Thursday, August 01, 2024

Andy's 60s Music Blog: When 3 LADs: Lawrence, Andy, Dennis Meet.

When Two Friends Came In First
And Second Places on Andy's Blog:

LADs [Lawrence, Andy, Dennis] Have A Story:

The picture shows the positions both Dennis and Lawrence hold currently on the TOP 10 most viewed list. But tables may turn. 😅

And Dennis says, " I'll make sure it stays there," with much laughter and cheer!

And why are they at the TOP 10 List? Check them out here:

Dennis Ng's Post:

Lawrence Lim's Post:

Comments are welcome! The more the merrier!

'That's What Friends Are For': Dionne Warwick. 
YouTube Video from: Dionne Warwick.

Thanks to Lawrence Lim and Dennis Ng.

Best Tah Mee Pok [flat noodles laced with 
prawns, fishcakes, meatballs, etc] in the East Coast 
with L.A.D.s [Lawrence, Andy and Dennis.]

LADs with their Chendol and Ice Kachang.
[Red beans iced desserts] at a restaurant in the East Coast.


Dennis Ng said...

Awesome write-up by Lawrence on The Trebles. This band incidentally played for my 53rd Birthday Dinner & Dance at SRC 11 years ago pro bono! They wouldn’t hear of it when I wanted to give them an Ang Pow.

My friendship with Lawrence dates back a couple of years ago when he first joined the Sunday Night band and subsequently my Monday Night band at TCC. Lawrence would put many singers to shame in that he doesn’t need to refer to the lyrics of any songs he sings!!! What an astute mind for an Octogenarian! When I grow up I want to be like him!!!

ANDY: Pop Music Not Pills. © said...

There was no planning for this blog post.
It came about automatically within a week or so...


I know Dennis and Lawrence.
Backed Dennis at Serangoon Gardens Country Club a few times with the SOUND SENSATION.
Jammed with Lawrence a few times also at studio with Andrew Lee and George Chew.


Victor is brother to my ex-colleague.
With Victor at the last event I sang for Bob Mong.
I think I brought the house down with SUBARU as the opening number and Bob was most delighted.

CHIT CHAT said...

Teo Aeen
Okay, I like your post a lot, can you add me as your friend ?

Andy Young
Teo Aeen
When you write in, already a friend.
Just tell your music stories.