"We were the Senoritas and we were singing Haley Mills, Let's Get Together from the movie, The Parent Trap. This picture was taken in Rediffusion studios in 1961, I think, during our valiant but vain attempt to be famous. We were poster girls for racial harmony.
I got dragged into the singing group by Denyse Tessensohn. The others are (far left) Caroline Joseph who is Jewish. I am next to Caro. Denyse is the one at far right and next to her, Kathleen Aaron, who is of Chinese and Indian parentage.
The one next to me is, I think, a schoolmate who lived in Sophia Road called Jeanette Ellison, who is part Jewish but none of the others can confirm that it is indeed Jeanette." (Irene Hoe)
Fashion wise, these senoritas were in their Sunday... Mexican best, especially with dashing Larry Lai to compere the show.
Thanks to Irene and Larry Lai, who told me, that in their excitement to sing, they forgot to don their sombreros which they left backstage.
So you see what young ladies can do in days of yore. No, just like our girls today they took part in a singing competition just like Final 1 on Media Corp Singapore presently. We had our years of Singapore Idol but marketed differently under the word: talentime.
1. Which school do you think these ladies are from?
2. Where are they now?
Image/Article: from Irene Hoe.
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