Monday, June 24, 2019

Eddie Eng: Engineer & Retired Businessman: About Andy's Blog

Mr. Eddie Eng (above):

For Mr. Eng, music, paintings and drawings have been his childhood passions. He was trained as an engineer but at ease with both calculus and poetry. His only addiction, he wrote, "is the printed word". Today, Mr. Eng is a retired businessman. You can read more about Eddie Eng from LinkedIn Singapore.

He has been a fan of the Silver Strings since our show at Orchard Road in 2013 and has been attending other ones too.  We have not met personally and I have communicated with him via SMS through Audie Ng, bandleader and bassist when Audie mentioned Mr Eng's complimentary comment about the blog and me.

Thanks very much, Eddie, for the kind words. You've made my day. I have put up your comment to show my appreciation and hope others will be encouraged to write about Singapore's pop music history too. Such enthusiasm for popular culture from a person of your calibre is inspirational indeed.

A former businessman, Mr Eddie Eng, engineer, has a passion for music, painting and drawing.

His comment:

"His (Andy) writing is very much similar to his singing - pure, unadulterated and effortless. Even when singing pop songs he has the discernible air of a scholarly gentleman." 

Dear Andy,

You are a singer and writer par excellence.

Your writing style is highly readable. It captures the vibrancy of youth in that era where our country was still much in the process of nation-building.

Please consider to put it down for posterity in the form of an enduring print. Any scholarly research into the early days of our nationhood is not complete without this cultural dimension - the energy and vigour our youth in musical expression.

If I tell you that you are such a fine gentleman, I know I am not the first or last guy to say so. Social grace and decorum are hard to come by in our frenzied society. In this sense, you are almost an extinct breed."

Written by: Eddie Eng.

Images: A Personal Collection (Copyrights Reserved).



    I agree with Eddie Eng.
    I know Andy for as long as I was in the music scene in the 60s.
    An amiable person who is genuine.

    He still sings today.
    I heard a very tough music critic stating that Andy still has got it.

    He still can sing like he did in the 60s.
    Wel done Andy.

  2. Thank you, Zainal.

    That phone call 6 years ago changed our paths.
    We finally met.
    Appreciate your kind words.

  3. FRED CHING15.8.19

    Seeing your post a while ago made me realize that I am not the only one who loves reading your blogs.
    Thanks so much for your excellent contributions.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you daily.
    I remain your devoted supporter and loyal friend.
    Blessing from me, dear Brother Andy����.
