Thursday, December 26, 2019

Andy 60's Music A Merry Xmas & New 2020

Image may contain: 2 people, including Andy Young
Many many thanks to FREDA HANUM for creating and putting up the above poster on Facebook.  It wasn't planned at all but I am grateful for the recognition she and many readers have given this blog. 

I am taking this advantage to feature below the wonderful people I've met because of this blog.

Teepees: Anna, Audie, Freda, Andy, Rose, Rumini
Backstage Pek Kio CC.
Linda apparently runs the show. 
Boss Audie only instructs. Hee hee.
With Stephen Han who sends me news pieces 
daily and write articles for the blog too.
Rocky Wong sings at a hotel in town.
He's in his 80's and plays the guitar as well.
Still with a great voice and very talented.
He does Chinese, Malay, Tamil, Thai and
is a C/W rock n roller.
Silver Strings backstage RELC: Peter, Nick, Andy, Michael,
Percy, Audie and Johnny. Man! One of the best teams I've sung with.
Very easy going boys.
With Swee Leng, NIE colleague, her sister and close friends.
With Lydia Kok, La Salle student, 
and Mike Bangar and Mrs Bangar.
The SG Rat Pack: Johnny Yeow, Ernesto, Andy, Richard, Audie.
Since our show at NLB Hall in 2016
Rose Khoo has kept in touch, LIKING my postings 
on Facebook all the time. Thanks Rose.
Before Christmas. With camel-keeper Erhmad (Ahmad) 
and the ship of the desert.
The great man himself: 
DJ personality Jerry Fernandez
He sings Tom Jones songs better
than Mr Jones.
Three of the nicest guys in SG 60's music scene today.
These boys have no airs about them: Johnny Yeow,
Winston Koh and Charlie Yap. Great guys.
Ms Angela Leow (selfie)
during the RELC show break in November 2019.
She's a reader of fine books and writes well on her Facebook.
Addy Ng, son of Audie Ng.
He's in charge too when papa
does a show. Cheers Addy.

With Ted Ha (seated), a superbly disciplined jazz guitarist,
with Steve Ho, rocker from The Heartbreakers, who busks
in Chinatown and Alfred Wong (yellow T), entrepreneur.
When I asked that Deadpool take off his hood, 
he threatened, "I'll kill you afterwards?" I walked away.
Luckily he allowed our picture. Have you heard the
theme music to this guy's movie?
Alfred Wong who runs shows for clubs and events. 
Catch him at SGCC on 29th December.  
An ardent 60's fan although he's only 45; Alfred
is a classical guitarist and keyboardist.
Says he related to some Sultan Wongo in the Far East.
Peter Cheong is a familiar face on Facebook
and often shares my posts with his friends.
He's an old SAS boy and climbs the banyan tree
to play Tarzan, after pushing his bike up the hill.
My surfing buddies in the Sunshine Coast, Australia. 
We used to go watchthe surf so when it's high tide they surf, I watch.

No BeeGees live but plenty of statues
and nostalgia in this special lane. Brisbane, Australia.
The peak for this blog when Hafizah and her two friends
wrote to me for a paper they needed to write about local music.
I agreed and got Jerry Fernandez, Michael Bangar and Winston Koh 
to help. With Tom Jones, BB King and Cliff Richard, what better lecturers
do they need?
Image may contain: 7 people, including Roy Chew, Andy Young, Joycelyn Leong and Yen Chow, people smiling, people standing and outdoor
And here they are, my most wonderful students
from the 90's. While you guys were screaming
and singing on stage, I was screaming at them
in class. After nearly 30 years they still invite me
to their outings and it's all due to Yen. Thanks Yen.
3 generations in touch.

The blog helped to bring many of these students, friends and musicians together. Thank you all.

1 comment:

  1. Great Creative use of your time Andy - much appreciated your work of love for the music scene in Singapore
