Thursday, August 14, 2014

TODAY Newspaper, "You Really Should Go." By Christopher Toh

Line-up for RELC Anniversary: Andy, Nick, Mustafa, Bobo (the late), Mike, Danny Boy, Herb, Audie, Veronica, Rickie.

TODAY newspaper on-line extracts:

Article by Christopher Toh:

"Singapore’s Silver Strings have another anniversary do — and you really should go."

Last year's show in November 2013

"To be honest, only three of us are from the original group from 1963/64: *Myself, Andy and Veronica. The rests are the so-called second or third-generation members of the band,” (Audie Ng, right) explained. “I didn’t think it was appropriate to call it our 50th-anniversary show because I couldn’t get all the people back in. I would have to get all the singers and musicians, all seven of them. But it’s difficult to do that.”

Veronica, dubbed Singapore’s Millie Small, gave a lively performance (yes, she performed My Boy Lollipop by Millie Small), still hitting those strident notes in style as she took over the final third of the show. 

Andy Young — Singapore’s answer to Paul Anka — was more energetic than the man himself as he ran through some of Anka’s popular tunes.

But what was amazing was the crowd’s reaction. Sure, most of them were my dad’s age, but the energy at the gig was fantastic. They were fans and they did what all fans did: They sang along with all their heart, they clapped and cheered lustily when each song ended, they even asked for selfies with Veronica and Andy. 

This Year's Show on Saturday, August 2014:

This weekend, The Silver Strings are getting back together with Veronica, Mike & Herb, Andy and Mustapha Al-Johary, who are all flying in from countries as far as France, New Zealand and Australia.

This year’s show is meant to be a big affair. It will also be hosted by Jerry Fernandez and you’ve also got a popular host of the past Larry Lai and musician Ernesto Valerio (sometimes called Singapore’s Dean Martin).

*Factually Danny Boy (drummer, left) is from the original group and came before Veronica Young (left) was on the scene in 1963-1964.

Click to see the show highlights:

Article: from Today Newspaper 14.08.14. by Christopher Toh (Music Correspondent).

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