Tuesday, May 13, 2014

A Happy Vesak To My Buddhist Friends And Readers

On this Vesak Day, I share with my friends a group of music celebrities who are Buddhists.  I only list those I am familiar with as there may be names of others you might like to add.

This practice of Buddhism has been around for over 2,600 years and in Asian countries, it has existed peacefully with Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, etc., but it was only in the past two decades or so that the philosophy has taken off into traditionally non-Buddhist countries and embraced.  

In the U.S., U.K. and other western communities, film stars, musicians and other top names promote the message of Buddhism in their movies, music and lifestyles.

Here they are:

Alanis Morissette
Annie Lennox
Belinda Carlisle
Courtney Love
David Bowie
Gene Vincent (?)
Herbie Hancock
Jennifer Lopez
KD Lang
Leonard Cohen
Patti Smith
Sandie Shaw 
Sting - Gordon Sumner
Tina Turner

Image: Google.
Information: from Relevant Websites and may not be accurate.


  1. BUDDHIST IN GA13.5.14

    I am always interested in learning about the different philosophies of Buddhism and who practices what philosophy. So of course people are always fascinated with celebrities and this was an interesting list of people. I am a Buddhist myself and practice Nichiren Buddhism the same practice as Tina Turner, Orlando Bloom, Herbie Hancock and Patrick Duffy. What a “Wonderful” group of people to share the same philosophy with in life! I only wish that I could chant with them personally! Thanks again for the list!

    Comment from Buddhist in GA
    Time: December 2, 2008, 11:17 pm


  2. ANNIE13.5.14

    Readers may not be aware that like christianity there are many different types of buddhism. Of course most philosophies and religions work towards peace, but after some extensive reading Nichirin Buddhism seems to the best to cope with the real world. Listen to Tina Turner’s interview.

    Comment from Annie
    Time: February 19, 2010, 6:08 pm


  3. This posting qualifies as an "Interest Post" and for Vesak Day, it is documenting what is interesting where a pop music connection is made .
