Sunday, December 15, 2024

Reading News 'On-Line' Or From Newspapers? Rolling Stones, Eddie Fisher.

A long time ago, newspapers were delivered 
to our front door by the man on a bicycle.

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The  hard copy newspapers that we read used to be slotted under solid main doors at our shophouse, so being the first to wake up while waiting  for the school bus at twilight morn, I would be the first to receive it and flip through the pages. Literally, "first-hand news".

Sometimes if I opened the door and waited for the copy to arrive I would meet the polite Indian gentleman handing me one. 

"Hello! Good morning!" he would usually announce himself in his usual polite and gentle tone. "You going to school huh? Must study hard!" in impeccable English. Checking his load on the two wheeler, he had newspapers in English, Chinese and possibly in Malay and Tamil too.

Some people, especially seniors, still read their 
news from the papers; delivered to their homes: 
landed-property or apartments.

"Thank you sir!" I would answer, "You have a great morning too!"

That's how we got our news delivered then. 

Now for the surprise.

You think it's not happening today? Yes it is! We still get our newspapers delivered by the vendor, direct to our home. But I hardly meet him because he delivers his papers at about five or six in the morning and I was told that most of his clientele are seniors.

Then again we are living in a brave new 2024 world and many people are reading their news from media outlets on the Internet and like the term hard-copy news is being read on-line. With a touch of the fingers, news pieces appear on the smart phones that we carry.

So I have been told I am backward and out of touch. Hmm! 😊

How do you read your news? Do tell and why?

A newspaper vendor delivering a copy

The Rolling Stones with their composition, 'Yesterday's Papers', sang: "Living a life of constant change, Every day means the turn of a page, Yesterday's papers are such bad news, Same thing applies to me and you..." 

How the news is read today.

Rolling Stones: 'Yesterday's Papers'
YouTube video from: Wolfierouz

'Get Your Paper' [The Newspaper Song] 
By Eddie Fisher.
YouTube Video from: Eddie Fisher - Topic 

Hiroshi Deguchi Shares His Papers with Sakura.

Hiroshi Deguchi and the late Sakura
who passed away not too long ago.

Lying down on my side on the floor, I open the newspaper with my head on my arm. This is the way I read the newspaper delivered to home every morning. But before that, I had to fight over reading the paper first with my dog Sakura and won.

Andy Young
Hiroshi Deguchi, Thanks Hiroshi for your very humorous and cute experience. Apparently Sakura is still in your thoughts... and the connection is still strong. Appreciate your photograph too. Just shows how close you and family are with Sakura. You bring life to the blog too with your stories. ARIGATO GOZAIMAZU.


CHIT CHAT said...

James Kwok
Andy Young Mostly online.

Andy Young
James Kwok wow! You are right on my friend. I still read the hard copies with the wind from my fan blowing the papers in my face. 🙂 Thanks for your immediate response James. Always one of the first few to visit the posts.

ANDY: Pop Music Not Pills. © said...

Andy Young
Hi Somkid, thanks for being the 2nd friend to visit this post. You are always an early bird. And how do you read your news?

JAMES KWOK said...

James Kwok
Andy Young Sometimes when my neighbour Tony and his wife call us over for tea, he and I would chat over his hard copy newspapers while the ladies talk about recipes and shopping. 😀

ANDY: Pop Music Not Pills. © said...

Andy Young
James Kwok that's cute. But you'll be on-line, fiddling with the phone. 🙂

CHIT CHAT said...

Irene Yap
I read my newspaper the way I've been reading since I was in school till now. Yes, flipping the papers with my fingers.

Andy Young
Irene Yap hey, hey. That's nice! And I think many of us still do. Even my grandson reads his newspapers. 🙂

IRENE YAP said...

Irene Yap
Andy Young always a pleasure ❤️

ANDY: Pop Music Not Pills. © said...

Andy Young
Thanks Irene for the response.

JIMMY CHNG said...

I attended a computer programming course way back in the early 70s. The instructor impressed upon the class then that computerization would render the printed form of our daily newspaper obsolete in a not too distant future. Now half a century later, newspapers in their printed form still exist when they should have gone the way of the dodo, and in the process saved some trees? I guess there's still a sizeable lot of old school readers out there who prefer the printed form?

ANDY: Pop Music Not Pills. © said...

Interesting observation indeed JIMMY. You’re right all the way. So like humans too, robots will never take over the world. I’m not sure if people can still get their newspapers delivered?

ANDY: Pop Music Not Pills. © said...

Andy Young
Thanks Hiroshi, Your story has been posted below the YouTube videos. Lovely, lovely photograph!

Ah Le Chen
When I was young, I used newspapers. Now I use mobile phones or computers

Andy Young
Ah Le Chen Hello, thanks for contributing and visiting the blog again.

Gony Alli
There seems to be no such newspapers now.

Andy Young
Gony Alli, I think there are still plenty around in the world. Thanks for visiting and contributing too. Appreciate.

Tina Han
I now watch the news on electronic devices

Tina Han I am sure you do. Thanks for sharing and commenting. Appreciate.

Catherine Jones
This is an idea of

Andy Young
Catherine Jones An idea of ?

ANDY: Pop Music Not Pills. © said...

Gony Alli
I sent you a private message hoping to share some knowledge with you. I wonder if you saw it

Andy Young
Gony Alli No private messages please. I only discuss music topics and within the confines of these postings and the blog. Thank you.

CHIT CHAT said...

Dennis Ng
I read with my eyes.

Andy Young
Dennis Ng 😄


John Klass
Hello there, dear fan! I hope this message finds you and your loved ones thriving and doing wonderfully well. I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for the incredible love and support you've shown me. It truly means the world to me! I'm excited to connect with you more personally, so I invite you to join me on my official Telegram channel, ( I'll do my best to respond to your messages as soon as possible. Thank you again for your kindness and enthusiasm! ❤️❤️

Andy Young
John Klass hi, thanks for the invite. Have a lovely Christmas with your Family John with the Lord's Blessings.

ANDY: Pop Music Not Pills. © said...


CHIT CHAT said...

Gony Alli
Do you live in Singapore too?

Andy Young
Gony Alli Yes I do.

Gony Alli
I am also from Singapore. I grew up here. It is rare to see newspapers like these appearing now

Gony Alli
I sent you a private message hoping to share some knowledge with you. I wonder if you saw it

Andy Young
Gony Alli No private messages please. I only discuss music topics and within the confines of these postings and the blog. Thank you.

CHIT CHAT said...

Thanks to the following readers
who love or like this post:
James Kwok
John Cher
Patrick Teng
Irene Yap
Roop Singh
Hiroshi Deguchi
Jennie Law
Ann Rowena Lim
Somkid Lakhawat
John Klass
Millie Rose
Catherine Jones
Tina Han
Peter Cheong
Gony Alli
Kathy wong
Ah Le Chen
Ser Kiong Tan