Saturday, July 13, 2024

He Was Flying With SIA, Now He's Singing n Dancing With The Stars: Dennis Ng.

The bunch of 99 stalks of roses was given to Dennis Ng by a
long-time friend, famous Taiwanese singer Qing San [青山].


      45 CHATS, COMMENTS      

We started this project at 9 this morning and posted it at 7 this evening. I can understand why his friends call him, Speedy Gonzales. Spend some time with this gentleman and you will. He moves like Greased Lightnin' and does everything in quickness and perfection but let Mr. Dennis Ng tell you himself. Thank you sir and good friend Lawrence Lim for this post...

Author Dennis Ng sings as well as 
he dances; full of soul and vitality.

Dennis says:

Out of the frying pan into the fire? After having spent 42 truly wonderful years as a Cabin Crew Member and then as an Assistant Manager in Singapore Airlines, I finally retired on 05 January 2023, but I seemed to have re-tyred and have become busier than ever! 

The Arts have always been in my blood as a lover of music, musical instruments (I play a little of the pianoforte, guitar and now ukulele) and naturally dancing was easier when you understand music. 

In all honesty, my interest in dancing stems from my Officer-in-Command in the army when he introduced me to Latin Ballroom Dancing. But before that, many of my interests then were curtailed because of preparation for “O” Level, “A” Level, National Service and then my job at SIA, but when I reached the pinnacle of my career, I was able to indulge into my passion of dancing cum singing.

Dennis front left, with former PM Goh Chok Tong
and the cabin crew of an SIA flight.

Hence, my real journey into dancing started in 1999 when the world was preparing for the Y2K bug which never happened. I was able to progress quickly so that I competed in a number of Latin Ballroom Dance Competitions both in Singapore and Malaysia, often emerging as a Champion with my partner who unfortunately had suffered a stroke 8 years ago and was never able to dance again. I do miss her! 

Long-short, within a span of 6 years, I obtained my Teacher of Dancing accreditation with a Highly Commended grading in the Latin American branch of dancing in November 2006. Even though I was still under the employ of SIA, I was given a Waiver of Exclusive Service to teach and share my passion in dancing to Singapore at large since 2007. 

Never a dull moment, for it was most rewarding to see people enjoying while learning from me, and turning some two left feet to two right feet before turning them to two gracious dancing feet. To me, this was quite a feat. From a two-day teaching week before retirement, I’m now teaching daily except the weekends at various venues (community clubs, country club, private dance studio and at a non-profit organisation). Am glad many are able to withstand my brand of wit and humour which I often inject into the classes. 

With a dance troupe so beautiful and sophisticated, 
together with Dennis [centre] they wowed the crowd.

Now about singing. Since young, as young as school days, I’ve always liked only the cliched oldies but goodies. All those songs that my dad knows, I know even more! Today I sing with 3 live bands, on Sunday nights, Monday nights, and a newly formed band on Saturday nights (but about twice a month). 

Our Monday band, The GLUERs came into being on 13Sep2016, started by the late drummer Andrew Soh, also the late keyboardist *Tony “Baba” Ng, lead guitarist Steven Tan (who still helms the Sunday night band), rhythmist Peter Chng, bass guitarist *Joe Woon (of Easybeats) and drummers Jeffrey Low and Philip Tan. 

'Wooden Heart': Dennis Ng.
 During a birthday celebration
of a community club.

Times change, things change, and some band members change, so the band was renamed to The GEMs before finally becoming The Jammers. With the current musicians comprising of Hansolo on keyboard, Adi on bass, *Patrick Teng on lead, Jeffrey Low and Joe Panjang on drums, Gilbert Fernandez on steel guitar and Rick Wong on rhythm, although the 11 singers sing all genres, but none of us is below 60 years old sans one, hence all of us sing mostly oldies. 

Incidentally I sing in three languages; English, Mandarin and Japanese, and yes, I do speak, read and write quite a bit of Japanese, so don’t “Pray, pray” as Gurmit Singh would chime in. 

The singers, mostly ladies and the band boys, 
with ties. Dennis is in a white shirt.

I would also call myself most fortunate to be the only Singaporean to be invited to sing yearly at the Dusit Thani Hua Hin’s annual New Year’s Eve Gala Dinner & Dance for a span of 20-odd years since 1998 until the retirement of the former General Manager of the hotel. This was a most wonderful opportunity for me to build my confidence in performing in front of a very large audience of between 800 and 1000 hotel guests, standing on a humongous stage to sing, and sometimes to dance. 

Today, I dare say I don’t suffer from any stage fright and I take pride in what I do, more so being a trained dancer, dancing comes naturally to me when I am singing or performing. Also, I will use my knowledge in dancing to good use in terms of deciding song genres when the band is required to play at dancing gigs. By the way, I am also a Committee Member of the Singapore Elvis & Country Group (SEACG).

My parting shot is for everyone to “Live Simply, Speak Kindly and Love Unconditionally” my friends! Let your hair down, flaunt it if you have it, flaunt it anyway even if you don’t. Live life to the fullest everyday so that we will not regret it when our turn comes.

Comments are welcome.

[*Tony Baba Ng, Joe Woon, Patrick Teng are 3 musicians whose stories can be found on this blog. Check them out too.]

With Lawrence Lim, who introduced me to author Dennis at
the Music Club. I was certainly free of Covid then [15/7/24].

A stage performance by Dennis Ng and partner. 
The rhumba in exotically colourful and sparkling 
costumes. Checkout their dance moves.

The only Singaporean to be invited to sing at the Dusit 
Thani Hua Hin's New Year Eve Annual Dinner and Dance. 
Song: 相思河畔 (Xiang Xi He Pan)

Another group of dancers with Dennis Ng [sitting]

With Aloysius Tan and Brian Richmond last year [23Dec23]
after the live interview on Vintage Radio.SG

This post, videos and photographs are Copyrighted.


  1. “Uncle Dennis, your journey is truly remarkable! Your passion and dedication to dancing and singing shine through. May your energy and zest for life continue to inspire. Proud of you!”

  2. Hi Dennis love to see you dance and hear you sing so full of energy
    Always look so happy and positive
    My mom love to watch you sing and dance too!
    Keep dancing and singing!! But still missed you here in SQ

  3. DOROTHY14.7.24

    There's no doubt that Dennis is another great multi-talented teacher we know who can sing and dance super well, extraordinary... is always an enjoyment to watch your performance... also very honoured to be included in your Linedance Segment.


  4. CHUA LL14.7.24

    How I have missed you Dennis! Every word, every vibe is uniquely you.

    Not many are blessed with an enriched and fulfilling career in and post SQ. But you are different and talented to deserve the recognition and rewards... every now and then, I think of you. You are always an inspiration.

    Your text is so precious as you live out: live simply, speak kindly and love unconditionally. I am so privileged and proud to have had the chance to call you Boss :)

    Thank you Dennis, to remember friend and colleagues while leading a lime lit life.


  5. CHIT CHAT14.7.24

    Patrick Teng
    Stephen Han
    David Greenfield
    Colin Colin
    Ann Rowena Lim
    Yip Dick
    James Kwok
    Jalani Mohamed
    Roop Singh
    Somkid Lakhawat
    Ben van der Laan-Hatikustia
    Patrick Chng
    Rocker Lee
    Ser Kiong Tan
    Na Liu
    Ma Jianxi
    Calista Shi


  6. CHIT CHAT14.7.24

    Jimmy K C Khoo
    Very inspiring story. Congrats and well done Dennis Ng.

    Dennis Ng
    Jimmy K C Khoo Thank you, and good morning.


  7. Thanks Dennis for your inspirational life story. Like I mentioned, you are GREASED LIGHTNIN'... and faster than the PEREGRINE FALCON.

    And thanks to the above folks who reacted to his story on this blog post...
    Keep the comments coming in.

  8. DENNIS NG [AUTHOR]14.7.24

    Dennis Ng
    Andy Young thanks for your kindest comment! Have a marvellous Sunday.

  9. Luque Ho14.7.24

    When I first knew him in the jamming session, I already told him he's an all-rounder. He can sing in different languages while he shimmies on the stage with style. Bravo.

    1. Anonymous14.7.24

      Thanks Luque! See you again soon!

  10. ROL YONG14.7.24

    Rol Yong

    He’s still Flying High

  11. Daphne14.7.24

    Congratulation our dear teacher Dennis for an inspiring interview n life story you have shared. You are such a talented person couple with charm that live with a “sparkling” life . Your positive energy and passion for teaching n singing shines through in everything you do. Keep spreading your light and making a difference in the lives of those around you. 🌟💖👏🏻

    1. Anonymous14.7.24

      Lucky to have a dance student like you. Never a dull moment sharing what I know with you.

    2. Dennis Ng14.7.24

      Thank you Daphne. Am very fortunate to have a dance student like you. Never a dull moment sharing what i know with you.

  12. Dennis you are The Greatest Showman, embracing your next life chapter embarking on your retirement journey with your passion and love. You have retired from work, but not from life. Count your age by friends, not years. Long live the King, the more beautiful life becomes.
    God bless you! Cheers💯👏🫶😜

  13. Dennis is a dear dear friend and colleague of mine for many years. He spearheaded our Company’s Social Dance Club, with me as his first in-house music programmer or DJ. We were indeed kindred souls for all things latin and ballroom. I learnt a lot from him, transforming myself from just an early hours session club DJ playing deep house and jazz into a Ballroom DJ, emceeing and playing glitzy ballroom numbers to more than 100 professional dancers at a go! Dennis is a prolific dancer and a very passionate dance instructor too, as well as being a judge for numerous dance competitions. What’s more amazing is that he sings very well in various languages! A true blue talented performer and artist! I am deeply honored having collaborated with him all these years and indebted to him for bringing out the best in me I never knew existed. Showcasing glitz, glamour and passion; bringing out the best in people, making them more beautiful on the floor. ❤️❤️❤️ Peter Tham


    Wow Andy!

    I first met Dennis a couple of years ago when he was the MC for an elvis dinner and dance night. He noticed I was driving a car with the number 747 and asked if I was connected to any airline.

    I was treated as a VIP when I mentioned Dennis Ng to the crew members on board. And in Manila too a restaurant treated me again as a VIP when they saw a video of him dancing. I did a medley of Christmas songs with them.

    Dennis was also a big fan of the Japanese YouTuber Ghib Ojisan as he was fluent in Japanese. Recently Dennis was invited to sing with Jerry Fernandez and his band; I was too.

  15. DENNIS NG [AUTHOR]14.7.24

    3.7 million?
    I’m going to be more popular than Lalisa!!!!

  16. A very BIG Thank You to all for your kindest comments, Likes and Love. I am humbled by the great support and encouragement. I will strive to bring give my best in whatever I do and to continue to improve. God bless.

  17. Li Choo15.7.24

    Congratulations to our immensely talented dance teacher Dennis! Thanks for sharing your very interesting career and “retyrement” - can see that you’re even busier than ever! Keep being who you are, always fun and inspirational!

  18. CHIT CHAT16.7.24

    Andy Young
    Thanks for the pictures and another great evening Dennis. What's important too is the group's camaraderie as you stirred them with your dynamism!!!

    Dennis Ng
    Thank you, Andy Young. Have a pleasant day.

    [explaining the photo with Lawrence Lim on post.]


    Thank you Andy and writer Dennis Ng for another interesting post.

    Dennis is truly blessed with an array of talent. He surely knows how to live life to the fullest and his parting shot aptly describes his philosophy of life.

    Adding to his SPEEDY GONZALEZ moniker, perhaps, FRED ASTAIRE could be another?

  20. Hey Jimmy,
    Thanks for another encouraging remark.
    You've always been so positive in your ways with our musicians, dancers and SG talents.
    Being a drummer yourself you know what entertaining and performing on stage is like.

    Appreciate your visiting the post again!

  21. Hi Jimmy Chng

    Echoing Andy Young’s sentiments, thank you for your kindest comment.

    Fred Astaire was someone I grew up admiring, but it will be a dream to be able to dance like him. Another I admire was Gene Kelly.

    Have a pleasant day and God Bless!

  22. Wonderful to read about Dennis and his musical talent. Sometimes we need to just get over our shyness and project out into the world of entertainment. Congratulations Dennis you certainly are on the road to a very rewarding world. 👏👏

  23. Thanks very much Cedric. Still have a lot to learn. Cheers!

  24. Cedric Collars is a professional pianist besides being a pilot and engineer. He writes from Perth, Australia. He has written a number of articles for this blog and is in touch with many of his Singapore friends and fans.

    Thanks for your informative and encouraging comments sir.

    I must also thank all those who know Dennis and who have written fantastic comments about his singing and dancing. This has been one successful posting with so many viewers.

  25. Rick W17.7.24

    I have known Dennis since he began work at SIA years ago . He never fails to impress with his dedication, impeccable service and professionalism. Now that we meet up again in our retired years, we continue to “play” as well together, me as the Rhythmist in one of the bands and he as singer , dancer and entertainer extraordinaire!! Kudos to you Dennis!

  26. Tom Sakol18.7.24

    Dennis Ng always surprise me with his talents.
    He enjoys in everything he does, and he excels in it.
    He has tons of energy to do all those things.

    Please find some free time to relax totally and have a great health.

  27. สวัสดีครับพี่ต้อม

    Thanks for your compliments and your concerns are well noted. Cheers.

  28. CHIT CHAT19.7.24

    Soh Cheng Yeo

    Dennis Ng
    Soh Cheng Yeo Thanks

    David Arcon

    Cindy Lee Siew Keng

    Rosalind Chung

    Jimmy K C Khoo
    Very inspiring story. Congrats and well done Dennis Ng.

    Bobby Bok

    Dennis Ng


    Dennis Ng
    任至剛 下午好, 谢谢!
    Good afternoon, thank you!

    (edited for clarity)

  29. CHIT CHAT19.7.24


    Angela Leow
    Sammin Ang
    Tom Tan
    Dennis Ng
    Marry Eng
    Irene Chong
    Jack Ng
    Chia Keok Yam
    Victor Beh
    Lucky Tuah
    Jon Goh
    Steven Ngor
    Jenny Foong
    YS Cheong
    Oscar Vincent Lee
    David Cheah
    Jessy Ng
    Nana Ling
    Koo Yoke Yin Jessica
    Bobby Bok
    Daisy Koh
    Sun Hong
    Jason Lim
    Lee Lee Cheow
    Charlie Lim
    Sutee Eindhoven
    Kelly Loo
    Winnie August
    Jaclyn Su
    Akira Shinohara
    Daniel Heng
    Desmond Tan
    Junbi Zeng
    Iris Tan
    Richard Kuan
    William Vincent Armstrong
    Rol Yong
    Catherine Shng Sian Gin
    Maria Lim
    Agnes Tan
    Audie Ng
    Kwok Kwong Fatt
    Susan Lim
    Low Siew Hong
    Jimmy K C Khoo
    Rosalind Chung
    Dippy Singh
    Pauline Choong
    Eric Lim
    Yeak Elizabeth
    Margaret Chen
    Sally Chew
    May Cheong
    Cindy Lee Siew Keng
    Jane Wong
    Zhong Hkn
    Julie Kwek
    Joni Tionanda
    Steven Nyau
    Dxson Tay
    Richard Yew
    David Arcon
    Cheng Xing Chen Andy
    Soh Cheng Yeo
    GF Pat
    Masaaki Horie

  30. Dennis is a train that will never stop regardless of the age. He more than a vintage. He always does his best in all he do and his passion will shine forth especially when he’s dancing and singing. Non-stop during Dennis.

  31. Steven Nyau31.7.24

    Awesome, keep up with your interest and entertainment. Proud of you bro 👊

  32. Anonymous31.7.24

    Dennis Ng is a Very Talented Man who most times ,the Best is never enough .for him .He is an Artist Man in whatever he does ,and loves sharing it with anyone who wants to Learn and improve themselves .He recognizes talents and also learns from others .A Good Friend and A Great Master to his students

  33. DENNIS NG [AUTHOR]2.8.24

    Andy Young Can’t thank James Lee enough for his kind comments. Don’t think he has a FB profile. We had a wonderful working relationship before when we were under the employ of SIA. Until today we still exchange daily greetings. This speaks volume for our mutual respect for each other.

  34. Anonymous23.8.24

    Uncle Dennis, u Shine like. Star ⭐✨
