Dear Andy,
I wanna say to you that you’re a man with ‘big heart’ who’d put in so much time bringing so much information about the 60's music scene in Singapore.
The good old sixties would have been lost without you, as no one could have written so much as you did; it’s truly remarkable and admirable on your part for keeping the 60's musical & entertainment trajectory alive.
The good old sixties would have been lost without you, as no one could have written so much as you did; it’s truly remarkable and admirable on your part for keeping the 60's musical & entertainment trajectory alive.
Mr. Tan Swee Leong (right) was a good man and good friend to many! He was certainly a live-wire with his own wits and sometimes uncanny ways; that’s how he roused the crowds on an Early Sunday Morning show.
As he was hosting the Musical Express at the Capitol Theatre during the 60's, there was never a moment of dullness, and the show was lively and charged throughout.
The Capitol would be filled to its brim every weekend (Sunday) and even at 9.00 am the audiences thronged to fill up the cinema hall. That was the fondest memory I had of him as we were the resident band, Ronnieand The Stylers, at that time (image below with arms akimbo).
The Capitol would be filled to its brim every weekend (Sunday) and even at 9.00 am the audiences thronged to fill up the cinema hall. That was the fondest memory I had of him as we were the resident band, Ronnieand The Stylers, at that time (image below with arms akimbo).
Andy, we all thank you for posting so much for the Singapore 60's music, which would have otherwise been lost!
The above short story is a mark of respect to Mr. Tan Swee Leong whom I’ve known since 60's but we’ve lost touch over the years since I left the music scene. This is just to share with you, how much I remember him with his wonderful showmanship as an Emcee/Compere - full of jokes and wits. I’m sure many would have agreed if they had seen him on stage!
My condolence to his family for the passing of the great Master of Ceremonies, Tan Swee Leong!
Warmest Regards,
Article by Ronnie See of Ronnie and The Burns. You can read more about Ronnie by clicking Labels below.
Images: A Personal Collection.
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