Saturday, September 16, 2023

Like Coke Without The Bubbles? No! It's Passion n Consistency!

Hi Andy,

It is an achievement to be able to sustain the interest of even 2000 people a month on a regular basis on any given topic. What you have done could not be the result of a faint heart or a lame endeavour. It takes passion and consistency to incessantly create stories that your international readership can relate to and is stimulating enough to make them keep coming back to your blog for more. 

Your enthusiasm for your work makes the difference! Without it, there would be no zest! Like Coke without the bubbles! Flat! On behalf of all your readers, I wish to appeal to you to not even consider stopping your very fine work but to keep up with your enthusiasm for your unique blog. 

I am still hopeful that one day soon, the relevant authority in SG would officially recognize your work! It is strange but nonetheless true, no prophet will find acceptance in his own country! A case in point, recently the Australians conferred an award on Matthew Tan for his contributions to Country Music. 

I am of the view that it is SG that should have taken the initiative for such an award! Of course not only for Matthew but for other iconic local musicians as well, like Henry Chua and others!

Be that as it may, here's wishing you continued success in all your efforts to preserve our music heritage! God bless!

John Cher 

July 21st, 2016.

John was the drummer for 
'Silver Strings' from 2015.


  1. Thanks very much John for your kind words. I am just glad folks are reading the blog and I never had ideas that it would be "recognized" by the "relevant authorities."

    It's been archived officially by NLB SG, 2nd in a list of 15 best music blogs here among thousands internationally and loved by new President Tharman S. Like you suggested, it's a fun thing from the heart but thanks again for reminding friends and readers about the blog.

    Cheers to Singapore's music heritage. You're a dear heart indeed.

  2. JOHN CHER [drummer]20.9.23

    John Cher
    Andy Young thanks very much for your friendship over the years
    The very best to you always
    Cheers buddy!

  3. FREDA HANUM20.9.23

    Freda Hanum
    Very nice written by John.... indeed much congrats to Andy's music blog, very proud and salute ...keep it up always Andy 👍
