Saturday, July 03, 2010

The Blue Diamonds - Sparkling 'Right Back'


Go to any CD shop in Singapore and ask for The Blue Diamonds. The response from a particular young lady at one shop counter: "Don't know Blue Diamonds."

Me: "What about Jumping Jewels?"

Counter lady: "Who?"

Go to a record and CD shop in the US, UK or any other western country and the person in charge will check on his computer before searching for the title/artiste on the shelves. Only then the response: "Sorry, sir. We don't have it but we can try and order it for you if you like." Shouldn't sales people in Singapore be taught some courtesy and know a little about pop music history before they are allowed to sell CDs? Cannot lah, too expensive to train!

A Blue Diamonds CD (image) was given to me as a present. I am not familiar with some of the songs but then it had been a while since I found a BD CD and as a big fan, this gift is worth its price in diamonds. And the songs are sparklers. This one includes Neil Diamond's Song Sung Blue. Yes, Diamonds sing Diamond.

The title track Right Back is first, followed by: I'll Mend Your Broken Heart, Cryin' In the Rain, The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine, Day After Day, Alice Long, Skinny Ginny, When You Are A King, I Will Love You Endlessly, Uptown, Bend Me Shape Me, Don't Let It Show, Sweet Little Girl, Cry, Sweet Dream Baby, Lonely Street, Surfin' In Sunshine and Right Back Front. (Originally: Long Play TELSTAR - 12 tracks, recorded 1987).

The Dutch duet's last hit was in 1971 but they continued to perform together until Ruud de Wolff's death at the end of 2000. Riem de Wolff continues to perform and release albums.

*In autumm 2005, Riem recorded a new album in the Deans studio in Kirkby, Liverpool. Called, Mr. Blue Diamond, Back On Track, it has John Pettifer (The Deans) and Sarah Jory, a special guest musician, playing slide-guitar and singing with Riem on this album. Check SideBar/YouTube. Sounds like, Sultans of Swing.

Image: CD Cover from a great friend (you know who you are.)

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