(1) Hey, dis Dino Marting huh, he damn good man, firs time I hear him sing ah... Wah lau! His voice ah, chin song leh!
(2) Wah, you got hear or not? Never hear this one leh. Me-mo-lee meh of dis ah! Song ah! I listen till die man, like so many time until play a-gain an a-gain.
(3) Yah, wat I tole you seek-stee song better den today one! Today one got use bad word one.
(4) Hey, go sorping sen-ter, see god sell CD or not. Want to come or not? Wah lioaw! Ding Marting. See bay shiok ah!
(5) Es-pen-sip ah, Dino CD. No money to buy...
(6) Ah yah, never my, I pay, I pay, cheep lah... He sooper star you know or not?
Image: http://www.coutant.org/ (Dino is with Jerry Lewis, his partner in crime).
Article: Andy Lim Collection.
Hey pallie, dude likes this is so so Dinodelightful...hope your will continue to use Singlish...you have started my Dinoday out so Dinodelightfully...keep liftin' of the name of our Dino....
This singlish belly chim one. I catch no ball. Wah lau next time write proper inglish can or not. Hey dino martin, how you man?
Hey pallie, doin' Dinoriffic Mr. Roger........and you dude?
Andy, I have just visited DMP's blog. Amazed by the vast information on Dean Martin of his blog.
Hey DMP, You have another Dinodevotee from Malaysia (north of Singapore) who has just visited your blog. He is a CW fan and collects CW vinyls. Check out his blog.
Hi DMP, Thanks for the feedback. A lot of the writing on this blog, but not going to extremes, IS in Singlish. You might have noticed the colloquialism that's typically Singapore English.
Hi BC, Thanks for the feedback. DMP wrote to me some months ago when I posted Dean Martin and how his music influenced Singapore 60s'.
His knowledge of Dino is truly awesome but it's also his attitude and love for Mr. Cool that amaze me. He tells stories readable to the public using his Dinolingo.
Thanks for your some funny a post..And i could understand the " Dino" ia the Dean Martin's...guess the pet names....Great singer actor, the Dino....Love his Huston...Thanks for the Singlish...lol....
Hey pallie Andy, yes I have stopped by Mr. Teoh's blogg encouragin' him to do some Dinofeatures...our Dino has some awesome country Dinomusic...
Thanks for all you kind words for me and my Dinopassion and Dinomission....
Thanks again, DMP, Roger, BC and Hecoree for the comments. We should all support each other with our blogs. Makes the world a better place to live in and life a little easier to bear.
Cheers to all blog and music lovers!
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