Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Andy's Music Blog: A Happy Note from Happy Tay In Vancouver


9th July, 2024

"Andy Young is probably the only one Singapore that is keeping Music Memorabilia in Singapore alive and fluttering as many of our generation have reached an age who treasure precious memories of our past. Kudos to him. His site will be worth a lot in time to come - millions, considering the many wealthy ones that Singapore has now nurtured. Please convey my good wish to Andy. When you next come back to Singapore, we could get him together." 

Well Andy, congrats again on your blog and this comment is from my friend Eng Leong (a top local lawyer and accomplished guitarist during his younger days) saying all that is needed to be said. I totally concur with him too. Have a great week my friend and hopefully, we get to meet again in Singapore! [Happy Tay, Vancouver, BC, Canada.]

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