While some of our musicians may be playing at private clubs, functions and shows, others are not actively involved at all. Singapore's pioneers of pop music must not be left to lose themselves in the mayhem of modern society.
Bring back our seniors and allow them avenues where they can walk tall and straddle their guitars again. Shirley Nair, *Dickie Tan (image above), Sonny Bala (Moonglows) and Masrof (Drummer - Sweet Charity) are some of the musicians that have passed on. If nothing is revived now then it'll be 'too late for tears'.
"If you want it here it is come and get it, you'd better hurry cause it may not last... (Badfinger)"
*Dickie Tan (2nd right) replaced David Chan as lead guitarist for the above recording by The Silver Strings.
YouTube: Key in: silver strings singapore band
(Image: Audie Ng Collection)
Hi Andy,
I was just introduced by a friend to your blog.
I live in San Francisco and I collect 60's Singaporean/SE Asian pop records. I agree that Singapore had its share of world class talent in the 1960's, but the world never got to see it. And to add to the obscurity, most of the locals simply forgot about the music as time went on. Singaporeans in general don't seem to cherish their musical heritage like people in other parts of the world do. My Singaporean wife will attest to this, as will her parents.
As the owner of a popular Myspace page ( www.myspace.com/singaporesixties ), I have discovered that the under-25 set in SE Asia is yearning to know about this forgotten era. They can't get the information from their parents, so they've taken to the internet. Sites such as ours provide such a valuable service. And I especially love finding sites like yours, because I love to learn first-hand information about the old scene.
I look forward to reading your future posts.
David Greenfield (San Francisco)
Hi David,
Thanks for your comments and encouragement. Having lived in Canada and New Zealand for some time myself I know how people from other parts of the world appreciate and cherish their heritage. Ours is a 'throw away society' and Alvin Toffler is right when he wrote "Future Shock" in 1970. You won't believe that many of our buildings, etc. are here today and gone tomorrow.
It's the same with Singapore's 60s music. I admit many of our bands recorded covers but there are as many originals too but few are played on radio. We hardly have gigs and if there are, they're hardly announced.
I have been following your blog for a long time and still learning from the information you provide. Many others appreciate it too.
Please keep in touch and do send regards to your wife and family.
It"s blog like this along with many others that helps to perpetuate our musical heritage. Those with first-hand knowledge of the era like Andy I'm grateful to note are engaged in this labor of love. RP
Thank you RP. Appreciate your support. Wishing others who read would contribute too. Like you say, more a labour of love than anything else.
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