With a new line-up that included the keyboard, blowing instruments like the trumpet, saxaphone and trombone The SILVER STRINGS packed their bags, left Singapore and appeared for some time at the SHOWBOAT HOTEL in HONGKONG in 1969. They drew large crowds and became very popular on the island.
With their versatility the group was able to cater to both the Western music and Chinese music crowd. Off Beat Cha Cha, the Hala-Hala and A-Go-Go together with the Twist, the Shake and Rock n Roll brought the house down every night that they played at the hotel.
Hope the Silver Strings can revive such wonderful memories with a public performance. Please contact The Esplanade for a performance opportunity. OBG
We hope to organise another Silver Strings re-union. Although the Esplanade is one of the best places to organise a gig, it is an expensive venue especially the Concert Hall or Theatre. Fringe areas would be suitable but cater to smaller audiences.
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