It has been sung by numerous artistes and these include, Rebecca Pan, SK Poon, Waljinah, Toshi Matsuda, Frances Yip, Anneke Gronloh, Sam Saimun, Sajekti and many others. English versions are by Hong Kong pop star Mona Fong and The Sundowners, a Singapore vocal group from the 60s, sing it in their own easy style. Instrumental ones are too many to mention. One of the better interpretations of the melody comes from The Stylers. And it's hot. (Check side-bar) >>>>>
The song's bigger than the composer. It has brought Gesang lots of royalties and for a song that was composed on a bamboo flute in keroncong style, it has been translated into a dozen languages. In 2009 Gesang said, "Unfortunately (the river) is not as beautiful as before..."
"Air mengalir sampai jauh/Akhirnya ke laut..." May you rest in peace pak!
Original article: Andy Lim.
Information: Internet.
"From Randy Lee:
Thanks for the info in regards to Marie Tang, it really brings back many fond memories.
Unfortunately I do not have that copy of EP."
OK Randy, thanks. We'll have that coffee when you come down. Appreciate you writing."
So haunting and evocative that song. Brilliant.
I learned to sing the Chinese version of Bengawan Solo when I was in Primary 5.
May he rest in peace.
Yes, it is a brilliant song indeed.
Thank you Roger for your comments. Being the person to recommend me to blog, support it and help out with computer technicalities, I am glad you are back.
Thank you BC. I think many of us somehow know this beautiful song, some learning it in Malay, Chinese, English or any of the other languages that it has been recorded in.
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