Sunday, January 16, 2022

Covid-19 Calamity - International and Singapore Celebrities Wear Masks - Who Are They - Quiz.

We're into our third year with Covid-19 plus, plus, and wondering when the trouble maker and variants will ever leave us for another planet. 

Meantime, try to guess who these stars are, coming from home and abroad. I am sure they are just as tired covering their beautiful faces. 

*You may need to ask your children or grandchildren for answers to 1 and 5.

There are 3 actresses, a politician, a DJ and a singer. That's all folks. Good luck.

Another action and international superstar.
I never miss her movies. Ask children.*
Image: Deviant Art [Riotvanclubxxx]

She keeps sleepy-heads awake 
during morning drive-time Singapore.
Image from Ilsa Chan

She needs no introduction. In the news all the time.
Image: from Yahoo finance.

Travelling from Paris to Sydney 2020 - The Star newspaper.
A selfie taken this action-star Malaysian international actress.

From her own Facebook post, here's one of the
prettiest singers* whose YouTube views go into billions. Oh!

A comedienne, she keeps local audiences 
in stitches 
on our TV stations. [from her personal Facebook]

Are you sure you tried hard enough?

Images: have been acknowledged individually. Let blogger know if more information is necessary. Will delete immediately for copyrights reasons.


  1. Just a note that answers will not be published until the day ends on 23rd January, 2022.
    That's about a week from now.

  2. STEPHEN HAN17.1.22

    I can only name the Myanmar President who was detained and the comedian

  3. YEN CHOW17.1.22

    1st pic...Marvel black widow actress?

  4. I put this quiz up for a reason. You need to ask your children or grandchildren to help. Or check the internet. Do try.

    The red masked lady is on our radio every morning and the lady in red is a KPOP group singer, very famous. Don't stay in your 60s bubble. Go beyond... Cheers.

    Thanks Stephen and Yen for trying. You are both correct with your guesses. But we need their actual names; not too difficult.
