Friday, March 03, 2023

Exciting Singapore Nightclub Singer n 70s Recording Artiste Irene Yap Tells It All

Irene, resplendent in shiny tights, 
in action at Ion Bar, Singapore 70's.
"Jambalaya, crawfish pie..."
Copyrights Reserved

UP TO 2,000 VIEWS, 100+ CHATS

When I met Irene at a dinner recently, I asked if she could write an article about her experience singing at Singapore's nightclubs in the 70's. Her reply came:

"My pleasure. Though I must say, once I started writing, the memories started coming back and it was a joy for me to recollect them."

And Irene's detailed description of her surroundings in the place that she sings can only be written by a lady author. And the musicians that sing with her? Top pop local stars! Thank you very much Irene.

Check her out:

Irene Yap and Hijacks 1981
'Hello Darling' [Conway Twitty]
Ion Bar Apollo Hotel,
YouTube Video.

Remembering Ion Bar

”Ladies and gentlemen, you've been listening to the sounds of The Pebbles with yours truly, Irene Yap. We'll be taking a short break, stick around and we'll see you later.”

That’s my typical announcement before we took a break after a 45-minute set
in the Ion Bar at the Apollo Hotel during an engagement in the 1970s.

We performed four 45-minute sets with a 15-minute break in between and an half-an-hour break for dinner in the hotel's coffee house - seven days a week from 8 pm to 12 am. 

To this day, I still remember walking down the steps from the stage for my break looking down or straight ahead.  I learned very early on that if I happened to look at a particular table of guests, they would wave and invite me to sit with them which meant I would have to walk to the table and explain politely that I was not allowed to do so.

That was the government's regulation in those days barring singers from socialising with guests at their tables. The rules have since been relaxed.

Rahim Hamid, Singapore's Nat King Cole 
from the 1960's, father of Rahimah Rahim.

I am sure many of you will have fond memories of The Pebbles comprising Rahim Hamid [image] on drums and vocal, better known as the Nat King Cole of Singapore and the father of singer Rahimah Rahim, Jimmy Topaz on bass, Yusoff on guitar and bespectacled and quiet Henry on piano. If only I could remember their last names, I was still in my teens and they were all more than a decade or two older than me.

The Ion Bar was originally situated on the right of the hotel after you stepped into the  lobby. The low tables, cushioned sofas and chairs were in neutral grayish tones and the pretty waitresses wore long navy blue gowns with high slits.

Apollo Hotel was then the largest of three hotels on Havelock Road, the others being King’s Hotel and Hotel Miramar. It opened in 1971 comprising a curved 19-storey tower block connected to a three-storey circular block. It attracted not only  lounge-goers and food-lovers but also shoppers as it housed Isetan, the  first Japanese department store in Singapore. The hotel was later renamed Novotel Apollo before acquiring its current name - Furama Riverfront Singapore.

As a professional singer in the 70s,​ I had to sing by heart as there were no music stands to look at the lyrics. The lounge was usually crowded by 9 o'clock, the patrons being mainly males and if my memory serves me right, a beer cost $6.

One regular I remember was former national footballer S Rajagopal  nicknamed "The Camel"  whose ” banana kicks“  were a delight in the days of the “Kallang Roar” at the National Stadium.

The moment he walked in with his two buddies and saw me on stage, he would freeze, put his right palm to his cheek and very slowly fold up the palm. I would do the same on stage and  both of us would laugh - it was our form of acknowledgement to each other. 

Sober Irene,
In green,
"Chotto Matte Kudasai,
Please excuse me while I cry..."
Copyrights Reserved

As a female singer, I  had to be formally dressed in long gowns. The male musicians usually wore  black jackets . Back then in most hotels no jeans or casual wear were allowed. If you were dressed inappropriately, you would get a memo from the general manager. Towards the late 70s I was thrilled when I could switch to less formal outfits considered appropriate for stage wear.

Through the years, I returned again and again to Ion Bar performing with not only The Pebbles but also with Excalibur, Sonny Bala and The Moonglows, The Thunderbirds, The Hijacks, a country and western band featuring a male singer who yodelled and a five- piece band who were brilliant jazz musicians but came together to play lounge music.  The names of the last two bands escaped my memory. Help – does anyone of you remember who they were? 

Sonny Bala was a big man with a gentle soul and played a mean guitar. He was very well -liked by everyone around him. His signature song garnering the most requests from the patrons was I Can’t Stop Loving You.

Despite my teen years, I got along with the older musicians who were all very nice and kind to me. We had a lot of laughter on stage.  One much requested song when I was with The Pebbles was Jambalaya.  One day after I started the first line, “Goodbye Joe  Me Gotta Go, Me Oh My Oh.....” 

And Rahim, Yusoff and Jimmy would chime in cheekily, using some Hokkien [Chinese dialect] expletives, just to crack me up in a sometimes tense atmosphere.

The late Jimmy Chan, pianist extraordinaire 
and recording star, from the 1960's

They loved to tease me. I started chuckling and soon I was roaring with laughter and trying very hard to sing with them, I mean with the music. At times when I turned around to Rahim to tell him of the requests I had to do, he would give me a wink and a smile. He was always so cheerful.

Jimmy Chan [image], the piano maestro who passed away last year (2022) would often swing by to catch our final set after he finished his performance at the Mandarin Hotel lobby bar at Orchard Road.

When Ion Bar underwent renovations, it was moved temporarily to a function room on the 18th Floor. It was at this spot where I witnessed a wife pulling her husband's ear when she caught him sitting with a young woman. 

The matured, bespectacled man and his long-haired companion were so engrossed in their conversation that they did not see the plumpish woman striding angrily to their table.

Pointing a finger at him, she screamed, 'Ha, I got you!'  and started pulling his ear and dragging him all the way to the doorway. As he was a good head taller than his wife, he had to bend his head as his wife kept hollering  “Is she so pretty? Huh, is she so pretty?' 

Irene, accompanied by accomplished professionals
Excalibur: Doss, Rasif, Admad and Idros at the nightclub.
Copyrights Reserved.

The long-haired lady continued to sit coolly inside the lounge before walking up to the cashier and said, '”Give me a minute, I will be back to settle the bill”.  She walked out to the doorway and had a vociferous exchange with the wife for a few minutes. Then she walked back to the cashier to pick up the tab. 

Eventually, sometime in the late 70s, the bar  moved to the back of the hotel with a separate entrance and best of all - bigger space and stage. It was a more comfortable place to perform and I remember many regular customers requesting the same songs three or four times a night, the most popular being Summertime and Hello Darling. 

It was considered to be a pretty IN-place where celebrities and TV actors from Hong Kong and Taiwan could be spotted among the audience. 

As I recall, the most requested numbers were the Indonesian ballad Mimpi Sedeh, Tagalog favorites Anak and Dahil Sa'yo,  the Cantonese theme song from the television series, The  Man In the Net, Japanese Chotto Matte Kudasai and evergreens such as Help Me Make It Through The Night  and It's Too Late. 

Another time when I went back, the popular songs were Just The Way You Are, Emotion, Do That To Me One More Time and Sexy Eyes. In my earlier years with The Pebbles, Olivia Newton John's songs Let  Me Be There and If You Love Me Let Me Know and songs by The Carpenters were very much in demand.

Sunny Bala and the Moonglows,
hit-men with their hot songs.

As the nightly crowd swelled, the management started live music from 2 pm and engaged two female singers Brenda Terona and Jacqi Magno from the Philippines. Both singers did half-an hour -set singing and playing solo with just their guitar in between sets with The Thunderbirds and Sonny Bala and The Moonglows. 

The other local singer was Elsie Sim, and we had to sing with both bands. I was lucky to take the prime slot at 9.45 pm so I only worked a couple of hours a night for that engagement.

One memorable moment was when the band Excalibur and I got a tip from a  patron on our last night as our contract had ended. When I announced our last song for the  evening, an Indonesian male guest came up to squeeze a hundred-dollar bill between the microphone and the microphone stand holder to request for another song.  

We obliged. When the song ended,  he came up with another hundred-dollar bill for another song and then did the same for the third time.  So by the end of the evening,  three one-hundred dollar bills on guitarist Ahmad’s microphone stand were flying like three state flags. Very shyly Ahmad  took the money which was split equally among the five of us. 

She caresses her microphone 8 days
a week; now that's a long while but
loving what she does is important.
Copyrights Reserved.

Then there was this regular Chinese guest who came with a group of guys. He kept nicking flowers decorating the lounge and bringing them to me on stage after every song raising much laughter all around.

When I turned 21, there was no  better place to celebrate the occasion than at The Apollo Hotel ballroom. I approached the Assistant Manager, Mr Ishizuka, who went out of the way to give me the best ballroom and best buffet spread without corkage charges – that’s the perk of being a regular singer at the hotel!

That’s why I always enjoyed going back again and again to Ion Bar because of the great relationship I had with the management namely Mr Fujiyama - General Manager, Mr Ishizuka - Assistant General Manager, Mr Kam - F&B manager (early 70s) and Mr Long - Supervisor Ion Bar (early 70s)

And although I performed in many lounges in my musical career, it was at Ion Bar that I sang in 1981 with The Hijacks for the last time  before I formally retired to get married and move to the United States with my husband.

Doris Ang and the Sandboys, 
recording artistes, Irene's good friends.

Connect with them:

So how did I end up in the music business, you  might ask. Well, it all started at a musician’s home somewhere along  River Valley Road  when I watched my best friend, Doris Ang (Hong Pei Pei),  rehearsing with the band, The Sandboys (image), for their upcoming record.  After the session, they asked me to sing a song.  So I sang a song  popularised by Rita Chao, I think, Say Yes, My Boy or Sixteen Candles. Rita and Sakura were the singing sensations of the period.

Mr Heng Ser Piah, the White Cloud Record Company boss, happened to be present. He was impressed and offered me a record deal at the tender age of 12. I was still in school and of course had to obtain my mother’s consent. Mr Heng sent me for vocal training with Ms Leung Pin, a famous singing coach, for several months. She taught me proper Chinese pronunciation and I still remember practising how to say “'por poh moh foh” .

Eventually I recorded 10 albums under The White Cloud label -  7 EPs and 3 LPs with other artistes – all in Mandarin. 

Another recollection was when I made an appearance in The Chinese Variety show, a popular programme on Radio Television Singapore (RTS), now known as Mediacorp.  I only needed to mime in front of the camera as my recorded song was played in the background.

NB: Irene has a brother who is a leader with LOCOMOTION, one of the best dance bands in Singapore and a brother who was a journalist and writer, Sonny Yap.

Andy, blogger, with Irene Yap and the late dancer,
Sunny Low, @ Tan Soo Khoon's CNY dinner, 2019.

The memorable pieces of messages Irene receives
from the patrons when she is singing on stage.

[Click Irene Yap under 'Labels' below and read
about her recording career singing Chinese melodies.]

Images and article have been COPYRIGHTED by Irene Yap and selected for a book to be published.


  1. Anonymous3.3.23

    Hi Andy!
    Never did work with Irene professionally but only did backup for her at the OLPS Church last Thursdays of the month session for the seniors on a few occasions...

  2. Anonymous3.3.23

    That is quite a lengthy note from Irene Yap as a musician and recording artist in the 70s.
    Fabian Foo


    Irene Yap
    Thank you Andy! I just woke up and receiving msgs of compliments. Thank you. ❤

    Andy Young
    Irene Yap, you deserve the accolades Irene. All the best and thanks for writing the stories you told. You should carry on with your gift and talent but on paper this time. Cheers.


    What a story, and such a beautiful story; a story of the times, of the people, of the ways of life. I'm sure those were heady days for our pioneers, and places with music, alcohol and beautiful people and company would have been a huge draw - especially for those with the means.

    But her story would certainly have brought back some fond memories and, I am sure; man men like the one in her story, would have a good laugh even. Those were the days, indeed.


    A really interesting and colorful piece from Irene!
    Reading her article reminded me not just about the good old days of the pop music scene in Singapore but also of soccer.

    The mere mention of banana kick specialist S. Rajagopal evokes fond memories of the Malaysia Cup days.

    A big and appreciative thank you to Irene Yap!


    Good write-up.
    I know Irene's mother from their M. Drive house and her brothers Sonny, also from Raffles Institution and younger Charlie.


    Those were the days, different today.


    Jimmy Appudurai-chua
    Wow that is some news x

    Andy Young
    Jimmy Appudurai-chua thank you.
    Coming from a star, that's a compliment indeed!


    Ron Hashim
    Compelling read indeed. Thank you for the music n the memories ❤️

    Andy Young
    Ron Hashim hey, thanks for the comment. Welcome to the blog. Cheers. 🙂


    Wah... I didn't know some of the oldies was recorded by Ms Irene Yap. I just shared on my FB and hope you don't mind I tag you :-) hee.

  11. Hey, that's nice Hui Si.


    Don't mention... Really interesting to know about the music scene in the past n with all the photos and videos.

  13. I'd like to thank all who wrote in, both on What'App, and on blog and those on FB.
    Appreciate the time and trouble you all took to read Irene's interesting stories during her nightclub sessions at the ION BAR at Apollo Hotel.

  14. TAN SOO KHOON3.3.23

    Wow, you bring back wonderful memories of those days when the lounge at the Apollo was THE place to go.

  15. THOMAS3.3.23

    So cool

  16. ALICE CHONG3.3.23

    So sexy and hip Irene.

  17. YATI3.3.23

    The sexy Irene.

  18. TESSIE KONG3.3.23

    Wow sooo gorgeous

  19. Irene, awesome!

  20. FACEBOOK CHATS3.3.23

    John Cher
    Alphonso Soosay
    Ivor Lesslar
    Stephen Han
    Colin Colin
    Jalani Mohamed
    Rose Khoo
    Jimmy Appudurai-chua
    Ericbronson Wong
    Koh Daisy
    Davy Chan
    Sam Gan
    Ron Hashim
    Poh Huat Tng
    Ser Kiong Tan
    Raymond Tan
    Rocker Lee
    Patrick Chng
    Moody Cash
    Ericbronson Wong
    Michael Fonseca
    Nogales Gilbert
    Yen Chow
    Raymond Cho
    Yip Dick
    Chynna Lee
    Patrick Teng
    Fabian Lim
    Frankie Koh
    Chow Wen Hing
    Hiroshi Deguchi



    This is really cool! Really thanks Andy Young my Secondary English Teacher for sharing !

    Do follow his blog, a lot of interesting and great true stories and memories of our music scene ! After reading this latest post of ms Irene Yap and I gotta know some of the oldies is sung by her !!

    Love her voice !!!

  22. Thanks Hui Si for promoting the post and blog too.
    Yes, we're generations apart but altogether connected on our tiny little island.
    But the number of talented music makers are huge!!!

  23. FACEBOOK CHATS3.3.23

    Ms. Hui Si is also a Chinese singer and MC for many of the shows that she hosts around the country.


  24. FACEBOOK CHATS3.3.23

    Jimmy Appudurai-chua
    Ron is Singapore artiste enjoying his success in Adelaide as a musician xx

    Ron Hashim
    Thank you Jimmy! Hope you’re well, champ 👍

  25. FACEBOOK CHATS3.3.23

    Irene Yap
    Thank you very much for all your lovely comments and compliments on WhatsApp and here on Facebook. Appreciate you taking the time to read and like the post. Writing this article evokes fond memories of years gone by.

    Fond memories of all the musicians I've worked with through the years. Thank you to all the musicians and to you, too, Andy.❤❤❤

    Andy Young
    Irene Yap thank you so much. The post is detailed and you took time to write it. You made all this possible with your story telling capabilities. The blog is only a platform...

    Hopefully other musicians from the 60s and beyond will tell their stories too, not only for Seniors but for youth and those interested in our music history.

  26. FACEBOOK CHATS3.3.23


    Irene Yap
    Andy Young Thank you Andy. It's thanks to you!❤❤

    Andy Young
    Irene Yap I think it's a record breaker.
    Irene has many many fans.

  27. Anonymous4.3.23

    Once again I like to thank all who have commended here. Thank you very much for all your wonderful comments and compliments here. Thank you.

  28. FACEBOOK CHATS4.3.23

    Andy Young

    Irene Yap
    Andy Young Thank you Andy.
    It's thanks to you!❤❤

    Andy Young
    Irene Yap I think it's a record breaker.
    Irene has many many fans. 🙂

  29. FACEBOOK CHATS4.3.23

    Jimmy Appudurai-chua
    Her brother Charlie has a good band in locomotion....,
    runs in the family xxxx

    Andy Young
    Jimmy Appudurai-chua
    Yes, Charlie is a sincere and pleasant friend indeed with his successful dance band.
    We 3 met at a party recently.

  30. FACEBOOK CHATS4.3.23

    Hiroshi Deguchi
    Irene's story surely brings back fond memories of Apollo Hotel where I used to stay at for a few days every summer in 80s. Ion Bar was on the first floor and left side of the hotel at the time I frequented.

    There was a dining room on the second floor, Kintamani Satay restaurant, also a book store on the way to Ion Bar. There was a girl I once had unrequited love at the front desk. Woo!!! good memories of my younger days.

    Andy Young
    Hiroshi Deguchi WOW!!! Thank you for sharing your very detailed description of the hotel and your experiences there. And great memories too. Hmm, that young lady, 'unrequited'? Must have been a very pretty person? 🙂

  31. FACEBOOK CHATS4.3.23

    Freda Hanum
    John Cher
    Michael Lee
    Ivor Lesslar
    Aloysius Tan
    Foo Jong Fook
    Rose Khoo
    Jimmy Appudurai-chua
    Frank Tan
    Randy Lee Keng
    Ang Alan
    Yap Yewhoe
    Jean Lim
    Robert Wesley Seng
    Yati Asmiyati Asbah
    Annie Tham
    Janet Teo
    Eugenia Ong
    Irene Francis Rogers
    Sylvia HT Lee
    Chad Beins
    Gina Cripps
    Charlie Yap Locomotion
    Noor Quek
    Movethatbody Joy
    Leena Salim
    Sandie Loo
    Dorothy Tay
    Tay Gek Tian
    Andy Young
    Pat D'Rose Monkman
    Uma Maya
    Henry Chua
    Doram Doram
    Jeremiah Choy
    Harris Hamzah
    Alice Wong
    Steve Bala Sirén
    Raymond Tan
    Sandra Ang
    Dicky Low
    Jennie Law
    Jessie Phua
    Harvey Fitzgerald
    Douglas Phee
    Colin Teo
    Lucy Lim
    Chew Ying Ying
    Joe Weng
    Sarj Singh
    Andy Tan
    Mary Lim
    Debra Palmer
    Annie Teo
    Richard Ashworth
    Thomas Ee
    Wang Doma Bhutia



    Freda Hanum
    Dearest Irene 😊💞

    Irene Yap
    Freda Hanum Thank you very much dearest Freda ❤

    Cedric Cork
    Good write-Up of the good O’days !

    Irene Yap
    Cedric Cork Thank you Cedric. It was a joy to work with you, my favourite, funny, full of jokes drummer with Sonny Bala and The Moonglows. And again we performed together at Kings Hotel with you, Peter Richards and Moses Tay. Those were the days

    Cedric Cork
    Irene Yap It was great and fun working with U too my dear !!

    Andy Young
    Irene Yap, yes, he's a funny man. Even now I am getting his jokes on WhatsApp, every day. Thanks Cedric.

    Cedric Cork
    Very impressive!

    Lee Khuay Meng Freddie
    👌🎶🎶🎶🎶Irene 👍😍

    Michael Lee
    Nice country voice with a distinct Singaporean accent.


    Jimmy Appudurai-chua
    Amazing Irene xxxx

    Irene Yap
    Jimmy Appudurai-chua Thank you Jimmy❤

    Jimmy Appudurai-chua
    Irene Yap love to Charlie x

    Michael Lee
    Interesting. I met Jimmy Topaz about the same time I met Lious Solaino in 1955. I had the privilege of meeting top class musicians and singers of that era.

    Irene Yap
    Michael Lee Yes, Michael, I'm sure his name will trigger alot of old memories too of the good old days

    Michael Lee
    Irene Yap There was also the TV producer and pianist Domingo Requiza.

    Irene Yap
    Michael Lee Yes, Domingo Requiza was the TV producer who got me to sing on television, Take 5 and Guthrie Hour where Tan Swee Leong was the host!

    Nice memories, this time I had to sing live on TV. Unlike Channel 8 Chinese Variety Show I only need to mime where my record was being played

    Michael Lee
    Irene Yap Fond memories of yesterday's vintage years.

    Irene Yap
    Michael Lee yes, indeed. I even kept the invoices of the TV appearances I made through the years.

    Irene Yap
    Michael Lee Oops, just recalled Domingo was the TV producer for Take Five an English variety show while Guthrie Hour's producer was Clark Kent.

    Jennie Law

    Irene Yap
    Jennie Law Thank you Jennie❤

    Dicky Low
    Way to go Irene! Great memories

    Irene Yap
    Dicky Low Thank you Dickie❤ yes, great memories

    Raymond Tan
    Well Irene Yap is a fabulous singer.
    She had sung at my birthday party many years before.
    I hope to invite her again.
    Awesome! Irene. U still look marvellous!

    Irene Yap
    Raymond Tan Thank you Raymond❤

    Freda Hanum
    Indeed amazing Irene Yap and so great reading back the wonderful old unforgotten music days... Great memories Irene Yap! ❤️❤️

    Irene Yap
    Freda Hanum Thank you Freda, yes great memories❤

    Pat D'Rose Monkman
    An enjoyable read, Irene. You performed with some very notable musicians at such a young age. Looks like you had a lot of fun !

    Irene Yap
    Pat D'Rose Monkman Thank you ❤.Yes, Pat, the memories will live with me always. So many talented musicians have already left us.

    Nice to share memories of them while I still remember. We did have alot of fun onstage and off stage!

    Dorothy Tay
    Lovely memories, Irene! ❤️❤️❤️

    Irene Yap
    Dorothy Tay Thank you Dorothy❤❤❤

    Irene Yap
    Thank you all for your lovely compliments. I am so glad to be able to have the 1981 performance of myself with The Hijacks video attached for all to get a chance to listen to how an 80s live music sounds...

    Thank you very much Thomas Ee for helping me to put the video together. Really appreciate it.❤

    Thomas Ee
    Irene Yap Pleasure is all mine! You deserve the recognition after so many years providing wonderful music and entertainment to audiences everywhere!

    Irene Yap
    Thomas Ee Thank you very much Thomas. You are a good friend❤

    Irene Francis Rogers
    Wow! Irene those were the days when we both use to hang out together. Love those old memories. Miss your mom too😞
    I’m sure she and my mom are having a nice time in Heaven.
    Thanks for sharing those wonderful photos of you.

    Irene Yap
    Irene Francis Rogers Yes, love the 70s, our era. Brings back so many fond memories for us. ❤

    Jean Lim
    Awesome! Didn’t change much. Still look so good.

    Irene Yap
    Jean Lim Thank you Jean❤
    You are so kind 🥰


    Freda Lim
    Thanks for this Irene, delightful to read.
    You sure pack a lot of living and adventure.
    I would love to feast on your past pictures, such a beauty...

    Such fabulous style.

    Laureen Lee:
    Beautifully written Aunty Irene.
    I read all of it.
    It's a beautiful glimpse of precious history.

    Great class!!

    David Ng:

    John Wong:
    Pioneer generation interms of live entertainment.


    PK Law:
    Good writeup.
    A walk down memory lane well recorded.


    Always generous, then and now, Irene.

    Ivy Ong:
    You look so gorgeous and sexy.

    Dorothy Tay:
    Thx Irene.
    Enjoyed reading your memoirs of your singing days!
    You were sensational then and still amazing now!



    Thank you very much Dorothy.
    Thank you for your compliments.
    Di you listen to the video attached at the top of the blog?
    Amazing, I could find that live performance in 1981 and listen how I sounded in my youth. Seems so long ago and yet like yesterday.


    Yes, I did.
    Your voice was clear and mesmerising!

  37. FACEBOOK CHATS6.3.23

    Fred Ching

    Brother Andy,
    many thanks to Irene Yap for her interesting contributions. Loved her funny and engaging styles with the crowd. I’ve watched many live performances here too. Perhaps the most memorable ones were the tribute shows.

    Been an Elvis fan all my life and Wilson David, dubbed the Elvis Presley of Singapore gave many fantastic performances at Ion Bar. Wilson always put on a great show and kept everyone entertained. He is a funny man and makes a personal connection with the crowd..

    oh the memories of this song brings back to my heart and soul..👍❤️🥰…

    Andy Young

    Fred Ching thanks.
    Yes you are spot on! We have great talents in SG and ION Bar was THE place to be seen. You must have been a very young man 🙂. Thanks also for the CD connection.

  38. FACEBOOK CHATS6.3.23

    Jennie Law

    Irene Yap
    Jennie Law Thank you Jennie❤

    Dicky Low
    Way to go Irene! Great memories

    Irene Yap
    Dicky Low Thank you Dickie❤ yes, great memories

    Raymond Tan
    Well Irene Yap is a fabulous singer.
    She had sung at my birthday party many years before.

    Irene Yap
    Raymond Tan Thank you Raymond❤

    Freda Hanum
    Indeed amazing Irene Yap and so great reading back the wonderful old unforgotten music days... Great memories Irene Yap! ❤️❤️

    Irene Yap
    Freda Hanum Thank you Freda, yes great memories❤

    Pat D'Rose Monkman
    An enjoyable read, Irene. You performed with some very notable musicians at such a young age. Looks like you had a lot of fun !

    Irene Yap
    Pat D'Rose Monkman Thank you ❤.Yes, Pat, the memories will live with me always. So many talented musicians have already left us. Nice to share memories of them while I still remember. We did have alot of fun onstage and off stage!

    Dorothy Tay
    Lovely memories, Irene! ❤️❤️❤️

    Irene Yap
    Dorothy Tay Thank you Dorothy❤❤❤

    Irene Yap
    Thank you all for your lovely compliments. I am so glad to be able to have the 1981 performance of myself with The Hijacks video attached for all to get a chance to listen to how an 80s live music sounds... Thank you very much Thomas Ee for helping me to put the video together. Really appreciate it.❤

    Thomas Ee
    Irene Yap Pleasure is all mine! You deserve the recognition after so many years providing wonderful music and entertainment to audiences everywhere!

    Irene Yap
    Thomas Ee Thank you very much Thomas. You are a good friend❤

    Irene Francis Rogers
    Wow! Irene those were the days when we both use to hang out together. Love those old memories. Miss your mom too😞 I’m sure she and my mom are having a nice time in Heaven. Thanks for sharing those wonderful photos of you.

    Irene Yap
    Irene Francis Rogers Yes, love the 70s, our era. Brings back so many fond memories for us. ❤

    Jean Lim
    Awesome! Didn’t change much. Still look so good.

    Irene Yap
    Jean Lim Thank you Jean❤You are so kind 🥰

    Peter Phua

    Belinda Sunshine
    Irene you are still looking great.....keep your music going 😉

    Irene Yap
    Belinda Sunshine Thank you Belinda ❤❤

  39. FACEBOOK CHATS6.3.23

    Fred Ching
    Andy Young Thanks Brother, for your fantastic blog and stories.. in the seventies I was in my twenties, now in the years twenty twenties I’m fast approaching my seventies. Cheers and have a good day.

    Andy Young
    Fred Ching, youth indeed! You are welcome to contribute by writing for the blog again. Your last 2 postings on the SANDPIPERS, CELINE DION, had many readers...


    Hi Andy,

    Yes I remember Sherman and The Sandboys. They were guest band at a dance nite way back in the mid 60s. That event was organized by the SGTSU (Singapore Government Technical Services Union) and the venue was at the Victoria Memorial Hall. They sure stole the limelight as they had a singer whereas The Decibels didn't.

    All tickets for the dance nite were sold out well before hand. I can't recollect any of the songs Sherman sang nor the tunes the Sandboys played that night but the party guests sure had a great time.

    Rip Sherman 🙏


    Irene Yap

    Andy Young Oh Wow!

    Thank you very much Andy and most of all A VERY BIG THANK YOU to all the lovely friends here and your fabulous blog for taking the time to read and listen to the video of the 70s era of the most fun times of my life working with some of the best in the industry!

    ❤Thank you very much

  42. FACEBOOK CHATS6.3.23

    Freda Hanum
    Indeed Irene Yap without second thought the beautiful female music industry legend of Singapore... Amazing memories Irene Yap got... So proud and salute 👍❤️

    Andy Young
    Freda Hanum yes, those years she was only, "Si-manis EMPAT BELAS..." 🙂

  43. FACEBOOK CHATS6.3.23

    Foo Jong Fook
    Cedric Cork
    Frank Tan
    Regi Leo
    Roland Shepherdson
    Rose Khoo
    Freda Hanum
    Michael Lee
    Jennie Law
    Jimmy Appudurai-chua
    Andy Young
    Alice Wong
    Razif Bin Abdul Ghani
    Uma Maya
    Julie Khoo
    Phyll Collings
    Dicky Low
    Audie Ng
    Colin Teo
    Sandra Ang
    Ivor Lesslar
    Lucy Lim
    Chew Ying Ying
    Doram Doram
    Annie Teo
    Ywenna Quinn
    Robert Wesley Seng
    Thomas Ee
    Alphonso Soosay
    Raymond Tan
    Marlene Benfield
    Wang Doma Bhutia
    Richard Ashworth


  44. FACEBOOK CHATS9.3.23

    Freda Hanum
    Andy Young indeed... so manis and talented ❤️
    Irene Yap
    Freda Hanum Thank you so much Freda❤️ You are just too kind to me. Thank you. Thank you🙏🙏

    Irene Yap
    Andy Young 😀hari ini juga 🥰


  45. With some postings it takes a year to reach 1,000+ views and readers. Chats and comments, even more. Some never reach that even in 15 years. IRENE's took about a week to reach this level. Just goes to show how popular she is, even today.


  46. Colin Colin
    Winston Koh
    Ericbronson Wong
    James Kwok
    Koh Daisy
    Hiroshi Deguchi
    Yen Chow
    Rocker Lee
    Poh Huat Tng
    Somkid Lakhawat
    Salim Mohamed
    Roland Shepherdson
    Belinda Poh
    Freda Hanum
    Joey Koh
    Fred Ching
    Peter Phua
    Ben van der Laan-Hatikustia
    Tin Leong Lim
    Mark Tan
    Alice Chong
    Michael Lee
    Diana Chan
    Lim Nance
    Ann Rowena Lim
    Lucky Liu
    Chen Hui Si
    Peter Cheong
    Davy Chan
    Sam Gan
    Ron Hashim
    Ivor Lesslar
    Stephen Han
    Ser Kiong Tan
    Raymond Tan
    Jimmy Appudurai-chua
    Patrick Chng
    Moody Cash
    Alphonso Soosay
    Ericbronson Wong
    Michael Fonseca
    Nogales Gilbert
    Raymond Cho
    Rose Khoo
    Yip Dick
    John Cher
    Chynna Lee
    Patrick Teng
    Fabian Lim
    Jalani Mohamed
    Frankie Koh
    Chow Wen Hing

