Thursday, October 07, 2021

A Tribute To Mike [Beatles of Malaysia - Mike n Herb] From His Son Scott.

To all who sent condolences to Mike van Dort, his son Scott writes about him in remembrance. 


I am Mike’s son (Herb’s nephew) and it has been truly incredible to read all the comments from people who met him way back in the day and from people more recently and how he made an impression and impact on them.

I just wanted to share my early memories of him teaching me HOW to listen and appreciate music from a very early age. I have great memories of being very small and sitting in our family house in Melbourne where he would put records on the turntable and ask me to listen to vocal harmonies and guitar parts. He would even repeat sections so I could REALLY hear and understand the parts. 

Mike and Herb continued to play music throughout my life - I remember being very little and attending one of their concerts with my sister (Mike’s daughter) in our pajamas, standing backstage! Over the years, we spoke about guitars and music and, in fact, we both own several of the same guitars (Taylor and Maton acoustic guitars). We used to trade tips on our guitars and how much we loved their sound.

Herb and Mike played a show in Melbourne some years ago and I even got to do their sound, which was such a great night.

Thank you for sharing your memories here - it has been a pleasure to read.

Scott Van Dort


  1. SCOTT VAN DORT10.10.21

    Hi Andy,

    Firstly, thank you for posting my tribute to my Dad, Mike van Dort. I didn't expect you to create a post out of it - great to see. I think a lot of his fans will be interested to hear about what they did after moving to Australia.

    I wanted to alert you that Mike moved to Australia in 1968, not 1967.

    Thank you again!

  2. Hi SCOTT,

    Couldn't address you direct because you didn't leave me your email. You can if you wish and I won't publish it.

    Let me know the exact location of the incorrect year on the post and I shall change it, otherwise just let it be because most viewers would read this comment. I couldn't find it. Apologies.

    Take care.

  3. Hi Andy!

    I hope this finds you well.

    Sorry for not posting my email address!

    Thank you for making those small corrections to the posts. The only other piece of information was the time of Mike's passing - it was 7:53am local time.

    Regarding my comment about the year Mike moved to Australia, I realize it was a comment by Audi, so no need to correct that! That's fine.

    Thank you again for sharing the information about my Dad, Mike van Dort. What an incredible man.

    Best wishes,

