Friday, September 25, 2020

'My Lonely Heart' Thunderbirds: 4 Chinese Versions. Mooncake Festival Wishes To All 2020

The letter below was sent last year to my email. I had missed it and apologise to Dr Steven Farram, Darwin University, a great friend, for not publishing it earlier. Thanks Steve.

The Thunderbirds' top hit My Lonely Heart, a Singapore composition, was recorded with three other international hits and sung by June Mok a popular Chinese artiste from the 60s. 

Hi Andy,

Michael Bangar’s letter gives a perfect intro. Although 'My Lonely Heart' isn’t the most recorded song I know. See below for some script for a post and images attached.





This YouTube video has 4 songs recorded. The topical record is on the 2nd track. It does not have the comb-gliding characteristic sound like the original but a totally different rendition, which I thought is just as effective and beautiful. 

My Lonely Heart (1967)


Hi Andy,


I was very interested to read Michael Bangar’s comments about The Thunderbirds’ song ‘My Lonely Heart’ and recall him telling me exactly the same thing when I had the good fortune to meet him at the City Square Mall in Singapore back in 2017. I knew that other artists had covered the song and checked my records when I got home to find which versions I had. 

The results were a bit surprising. I have four other versions of the song all sung by female performers. Three of the four versions are sung in Chinese (Mandarin). I am not sure and only one of the four artists was from Singapore. The other three were from Hong Kong. They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so clearly these recording artists were strong admirers of Harvey Fitzgerald’s song.


The recording from Singapore was by Rita Chao & The Quests. The Hong Kong recordings were by Donna, Fung Po Po, and June Mok. Only Fung Po Po sung it in English.




Wishing all my Chinese readers and viewers A Joyous Mooncake Festival 2020.  These are challenging times, so just keep your mask on and don't go too close to the crowds.

The cover of Rita Chao's vinyl record, that has the same song but sung in Chinese. It just goes to show how creative and talented our music boys and girls are. This song was the composition of two brothers Harvey and the late Derrick Fitzgerald.
The sweet and petite Fung Boh Boh or Wong Poh Poh, loved by grandmothers, aunties and young children. A child-star she was as famous in Hong Kong as Shirley Temple was in Hollywood, USA in the 50s. She was a singer too and recorded 'My Lonely Heart' (well, the melody anyway). Ms. Fung would probably be in her mid-sixties now?

The three collaborators who met and discussed 60s music from Australia and Singapore: Andy, Michael and Steve (from Darwin).

Images: Google.

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