Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The Corona And A Rainbow In Singapore: Latest News & Symbol Of Hope

Photographs are not enhanced and taken by JL2 during a heavy drizzle.

I was driving on the usual hilly and winding lane. There was heavy drizzle and  going home with my young lady beside me. It was about six this evening (11 Feb. 2020). Ho hum.

Then the usually chatty lady shouted excitedly, "Look gramps!  A rainbow, a rainbow!"  I looked to my left. Sure enough there was this beautiful and colourful arch in the sky in front of us.

"Take a picture!" she shouted, "Quick gimme your phone!" And the bright-eyed lady was saying something like, "Oh the two ends disappear near the bungalows!"

I stopped the car in front of the rusty gate and started to wind down the window, quickly took a few pictures as the rain poured and nearly drenched her.

Raindrops on the window pane declares the rain, adding, I made the rainbow too.

"Make a wish, make a wish!" I told her and we both made our wishes very loudly. Oh how we wished! 

Secret! No telling.

When her turn came to take pictures, she wound up the window and snapped away as any expert iPhone photographer would. And she remarked, "My pictures with the raindrops on the window glass look nicer..." 

Never in my life, even at this age, have I seen a rainbow of this stature and colour. First time ever. 

And for the young lady too. 

But then she's only eleven.

Without filters and things, the pictures are not up to expectations but at least we took the shots. Any experts out there to help, just let me know?

We both thought of the song the family knew. Yes, Russ Hamilton's, Rainbow.

So folks, at this time with the corona thingy, let's all look for that beautiful bridge because it symbolizes hope.  More rainbows will come and the world will get well soon.

It's still raining heavily outside now...
Rainbow by Russ Hamilton. YouTube Video by: RockFur2. Thank you.

This posting is dedicated to:

1) the young lady who made other drivers and motor-cyclists stop to take        pictures too and

2) Dr. Lee Yan San from Penang, Malaysia who was a close friend of the late    Russ Hamilton.
Image result for russ hamilton rainbow


  1. DR. LEE YAN SAN (MALAYSIA)13.2.20

    Hi Andy,
    So nice to hear from you. Your 60's site is certainly one of my very favourite sites and will certainly get involved whenever I can. I shall certainly keep an eye on your granddaughter's posting and reply...


    (This letter has been edited.)

  2. STEPHEN HAN13.2.20

    Russ Hamilton has 4 or 5 hits and there after there were no new albums from him, simply vanished.

    RIP Russ.

  3. PETER CHEONG13.2.20

    Another good song by Russ... 'We will make love'.


    I loved this song, "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" 😊 hopefully this rainbow will bring the blessings for the world 💖

  5. LIM KUAN MIN13.2.20

    A touching moment for you & the young lady.
    I too believe in the 'Rainbow' & Russ Hamilton's song just perfect.
    Thks for this piece.

  6. Anonymous13.2.20

    Jalani, Stephen, Freda, Min, Peter and the others who LIKE this post.
    Thank you.
    Love your comments.
    And an open apology to Min who left early to have his breakfast.
    I had detained him for a long moment.

    Special thanks to Dr. Lee YS who is very busy I know.
    Cheers all.

  7. Special thanks to ERICBRONSON WONG who has always supported me with lots of 'Cheer On' greetings and posters.

    Thank you sir.

  8. Nice song to listen to especially if it rains! Thanks for intro, Andy!

  9. DR. LEE YAN SAN (MALAYSIA)15.2.20

    Thanks Andy. The Rainbow is really beautiful. Good photography. (As you know I am very interested in Photography with a Licentiate in Photography from UK). Your granddaughter is really smart, loving and talented.
    Yes, I still remember the great Russ Hamilton who was my very favourite singer when I was young in Penang. Have all his 78 and later 45 records. Met him personally in Wales. He is from Liverpool. Such a very nice and friendly man too and personally gave me a lot of his rare songs and even some unpublished ones. He planned to visit Penang but unfortunately did not make it. Was really shocked when I received the sad news from his sister of his passing.

    Will always keep in touch with your very interesting site.

  10. JAMES KWOK19.5.21

    Wikipedia: Russ Hamilton’s 1957 "We Will Make Love" peaked at No. 2 in the UK Singles Chart, and its B-side "Rainbow" reached No. 4 on Billboard's Hot 100.

    This produced the possibly unique event of a single reaching the Top 10 in the UK, while its flipside achieved the same result across the Atlantic. The record sold over one million copies, and reached gold disc status.
