Friday, September 29, 2023

The Rising Cost Of Living In Our Countries. We Need Money, Money, Money


When good friend Sunny Wee sent me the above poster, I immediately responded by mentioning that this picture symbolises what our world is today, a statement so obvious, there's no need to explain it.

And, as many friends exclaimed, there's no need to write too long paragraphs about it; why? Nobody reads nowadays. Videos and pictures, yes! I thought I'd express the above illustrative topic with songs; melodies and lyrics from the past. 

You may not know the older songs!

Money, Money, money

Money, money, money, Must be funny
In the rich man's world! Aha...
A man like that is hard to find but I can't get him off my mind
Ain't it sad? And if he happens to be free I bet he wouldn't fancy me
That's too bad So I must leave, I'll have to go
To Las Vegas or Monaco 
And win a fortune in a game, my life will never be the same...

Can't Buy Me Love

Can't buy me love, love
Can't buy me love, oh
I'll buy you a diamond ring, my friend
If it makes you feel all right
I'll get you anything, my friend
If it makes you feel all right
'Cause I don't care too much for money
But money can't buy me love...

She Works Hard For The Money
[Donna Summer]

Nine a.m. on the hour hand
And she's waiting for the bell
And she's looking real pretty
Just wait for her clientele.

She works hard for the money
So hard for it, honey
She works hard for the money
So you better treat her right...

Sam Hui: Money 
[許冠傑 - 天才白痴钱钱钱]

YouTube Video from: Magnificent Bastard.
Contributed by Steve Ho [The Heartbreakers.
Rock Singer, Singapore]

Money: [Sam Hui]
[許冠傑 - 天才白痴钱钱钱] 

I need more money all day long 
[Money: 6 repeats]
Ganshui Niduwo 
[Money : 6 repeats]
Borrowing money is the worst thing 
[money: 8 repeats]
Climb low, oh Brother Wei 
[money: 6 repeats]

Tom T. Hall - Faster Horses 
(The Cowboy and The Poet)
YouTube Video from: Steven Spolar.

Faster Horses, [The Cowboy And The Poet]
Tom T. Hall

Well, my poet days are over
And I'm back to bein' me
As I enjoy the peace and comfort of reality
If my boy ever asks me
What it is that I have learned
I think that I will readily affirm

"Son, it's faster horses
Younger women
Older whiskey
More money...

Faster horses
Younger women
Older whiskey
More money...

Money, That's What I Want
[Barret Strong]
YouTube Video from: Virgiliu-Adrian Lopota.

Money, That's What I Want
[Barret Strong]

The best things in life are free
But you can give them to the birds and bees
I need money (that's what I want)
That's what I want (that's what I want)
That's what I want (that's what I want)
That's what I want (that's what I want)
Your love give me such a thrill
But your love don't pay my bills...

So my dear readers, with the rising cost in everything in most parts of the world and that includes our rent, marketing bills, water, electricity bills, hospital, transport and daily meal charges, cars, etc., you'd think these songs have just been composed today?

Let's hear from you. 


  1. CHIT CHAT29.9.23

    Andy Young
    Songs written years ago still reflect our economic situation today. So where's the improvement? Check them out and do comment...

    Michael Goh
    ABBA greatest hit song is Money, Money, Money. As a popular belief money is never enough. Has any of your rich friends told you that they have enough money. It’s always another house, another car, another bigger diamond the list goes on and on. Greed is a serious weakness. To the Christians it’s a mortal Sin.

    Andy Young
    Michael Goh hello. That's a fantastic summary of the world today, my dear sir. It is a mortal Sin, sins created by mortals. Thanks for the visit Mike.


    You miss this song MONEY FOR NOTHING by DIRE STRAITS.

  3. CHIT CHAT29.9.23

    What is the meaning of Money for Nothing and kicks for free?

    “Money for nothin… and their chicks for free” .. As the title “Money for Nothing” implies, the song's theme is about musicians who have achieved fame and significant wealth from doing “easy work” in comparison to those blue collar workers who “really work” for a living.

    Google Answer

  4. SUNNY WEE29.9.23

    Andy my good friend and colleague.
    A picture is worth more than a thousand words.
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. Thanks Sunny for the picture of the Monster eating money.
    How appropriate a symbol of what is happening today amongst our bureaucrats all over the world. Made me think and wrote this post and featured the songs.

  6. 钱钱钱钱💰💰💰
    Mr Sam Hui.....

  7. CHIT CHAT29.9.23

    Michael Goh
    I have always enjoyed your creative and interesting sharing. The world needs more people like you ANDY.

    Andy Young
    Michael Goh thanks for the compliment sir!

  8. Thanks to STEVE HO for the Chinese video by SAM HUI entitled MONEY.
    Another appropriate song indeed the same theme and topic.

    Steve has opened songs for me that I'm not familiar with, especially Cantonese pop songs. He sings them too as a busker in Singapore.

  9. CHIT CHAT29.9.23

    Andy Young
    If one understand CANTONESE, the same theme about MONEY is also sung by famous HK singer, SAM HUI on the blog post.

    Ivor Lesslar
    MONEY Is A Very Sensitive Word.

    Andy Young
    Ivor Lesslar yes, it is.

  10. CHIT CHAT29.9.23

    Hiroshi Deguchi
    Singapore has become a country of the super rich. It seems to have been like "Forbes Park in Manila" or "Off Limit" to me. Singapore has developed drastically whereas our income hasn't increased, commodity prices haven't so much changed in Japan for the last thirty years. I have to feel self-conscious about visiting Singapore, to be frank with you.

    Andy Young
    Hiroshi Deguchi hello. Depends on where you go or shop. But if you use the trains and buses, Singapore is relatively a lovely place to visit. The food courts have reasonably inexpensive eateries and it's safe to walk anywhere, anytime. Not a problem for tourists. Cheers.

    Andy Young
    Thanks SER KIONG for being the first to give a THUMB'S UP.

  11. Thanks ANONYMOUS for your comment.
    Yes, it's true.
    They either forget they borrowed your money or 'forget' you are their friend.


    Good write-up sir.

  13. ALFRED WONG [SPA OWNER]29.9.23

    Money is an important matter to post about.
    Worker and TOWKAY [the boss] both need money.
    No doubt about it, ever since historical times, when they used bits of metal as exchange for goods.

  14. ANONYMOUS29.9.23

    Rising cost of living?
    No sweat!
    Everything's AFFORDABLE here in the eyes of the gobblement.


    Recommended song from reader, drummer and contributing writer JIMMY CHNG:


  16. CHIT CHAT30.9.23

    Ericbronson Wong
    Andy Young ha ha ha Yeah Yeah Yeah finally even D Beatles agreed with d follow up to a song called Money ( now gimme MONEY that's what I want ),,,,

    Andy Young
    Ericbronson Wong hello again. He learns young to handle his greenbacks. Thanks for the reminder.
