Monday, May 13, 2024

"Music From The 50s And 60s Targeted Teenage Market," Says Robert Gay.

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Robert Gay writes with soul when he uses 50s songs and movies as milestones for his teenage journey. Detailed and heartfelt... 
Thanks Robert for taking time off to pen this very touching story of yours.

Becoming a Teenager:

It was no coincidence that the music of the fifties and sixties targeted the teenage market! This was the period when the post war babies became teenagers! The social culture was teenage based and created a huge unprecedented market! There were dozens of songs centered on age sixteen!

Sixteen Candles, the Platters and the Crests,

Only Sixteen, Craig Douglas,

Happy Birthday Sweet Sixteen, Neil Sedaka,

You’re Sixteen, Johnny Burnette,

Sweet Little Sixteen, Chuck Berry etc.

One of my favourite songs by Lonnie Donegan starts, “Sweet sixteen goes to church just to see the boys... Putting on the Style!" Teenagers were falling in and out of love! Moodiness, loneliness, violence, recklessness were all part of the makeup of a teenager! The film Rebel Without a Cause said it all! James Dean became a superstar and, “Chicken“ became a dangerous game on the roads!

The term Teen Idol was coined! 

The famous 'Rebel Without a Cause' 
car race as mentioned in the article,
with James Dean n Natalie Wood.

Cliff Richard, Pat Boon, Elvis, Ricky Nelson and many others were conferred the title! Several of the new Artistes were teenagers! Paul Anka sang Diana which was one of the biggest hits ever! Ricky Nelson sang, Poor Little Fool and My Rifle, Pony and Me with Dean Martin in, “Rio Bravo."  We identified with them and learnt to sing these songs with guitar accompaniment!

I was thirteen in 1957! 

Author, Traveller: Robert Gay in the Galapagos.

A Teenage Crush:

I was still catching spiders, fighting fish and flying kites and fishing! Girls never featured in my activities! I was mystified by a couple of our group who raved about this girl and that girl! Then one day the inevitable happened, I was returning from fishing in the sea off Siglap when a girl on a bicycle stopped by me, smiled at me and said “How many fish did you catch Robert?”. I was kind of speechless and just held up the string of fish that I was bringing home. She smiled again and said, “That’s a good catch “ and cycled off!

I stood there just stunned ! It didn’t help that she was just prettiest girl I had ever seen and I’d never seen her before! I thought she might have been one of my sisters’ friends! But they didn’t know her. However, a couple of the guys knew instantly who she was and even where she lived! Next day, I persuaded my new classmate Lesley from ACS to come with me to see where she lived. Somewhere in Dunbar walk! 

What a Borgward 60s looks like. Usually chauffeur 
driven and owned by the rich in Singapore 50s/60s.

We were just outside her house when a chauffeur driven Borgward stopped at her gate! And out she came. She saw us and came to us asking what we were doing! I had cunningly dropped a few coins on the grass verge and we were pretending to look for them. “Let me help you” she said and proceeded to look around with us! We collected my coins then she kindly invited us in for a drink (orange juice)! She got us our drinks and had one for herself.

We chatted for a while and then she said, “ Excuse me I have to do my homework, just wait for me.”

She got out her homework and we just sat and listened to Guy Mitchell, “Singing the Blues” on the LP she had put on for us!

I noticed after a while that she looked perturbed about her homework so I walked over to see what she was trying to do, She had CV Durell's, “General Mathematics Vol. 4” in front of her. I had only just finished Vol. 4 at Presbyterian Boys' School. However, I looked at the problem she was trying to solve and surprisingly saw how to do it immediately! So I showed her how it was done and I got another of those beautiful smiles. Homework was done in no time and we got to chat and got to know each other better. 

Singapore students use this text book 
for Mathematics practice in the 1950's.

Teenage Socials:

This became a kind of usual pattern and a few of us used to gather regularly at her place. We brought our guitars and sang the hits by Pat Boon, Elvis, Harry Belafonte, Ricky Nelson, Fats Domino and others.

She taught us how to dance; the cha cha, jive and the waltz! We also went out as a group to the places like the Botanical Gardens for a picnic where she packed a lunch. The highlight of our get-togethers was a trip to Johore Bahru one day where again she packed a lunch and drinks for us! Our main group consisted of Philip and Dennis (our Everly Brothers Champions), myself and Leslie. All this was good innocent fun and it was happy days for me.

Surprisingly she usually went to school by bus! She would walk all the way from Dunbar walk, through Frankel Avenue to the bus stop on Geylang Road where she took a bus to Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus, passing my house on the way! I used to wait to wave to her and have a few words. 

I remember those mornings where I would have a Billy Vaughan LP on while waiting. “A Summer Place” and “Sail along Silvery Moon” were my favourite songs on this LP. The twin saxophones blended so beautifully! However. As all good things this would not last forever.! We were always mindful that she was a little older than us. She was fifteen and we were about thirteen. 

'Singing The Blues' Guy Mitchell. 
YouTube Video from: The Ed Sullivan Show.
[Song is usually sung on stage by Blogger Andy.]

“I’m so young and your so old”, Paul Anka's, Diana was about two years older than Paul too. We had over a year of this wonderful companionship but we always new she had older male friends who had more serious intentions.

Teenage Blush:

One day we visited as usual but she had gone. We came again the next day and were met by her older cousin waving a large screwdriver. 

“Don’t come here again!” he said, in a most unfriendly manner.

We left quite shocked and we never saw her again till many years later!

“One day she left without a word she took away the sun...” Lemon Tree, Peter Paul and Mary.

So this is how I got initiated into the teenage world! All the songs we sang were becoming true!

Comments are welcome.

Another Robert Gay memory:

[Author: Robert Gay. Copyrighted article.]

'Diana' by Paul Anka. 
YouTube Video from: morrisjrs1965.
[42 Million Views on this posting.]

[Song is usually sung on stage by Blogger Andy.]


  1. CHIT CHAT13.5.24

    Andy Young
    Thanks Ukhti for the visit. You're the first to LIKE this post. CHEERS. Terima Kaseh. Salam Bahagia.

    Andy Young
    Hey John Klass and Patrick Teng. Thanks for the thumbs up. You're both so early.

    Koh Daisy
    It’s great to be young and sometimes foolish 😁. Fun whilst it lasted.

    Andy Young
    Koh Daisy yes, and a lesson to learn too.


    Nice piece by ROBERT.
    Reading his well-written article rekindled fond memories of my growing up years.

  3. Anonymous14.5.24

    Lovely story, Robert. My uncle used to live in Dunbar Walk back in 1957 era and true, many wealthier families lived there including Jacob Yoong, who was high up in Ministry of Education as either Director or Inspector of Schools. Young love, lovely smiles, pretty young thing, etc all vanished suddenly leaves behind sweet memories which can never be erased. The story of our lives.


    What a lovely way of describing growing up and living through music lyrics, which is life for us. Beautiful songs touch our very souls on different phases of our lives.

  5. Thanks Irene.
    Really supportive of you to comment.
    Yes, I was touched by Robert's final words.
    He must have had some feelings but took it pleasantly.

    And the songs that he remembers; many of them we are all familiar with.



  7. CHIT CHAT14.5.24

    Roland Tan
    Top contributor
    Durell was used in schools of British empire. Unlike modern US texts, it did not make Maths interesting. It made me dislike the subject.

    Andy Young
    Top contributor
    Roland Tan thanks for the piece of info. It's interesting because till now I dislike Math too. Will check out these US texts. 🙂

  8. CHIT CHAT14.5.24

    Andy Young
    Thanks guys for all the LIKES.

    Stephen Han
    You like the singers whom l like too

    Andy Young
    Stephen Han Yes, it's Robert himself who likes the singers he mentioned but like you said, we like the same ones too. 50's was hot!!! Thanks for visiting.

  9. ROBERT GAY [AUTHOR]14.5.24

    Robert Gay:

    To me, the most entertaining guitarist.
    [Ref: CHUCK BERRY]

  10. CHIT CHAT14.5.24

    Adeline Wee
    Top contributor
    Roland Tan Modern US texts?
    You mean Singapore Math: Pr Math, US Edition

    Andy Young
    Top contributor
    Adeline Wee hi ! Now that's cute. Not true?

  11. CHIT CHAT14.5.24

    Andy Young
    Top contributor
    Thanks Pat, James and Lee Lee for taking time to visit this post.

  12. CHIT CHAT15.5.24

    Freda Hanum
    I'm touch by this's what usually happened in teenage days and the memory of someone you adore goes deep in the's connected with song when lyrics can reminds so much. Good article Andy

    Andy Young
    Freda Hanum thanks. I am always appreciative you sharing your views and feelings.
    Yes, it is a good article and Robert Gay writes well.

  13. CHIT CHAT16.5.24

    Freda Hanum
    I remembered this book...I do had it before..Andy

    Andy Young
    Top contributor
    Freda Hanum hi, thanks for the memories. Me too. I get high fever when we had double periods Math. Never like Math!

  14. CHIT CHAT17.5.24

    Peter Cheong
    Judge by the badge it look like a Borgward. A German car of bygone era. The car disappeared from the mid 60s.

    Andy Young
    Peter Cheong yes, it is. If you read the article it's part of Robert Gay's story when he found how rich his girl friend was. The Borgward was driven by her chauffeur.

  15. "Lovely story, Robert. My uncle used to live in Dunbar Walk back in 1957 era and true, many wealthier families lived there including Jacob Yoong, who was high up in Ministry of Education as either Director or Inspector of Schools. Young love, lovely smiles, pretty young thing, etc all vanished suddenly leaves behind sweet memories which can never be erased. The story of our lives." [LETTER FROM 'ANONYMOUS']


  16. CHIT CHAT17.5.24

    Ju Lie
    Then you have to be talented too.

    Andy Young
    Ju Lie, not talented but just interested.
    Then the journey begins...

  17. CHIT CHAT19.5.24

    Ju Lie
    That's okay. Where can I travel?

    Andy Young
    Ju Lie depends what kind of music you love. There's the US, UK, S America and the East; other countries too. Rock music, samba, heavy metal, rhumba, rap, etc, etc... Go and read some more, learn more music then go to a travel agency and begin your journey.

  18. CHIT CHAT21.5.24

    Adeline Wee
    Top contributor
    Roland Tan Modern US texts? You mean Singapore Math: Pr Math, US Edition ah🤣

    Andy Young
    Top contributor
    Adeline Wee hi ! Now that's cute. Not true? Do tell us more. Thanks.

    Adeline Wee
    Top contributor
    Andy Young you can google with the keywords Singapore Math: primary math us edition.

    Roland Tan
    Top contributor
    I'm not a math teacher but you can see examples of US texts and compare for yourself: I agree that SG Maths is a good series but US textbooks esp in Science are well researched and funded for research. Textbooks are paid for by the State.

    Peter Cheong
    Top contributor
    Used it in upp sec days. I hated maths.

  19. CHIT CHAT25.5.24

    Patrick Teng
    Freda Hanum
    Alphonso Soosay
    Ann Rowena Lim
    John Klass
    Stephen Han
    Rose Khoo
    Hiroshi Deguchi
    Koh Daisy
    Yip Dick
    Ben van der Laan-Hatikustia
    James Kwok
    Kali Dass S
    Joey Koh
    Tin Leong Lim
    Ukhti Aminah
    Haruna Sawai
    Millie Liu
    Shan Xin
    Amy Lo
    Ju Lie
    Peter Cheong
    Ser Kiong Tan


  20. CHIT CHAT25.5.24

    Koh Daisy
    Love this song!

    Andy Young
    Koh Daisy THANKS. ME TOO.
