak Kindly and Love Unconditionally” my friends! Let your hair down, flaunt it if you have it, flaunt it anyway even if you don’t. Live life to the fullest everyday so that we will not regret it when our turn comes.

Comments are welcome.

[*Tony Baba Ng, Joe Woon, Patrick Teng are 3 musicians whose stories can be found on this blog. Check them out too.]

With Lawrence Lim, who introduced me to author Dennis at
the Music Club. I was certainly free of Covid then [15/7/24].

A stage performance by Dennis Ng and partner. 
The rhumba in exotically colourful and sparkling 
costumes. Checkout their dance moves.

The only Singaporean to be invited to sing at the Dusit 
Thani Hua Hin's New Year Eve Annual Dinner and Dance. 
Song: 相思河畔 (Xiang Xi He Pan)

Another group of dancers with Dennis Ng [sitting]

With Aloysius Tan and Brian Richmond last year [23Dec23]
after the live interview on Vintage Radio.SG

This post, videos and photographs are Copyrighted.

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Andy's Music Blog: A Happy Note from Happy Tay In Vancouver


9th July, 2024

"Andy Young is probably the only one Singapore that is keeping Music Memorabilia in Singapore alive and fluttering as many of our generation have reached an age who treasure precious memories of our past. Kudos to him. His site will be worth a lot in time to come - millions, considering the many wealthy ones that Singapore has now nurtured. Please convey my good wish to Andy. When you next come back to Singapore, we could get him together." 

Well Andy, congrats again on your blog and this comment is from my friend Eng Leong (a top local lawyer and accomplished guitarist during his younger days) saying all that is needed to be said. I totally concur with him too. Have a great week my friend and hopefully, we get to meet again in Singapore! [Happy Tay, Vancouver, BC, Canada.]

Saturday, July 06, 2024

A Tribute To The Late Paul Cheong: By Jerry Fernandez [The Neu Faces]

A Tribute To The Late Paul Cheong. 
By Jerry Fernandez.

With a medley of Cliff Richard songs:
'Living Doll, Young Ones, Please Don't Tease'.
YouTube Video by: Paul Cheong.
 UP TO 1,400 VIEWS   

Good bye my dear Brother Paul Cheong [75 years young], who passed away this morning at 11.40. It's the saddest day for me and our family, not forgetting his friends and his own folks. We had a friendship of 60 years from school days at St. Joseph's Institution till this very day. Driving me to school too, I am ever so grateful... 

My brother, thanks for all the memories from Serangoon Garden Estate to Jalan Rebana. And the bands you fronted; Paul and The Herons, The Firebyrds, The Silver Strings and the release of two albums, if not mistaken, under Polygram. 

Then those important events as a host, i.e., my Wedding Anniversary, my book launch and the 50th Anniversary of my band Jerry and The Neufaces, where you sang with the group. You have always been around for our family events. 

Paul you are at Peace with the Lord Almighty and the choir of Angels; someday we will meet. Till then good bye Paul. Rest In Peace.

Condolences to the family and friends of Paul Cheong.

[Brothers David, Patrick SY Cheong , Francis & family members of Paul, God bless all of you.] 

Comments, condolences, tributes are welcome.

Written By:
Jerry Fernandez 

'I Was Only Joking': Sung and Produced
On YouTube Video by: Paul Cheong.

'Goodbye Girl'
Sung and Produced on 
YouTube Video By Paul Cheong.

Friday, July 05, 2024

Stephen Han With Andy. Thanks For The Posting Stephen.

Mr Stephen Han [above with Mrs. Han] posted the Facebook article below and 3 numbered photos o7th July, 2019Stephen has written many stories for this blog. Click his name under 'Labels' to read his posts. Thank you very much my friend.


"This is Andy Young aka Andy Lim who is not only a wonderful singer but also a prolific writer. Do visit his music of the 60's blog and you’ll like it immediately. It contains interesting and good information of local and international recording stars. You won’t be bored cause there are quizzes for you to solve."


'Wonderful' and 'prolific' are descriptions I am grateful for Stephen but if the blog is 'interesting' and provides 'good information', then these are achievements indeed. Again thanks for the accolades.💓🙏


The year we boarded the cruise ship 
and sang and played.

Surrounded by jackpot machines and our fans.

Stephen with Andy

Click to view:

Andy 60s Music Blog Hits 3.65 Million Plus Views


This blog has surpassed 3.65+ Million Views
It increases to about 100,000 views every 50 days. Slow in today's media world but not bad for a music history blog. Thanks for the amazing congratulatory messages below.

Thanks to all readers, contributing writers,
followers, fans and friends for the support.
5th July, 2024.

Blog is:

1] Number 2 on the top 15 'Best Music Blogs in Singapore'.

2] Number 21 on the top '50 Best Music Blogs in SE Asia'.

3] Read by 204 countries under 'Flag Counter' App.

4] Read by President Tharman Shanmugaratnam.

5] Archived by National Library Board Singapore.

6] Mentioned on VintageRadio.SG 
by Brian Richmond: 'Music n Me' interview.

Click 'Comments' below this article to see 
the lovely folks who wrote in...

We Are The Champions: Queen [Live].
YouTube Video from: Queen Official Video.

This posting has been updated on 5th July 2024

Monday, July 01, 2024

July And Jesamine: "A Butterfly Child, So Free And So Wild..." [Remember Jap Chong?] JJJ.



It's July
My oh my!
I shall try,
To get by
For a while!
Originally recorded by 
this group in 1968.

'Jesamine' by The Casuals
YouTube Video from: NothingButOldies

Songwriters: Manston Geller.

Half of 2024 has gone.
July starts the second half...

The Singapore Side of 'Jesamine'.

The late Jap Chong recorded
'Jesamine' with The Quests.
And made it a hit in Singapore 
with his version.

Jesamine: The Quests: 
Singapore's Own Pop Group
YouTube Video from: 
Famous or Forgotten Music

What Others Say:

Horace Wee [Guitar Legend]:
This song always reminds me of the late Jap Chong [Quests]during his late years with his group Penny Lane. He sang this very well. Jap worked with me producing jingles and audio projects when he returned from the US in the 80s. He was a true friend and stuck by me when we got into some difficult business dealings. Gone too soon. RIP dear buddy.

Christopher Toh [Journalist/Author]:
I remember bringing a young friend to see Jap when he was playing at Emerald Hill. I told her to request Jap to play 'Jesamine'. He seemed very chuffed that someone so young would know that song. This was after I met the Quests for their 1994 album.

A very pleasant and polite gentleman, Jap had always be unassuming in his ways.
He was a good listener too. I think this particular recording was one of his best.
RIP Jap. We shall always remember you... He passed away on March 2nd, 2014.

Terence Lee:
Remembering my old friend Jap. May his soul rest in peace.

Jimmy Chng [Drummer/The Decibels]:
Nice rendition of 'Jesamine' by Jap Chong. This is yet another song recorded by our local artistes that I enjoy listening to, more than the originals. Susan Lim's recording of 'Frankie' and WUB's: 'Sausalito' are two others that come to mind.

Henry Chua [Quests/Bassist]:
We re-recorded Jesamine in 1994 with the Polydor label.

Freda Hanum Malaysia:
Love this song 'Jesamine' by Casuals and also by the unforgettable fabulous Quests ..thanks for bringing back the song Andy.

Winston Koh [Trailers Singer]:
Jesamine was very well sung by Jap Chong of The Quests, a good friend of mine. Thank you Andy. Good memories. Cheers!

Oliver Balasingham [Drummer/Former School Principal:
One of my favourite songs and was pleasantly surprised to see the super cover of this song done by Singapore's pride, the supremely talented The Quests.

"And JOHN KLASS too. Thanks for sparing your busy schedule to LOVE💓 the 'Jesamine' song by the late Jap Chong [Quests]. It's on the blog post too.

John Klass:
Yes I sure will Andy Young! Keep up the great work 😊🥂

Mister X [William Xavier] :
GOLD90.5 where I also work... I'll tell John you said so.
Cheers Andy.

Thank you very much Will. 

Hiroshi Deguchi [Japan]:
It was not until I got The Quests CD in 2000s that I heard the song "Jesamine". The song was not released in my country. It all depended on record companies. This often happens.

Andy Young
Hiroshi Deguchi yes, it's true. 
Selectively done to suit [to them] that particular country.

Thanks to the following folks
below who 'like' and 'love this post:

Freda Hanum
Stephen Han
Patrick Teng
John Klass💓
Hiroshi Deguchi
Ann Rowena Lim
Colin Colin
Terence Lee
Rose Khoo
Raymond Cho
Moody Cash
Tin Leong Lim
Jennie Law
Ambrose David
Somkid Lakhawat
Ben van der Laan-Hatikustia💓
Tom Tan
Chen Hui Si
Rachel Sng

And welcome to new readers, 

Comments are encouraged from readers.

Images: Google.

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Indonesian/Dutch Influence: Boy & Rollin' Kids, Tielman Brothers, Willy n Giants

  UP TO 1,300 VIEWS  

Through my own blogging experience I found that some local musicians are not familiar with the Indo/Dutch invasion in the 60s. It's simply what it means... We had the familiar Blue Diamonds [two brothers], pretty Anneke Gronloh and the well-known Shadows group from Holland, Johnny Lion and the Jumping Jewels visit us in Singapore. [This article has been updated: 5.06.2024 from 1.07.2009]

The song titles are familiar and the band names are fantastic. The titles are from an album, The Very Best Of Indo-Rock:

1 Pretend / The Dakotas
2 Let's Have a Party / Black Dynamites
3 Once / Hurricane Rollers
4 Mama Papa Twist / Crazy Rockers
5 Smokey Mountain Boogie / Ricky & The Rhythm Strings

6 I'll Never Let You Cross My Mind / The Hot Jumpers
7 Ajoen Ajoen /Willy and His Giants
8 Any Time / Rockin' Shadows
9 Should I / Electric Johnny & His Skyrockets
10 Ole Sio / The Entertainers

11 Twist in the Mood / The Black Dynamites
12 I Go Ape / The Hot Jumpers
13 Carioca / Fender Rollers
14 Rosalie / Tony Light
15 It Keeps Right On Hurting/ Boy & His Rollin' Kids*

Ajoen Ajoen /Willy and His Giants
Youtube Video from: Sam Sam Music

16 Memories / Emeralds
17 Raindrops / Explosion Rockers
18 Mukwai Hula / Tielman Brothers
19 Bumble Boogie Woogie/ The Desmounts
20 Slippin' and Slidin'/ The Fire Devils

21 Ling Ting Tong / The Javelins
22 You Win Again / The White Waves
23 Sweet Malaya / The Rollers
24 What'd I Say / Rock of Ages
25 Little Bird / Sebastian

Image: from
List: from

*Boy & His Rollin' Kids. 
Midnight in Malaya [Malaysia]
YouTube Video from: Herecomesshariss.

*In memory of Boy Jansen (1935-2006), composer/lead guitarist of Boy & His Rollin' Kids. They are an Indonesian/Dutch pop group from Zaandam, Holland. Their instrumental, Midnight In Malaya (318 869PF), was released in Singapore and Malaysia and became a hit. The flipside, China Rock, was also written by Jansen.

I am not too sure here but noted the big drum sound in the accompaniment. Could it be the big gendang used by Asian musicians. If you are familiar...?


Images below show some of the most popular Indonesian Dutch bands that had their days in the 60s carrying songs with rock n roll Western beats, mostly following Cliff and the Shadows tradition... 

Images from Google.

Sunday, June 02, 2024

Andy 60's Music Blog Lovers 2024: Thank You So Much!

END MAY 2024


Freda Hanum: ❤️ = Pop singer, keyboardist, from girl group, Teepees.

Irene Yap❤️ = Pop singer, recording artiste in Singapore 70s.

John Klass❤️ = Current DJ with Media Corp Radio, SG: Class 90.5FM.

Angela Leow ❤️ = Music lover who sings pops.

Sammin Ang ❤️ = Professional musician and pianist, etc.

Yip Dick ❤️ = Ukulele artiste, group leader and pop music lover.

Yen Chow ❤️ = Music lover and conversant in both English and Mandarin songs.

James Kwok ❤️ = Music lover and social commentator.

Moody Cash ❤️ = Music maker and an accomplished guitarist.

Michael Fonseca ❤️ = Music lover and health enthusiast.

Joey Koh ❤️ = Music lover and university mate.

Fred Ching ❤️ = Music author and pop concert enthusiast. 

Ben van der Laan-Hatikustia = ❤️ Musician with lots of heart.

Kali Dass S =❤️ Musician with a big heart.

Roop Singh = ❤️ Musician with lots of heart.

The list is not in any special order and has only been gathered this week. To love again.

Many more folks will be added... 

To Love Again: From The Eddy Duchin Story[ 1956] 
Based on Chopin's E Flat Nocturne.
Played by Midnight Pianoman.
YouTube Video by midnightpianoman.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

"60s Music Stars From US, UK, Europe, HK Were At My Doorsteps," Says JK Lim.


JK Lim's collection of memorabilia that includes show 
  tickets, posters, photographs, signatures and others. 

If you check carefully, you can read 
the names of the musicians and singers 
who signed JK Lim's memorabilia. 

  UP TO 500 VIEWS   

When I asked JK if he could do a write-up like his contemporary HH Chew about the pop concerts he attended he agreed. It took a while but here they are my dear readers, so many you would not believe. But how could he do it? 

I’m like *HH Chew [connection below], chasing concerts and bands and singers! It's mainly due to my home, a building beside the Odeon Cinema in North Bridge Road, opposite Jubilee Theatre near the Capitol Cinema and walking distance to Cathay Cinema. The amusement centres in Singapore 60s were close to each other in this part of town where I lived.

And coincidentally, the girls-only school, the Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus [CHIJ] was right smack in the middle of these movie theatres. And the young ladies would come out after school, at about one in the afternoon, in their white and hue blue pinafores.

The Odeon Cinema at North Bridge Road, Singapore
in the 60s. JK Lim lives in the same neighbourhood.

The school is also in the same neighbourhood at Victoria Street.

During the late 1950s and the early 1960s whenever they launched a show there's a hue and cry publicity where the actors and actresses involved, will come and sing a song or two before the show and super stars like Grace Chang [Ge Lan] 葛蘭 - 說不出的快活 電影《野玫瑰之戀 of Ja Jambo fame would have an autograph session at Level 4 [called the Hollywood Room] at the Odeon building. She would have come all the way from Hong Kong. Imagine the crowds that evening with North Bridge Road jam packed like the cinema itself!

On the other hand we had pop singers like, Johnny Lion and the Jumping Jewels from Holland performing at the Odeon. Remember them? He sang 'Let's Make a Habit of This', 'Judy', 'I Like It' and a host of other hits. 

The late Johnny Lion and the neat, 
smooth and velvety Jumping Jewels.
They came from Holland.

This cinema and others were all under the Cathay Organisation and the movie stars Hayley Mills and her father, John Mills came and appeared on stage before the shows. And they still keep coming today, the big stars like the Rolling Stones, Cpldplay, Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift.

Then across the road at Jubilee Cinema, which screened mostly Chinese shows had the Canto [Cantonese] stars appearing, with the likes of Fong Po Po and Chan Poh Choo. Today it's the National Stadium, where groups like Black Pink, top K-Pop groups from South Korea come bob bob bopping along.

The Jubilee Cinema, across the road from 
the Odeon, showing mostly Chinese movies.

Further down the road towards Shenton Way and opposite the St. Andrew's Cathedral stands the Shaw Brother's cinema group irreplaceable, Capitol Theatre. The great Bai Kwang, Old Shanghai diva performed on stage too. I managed to attend. Chinese, English stars! I love them all.

And over at the Cathay, a short distance away, Frank Sinatra, one of the best US 60s crooners, was there. He was truly my favourite and I managed to catch him in his room at the Cathay Hotel above the cinema and got his autograph too after school. I was studying nearby at St. Joseph's Institution. 

Frank Sinatra surrounded by a crowd in his car 
when he came to Singapore in the 1961.

Crossing to the East side of Singapore, at Guillemard Road. It was concerts galore when Cliff Richard and the original Shadows came. This group included Hank Marvin, Bruce Welch, Tony Meehan and Jet Harris. 

There was Pat Boone and Debbie Boone. It was a wonderment with tickets costing Fifty Cents to One Dollar for hard step-like concrete seats at the Badminton Hall and at the Happy World Stadium.

Yes, yes! 

"Those were the days my friend, 

We thought it'd never end..."

Manfred Mann: Do Wah Diddy.
STEREO HiQ Hybrid JARichardsFilm
YouTube video from: jarichards99utube

Fung Poh Poh Hanky Panky 
YouTube Video from: kraftwerk2012

But it did. Now in Singapore concerts cost so much more. A coming one will cost pop music enthusiasts more than a thousand dollars per ticket!

The best deal I experienced was a three-in-one concert for one dollar at the Badminton Hall where I witnessed the Rolling Stones, Manfred Mann and The Kinks. Now that was a record breaker indeed [pun intended].

And I managed to get all their autographs!

Many stars do a transit stop in Singapore here before heading Down Under in Kangaroo county, Australia. These pop stars included: Helen Shapiro, Millie Small, Blue Diamonds, Anneke Gronloh, The 3 Degrees, Stylistics, Manhattan Transfer, Herman’s Hermit and Gilbert O'Sullivan.

Written by: JK Lim. 

Author: JK Lim
With his recollection and
memorabilia from the 1960s.

Images: Google and The National Archives, Singapore.

*HH Chew's story about meeting Skeeter Davis:

Latest News: 26 May, 2024
This blog has surpassed 3.6 million views today.
