Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Singapore 60's Music: Harvey Fitzgerald and My Lonely Heart

Harvey Fitzgerald
'My Lonely Heart' from The Thunderbirds.

From "eosyeo" who provided this orchestral version. Thank you very much eosyeo.

Michael Bangar feels that My Lonely Heart is the best English pop 60's song composed locally. 

Hi Andy,

As usual on a Sunday, I listen to Brian Richmond's Vintage Sunday Morning Show and I heard him wish The Thunderbirds' Harvey Fitzgerald, "A Very Happy Birthday". He followed that up by playing their big hit here, My Lonely Heart. 

If he does read your blog, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate him and the rest of the Thunderbirds  for composing and recording  this beautiful song and making it a part of Singapore's music heritage.

What a classic song it has turned out to be! A beautiful melody, a great arrangement, great vocals and chords and  slide guitar work ahead of its time. A favourite among local fans.

To me, this song is probably the best English song composed and recorded by any Singapore band or artiste so far.

A really great job you guys who were with The  Thunderbirds. Cheers !

Best regards,
Michael Bangar.

Any opinion guys? Say your piece.
(Extreme right: Harvey Fitzgerald; song composer with Thunderbirds.)
Images: Google. 


Hi Andy,

 Michael Bangar’s letter gives a perfect intro. Although My Lonely Heart isn’t the most recorded song I know. See below for some script for a post and images attached.

Andy Young,Michael Bangar and Steve Farram during a lunch munch in SG.

My Lonely Heart

Hi Andy,

I was very interested to read Michael Bangar’s comments about The Thunderbirds’ song ‘My Lonely Heart’ and recall him telling me exactly the same thing when I had the good fortune to meet him at the City Square Mall in Singapore back in 2017. I knew that other artists had covered the song and checked my records when I got home to find which versions I had. 

The results were a bit surprising. I have four other versions of the song all sung by female performers. Three of the four versions are sung in Chinese (Mandarin? I am not sure) and only one of the four artists was from Singapore. The other three were from Hong Kong. They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so clearly these recording artists were strong admirers of Harvey Fitzgerald’s song.

The recording from Singapore was by Rita Chao & The Quests. The Hong Kong recordings were by Donna, Fung Po Po, and June Mok. Only Fung Po Po sung it in English.

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people on stage and people standing
Images: Google and Hiroshi Deguchi from Japan. Thank you Hiroshi. Picture shows Derrick Fitzgerald with Thunderbirds at the Carriage Bar York Hotel.

Video: YouTube.


  1. FREDA HANUM11.12.19

    Andy I am trying to recollect the programme name featured regularly weekly. During that time it was black and white tv picture only in 1965 where they featured all the local top singers and bands.

    I was at school then would never miss this English variety show, they always featured Heather & Thunlderbirds, Naomi and the boys, Crescendos, Quests, Trailers and many others.... that was my most favourite programme.


    This reminds me of happy moments I had with The Thunderbirds at York Hotel. Once with my wife on our honeymoon and the second with my mother.

    The both times, when I nerved myself to go up to him and request Gerald to sing Cliff's song. On the spot, with a big smile he agreed to my request.

    It was 1988 and 91.

  3. PETER LIM11.12.19

    I went with done friends to listen to The Thunderstorms at Carriage Bar, York Hotel during 2001 ... Good band.. with great dance music.. 😊😊😁😁

  4. TOP GUNTER11.12.19

    They were previously Thunderbirds, after Harvey left, than his brother, changed it to Thunderstorms, than at Carriage Bar, York Hotel!

  5. Hiroshi's story about him meeting Thunderbirds is featured on the blog. Click his name, can read how Japan charted top songs too.

    Thanks Freda. Very interesting piece about b/w TV, especially for those people who never went through that phase of SG. Also featured were other top bands those years. It was a favourite among the 60's viewers.

    Thanks too Top Gunter and Peter Lim for comments.

  6. STEPHEN HAN11.12.19

    Lovely composition


    I was there in Carriage Bar the night before the band ended their last performance in York Hotel.
    It was nostalgia to have a great time that night with all their regulars supporters in full force.
    I remembered I left the place at 2 am.

  8. Wow Fabian.
    That was the night then.
    I've had occasions to visit the place.
    Thanks for your memory piece.


    Hi Andy,
    Thunderstorm was a totally different band. Michael tan of 10th Storey Agency formed the band. it started off as Weather and Thunderstorm:
    Naomi Suriya vocalist was Weather.
    Thunderstorms were Eddie Marzuki guitar
    Johnny Chew keyboards
    Tony Papineu drums and
    Ibrahm Paul bass.

    Later Tony Fonseka replaced Tony Papineau and William, replaced Ibrahm.
    Danny Lim took over from Eddie M.
    Tony P. left for Australia.
    Eddie and Ibrahm left to join The Flybaits.


    Weather and Thunderstorm had a long stint at the
    TreeTops Bar, HHoliday Inn, Scotts Road.
    Today it's Royal Crown Plaza Hotel.

  11. RICHARD PAUL M.12.12.19

    The Thunderbirds have all along being just The Thunderbirds.
    The Thunderstorms is a totally different band.

  12. Again many thanks to all friends who's been supporting this FB Blog connection. I've always believed in a two-way positive connection and chat that's informative. Thanks also for the LIKES from everyone else, especially the ONE DOZEN (+) ACTIVE friends who's always been so helpful to thumbs-up my FB posts, whether I LIKE their post or otherwise. That's true glory in friendship.

  13. facebook chats12.12.19


    Freda Hanum
    Stephen Han
    Hiroshi Deguchi
    Jimmy Appudurai-chua
    Peter Cheong
    Rose Khoo
    Charlie Yap Locomotion
    Ann Rowena Lim
    Peter Lim
    Irene Yap
    Terence Lee
    Top Gunter
    Ho Victor
    Rocker Lee
    Tan Teng Teng
    Mark Tan
    Ser Kiong Tan
    Tan Andrew

  14. Anonymous25.2.23

    Harvey and Heather Fitzgerald sang at my wedding in New Zealand in 1986
