Inspired by an article I wrote, about a 60's Easter Ball at the Victoria Memorial Hall, he reflects about the 6 C's: Countdowns, Clock Tower, Clubs, Cordials, Cigarettes and Camaraderie. Sounds frivolous? No it isn't:
In fact during the British era, the New Year's Eve dance was held there and the clock tower was the center of the countdown for the new year. The atmosphere created a miniature of the countdown in London with Big Ben.
A British cigarette brand called Craven A with a black cat logo even had a special anti-cough cigarette. Another big sponsor was F&N with a crowd favourite of their fizzy orange drink in tall round bottles.
I'm still of the opinion that the surroundings around the Victoria Hall including the Cricket Club, Singapore Recreation Club and the Padang with the clock tower as the centre piece is still the ideal venue for a New Year's Eve party and countdown. It evokes the simplicity and nostalgia of the past and welcomes the modernity of the present.
Certainly an event that will give the present generation a glimpse and link to the earlier years of Singapore. It certainly would be a memorable annual event with more emotional depth, rather than the "rah rah rah, are you having a good time," being inundated with just too many flashing lights and other modern stage technics.
Incidentally, why has Singapore forgotten about Auld Lang Syne*, a very traditional way of singing good bye to the old year. This universally accepted and used tune is a wonderful segue to the countdown towards the new year. It embodies the camaraderie of people around you and at times with arms interlocked, a hope for better things to come.
Today's cold countdown of Happy New Year feels as flat as a pancake and devoid of all emotion.
Andy, you certainly triggered another thought wave."
Thank you Horace. You are an inspiration to both young and senior Singaporeans. Andy.
*Auld Lang Syne:
*Kingsley Morando was known as Mr. Talentime i.e. the Singapore 60's version of today's
American Idol or copycat, Singapore Idol. With much entrepreneurship and sharp wits, he created an awareness of the potential in the music pop industry then.
The information on Kingsley Morando, who initiated the Talentime contest. Certainly American Idol is not an original idea at all. Maybe Simon Cowell had British relatives stationed in Singapore those days and heard of this during ties he heard of them reminiscing. 😉

The picture of Kingsley Morando voicing his program with the technician at the record turntables is exactly when the term Disc Jockey was coined. Eventually the program announcer self operated the turntables. Perhaps to save manpower costs as well as ore flexibility in programming.
In those years, the Radio Singapore call sign was D D B G played on a Hawaiian guitar. These are the four opening of Terang Bulan, a folk song with Indonesian/ Malay origins that became the Malaysian National Anthem.
Article: Horace Wee: Copyrights Reserved.
Images: Mun Chor Seng and Google.
Thank you Horace. You are an inspiration to both young and senior Singaporeans. Andy.
*Auld Lang Syne:
*Kingsley Morando was known as Mr. Talentime i.e. the Singapore 60's version of today's
American Idol or copycat, Singapore Idol. With much entrepreneurship and sharp wits, he created an awareness of the potential in the music pop industry then.
The information on Kingsley Morando, who initiated the Talentime contest. Certainly American Idol is not an original idea at all. Maybe Simon Cowell had British relatives stationed in Singapore those days and heard of this during ties he heard of them reminiscing. 😉

The picture of Kingsley Morando voicing his program with the technician at the record turntables is exactly when the term Disc Jockey was coined. Eventually the program announcer self operated the turntables. Perhaps to save manpower costs as well as ore flexibility in programming.
In those years, the Radio Singapore call sign was D D B G played on a Hawaiian guitar. These are the four opening of Terang Bulan, a folk song with Indonesian/ Malay origins that became the Malaysian National Anthem.
Article: Horace Wee: Copyrights Reserved.
Images: Mun Chor Seng and Google.

Nostalgic times ! Horace Wee definitely touched the nerves of those days. Great write !!!
I remembered Kingsley Mirando and the talentime contest he organized at VMH. This was also the venue for local concert featuring The Quest and others. The hall also hosted the PAP meeting.
I remember VMH for its poppies at an annual charity fair. My aunt and uncle would buy a poppy flower for me. The money goes to charity. I think I was four years old then.
Great piece from Horace. Hopefully this year's countdown would be held there.
I remember other cigarettes like Players,Diamond, 555 Capstan etc.There were soft drinks like Kikapoo Joy Juice ,the Eastern Bootling Co in Geylang and the delicious Sarsi and not forgetting Green Spot and Sinalco.
Now SIMON COWELL is in the picture. Has AMERICAN IDOL and BRITAIN'S GOT TALENT been inspired by TALENTIME ideals? :-)
Thank you all for the early comments. Hopefully others will tell their Ole Vic stories.
VMH is such a beautiful building and the facade is majestic. Silver Strings did perform at that venue but I don't remember for which show.
As for that classic countdown, Auld Lang Syne, we would begin with, "I Understand". Not sure if that's the song title and then intertwine with Auld Lang Syne.
Oh, not forgetting to get everyone one to join in with that classic. It's such a blast and rush.
According to Brian Richmond the word 'talentime' was coined by Kingsley Morando.
Yes he did Stephen, in the 50's. But the reply was usually, "I got talent but no time." :-)
Thank you all for the comments and replies for this posting.
We still remember the old Vic. It's a new Vic now.
Chen David
Philip Chew
Zul Sutan
Joseph Goh
Joycelyn Leong
James Seah
David Lim
Jalani Mohamed
Lange Brunei
Thks for the memories Andy! We'll (the Knights of Columbus) be hosting the "Roaring '60s & '70s" D & D (Fund Raising) on June 3rd, & I'm chairing the Working Committee!! The Theme is "'60s & '70s Rock & Roll"!!
Horace , my dear old boss and Brimstone recording engineer buddy exchange,
Sir Stamford Raffles is he still standing there??
I saw a mandarin movie just the other day, and it was shot in Singapore. I was amazing to see how tiny those building that were tall during my day were. I couldn't even see them from the waterfront without a magnifying glass LOL.
It has been a long time , hasn't it Horace Wee? I still remember how we worked together at your Brimstone Records, with Jim M... with Amir on Drums, me on bass and you on guitar. But life goes on, I hope you too will find a reason to pick up the guitar again, like I did last month. Hey, look, I already recorded 70 tunes in one month, after not playing the guitar for 20 years. Batteries fully recharged. You too must do the same. See you on youtube too soon , huh!!!
Hello Matt, your memories are crystal clear. Yes there were some pleasant moments then. Thanks for remembering. Off course the world as we saw than has changed so much. Especially here, where I get a feeling of robots moving around.
I have not forsaken music and it's the very thing that keeps me sane. Hope you read the email I sent updating some events in my life.
Stay in touch. And yeah man keep playing.
Hi Andy,
He is one of the very talented musicians from our little island of Singapore. In my humble opinion, the appreciation they are getting is a little lukewarm. Thanks to your blog, hopefully, more people will know, appreciate and give due credit to our truly talented musicians like Horace here.
Horace lived his passion the way he wanted to regardless of how others do. I love and live my passion for music, although I did not work in the music industry. It took me more than 40 years to fulfill my dream to create a Stratocaster worthy of being one.
I'm on the phone with Horace Wee.
He thanks you for the very positive comment about him.
We're talking about RTS staff and Eddie Van Halen.
How right you both are Stephen and Michael.
Truly one of the few great musicians around.
Even your dad Michael, has never been revealed despite his award and achievement.
Thank you both.
Thanks to the following who LIKE this post:
Looks like this post has attracted many Horace Wee's fans and friends and family too.
Thank you all for reading.
Thank you Andy and everyone who remembers. I'm touched
Jimmy Appudurai-chua
How can I ever forget a horace.. Best guitarist in Singapore 1972. NEW Nation Poll
Andy Young
Thanks to all who LIKE this post and Horace.
Joseph Low
I remember him - is he still around?
Andy Young
Joseph Low Yes he is. Still in touch. Thank you.
Stephen Han
Horace Wee is a great guitarist and I remember he had a record with Guantaramera in it
Andy Young
Yes, Stephen, he does. Wow. You are so precise with your knowledge of SG music, you're a walking encyclopedia. THANKS for always helping out with the blog and writing for it too.
Those were the good days, am very honoured and lucky to have Horace Wee , Sam Gan, late Patrick Seet, Richard Ortega and late Senie Ismail backing me on RTS Black & White TV shows in the 60's. Thank you! 👍🏼👍🏼🙏🙏
Andy Young
THANKS WINSTON, for your comment. You are just as popular yourself. That's why your have the top musicians to back you up. Nothing like the great ole days.
Thank you Andy,
I was 17 and in experienced. I still kept a few songs backed by the band. Also not forgetting Horace and The Crossroads performing at Ming Court Hotel, Orchard Road. 🙏🙏👍🏼👍🏼
I understand The Victoria Memorial Hall means a lot to Singaporians. I was very interested to read Stephen Han say that the word "Talentime" was coined by Kingsley Morando. Because I couldn't find the word "talentime" in my dictionary here. I vaguely thought something like "Opportunity Knocks"
How about the former DBS auditorium concert hall not sure I got the name correctly it’s located along Shenton Road?
Yes indeed the great Victoria Memorial halls holds unforgetable memories for many, how the years gone by so fast. Wishing you and everyone a very Happy New Year and all the very best throughout the year 2022 Andy 🙏
The Victoria Memorial Hall brings back memories of the numerous concerts that I watched during my schooldays
Many thanks for the memories guys. I remember singing there on occasions - great stage and a dance floor... It was in 1965.
You are right Talentime doesn’t exist in the dictionary. It is coined for those people who have talents but no time to showcase that’s why it’s called Talentime
Thank you, Patrick for telling me. I had been wondered about the word but Singaporeans seemed to care.
He's joking Hiroshi. Someone started the phrase as a reply and meant it for fun and laughter. The word isn't found in the dictionary but many took the event very seriously. It was like any talent quest. You get to be a star if you win. Hope the explanation helps. It is ''opportunity knocks.'' Absolutely.
Koh Sui Pang
Jennie Law
Somkid Lakhawat
Ericbronson Wong
Jimmy Appudurai-chua
Winston Koh
Raymond Cho
Myo Min Htun
Ser Kiong Tan
Hiroshi Deguchi
Stephen Han
Rose Khoo
Freda Hanum
Jalani Mohamed
Patrick Teng
Gracie Teo
James Kwok
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