Monday, March 24, 2014

60's Music Scene With Grandpa: 'Treasure Hunt' Part 2

On the Singapore Memory Trail:

If your grandchild asks you this question then it's time to visit Stamford Road because there's this exhibition at the National Museum which picks up from the Treasure Hunt series on Channel News Asia recently. 

I am not promoting for this group but because there's a segment at the exhibition which discusses local music from the 60's I thought some of you readers might be interested.
Local Bands and Records Exhibit.
Songs recorded by The Silver Strings and Trailers played on a portable turntable during the documentary are highlighted.  I had a chat with both show hosts Anita Kapoor and archaeologist, Lim Chen Sian. Another glass cabinet shows some of the local pop music record covers from that period.  

It displays Singapore recording artistes The Silver Strings, Trailers, Crescendos, Keith Locke, The Quests, Naomi n The Boys and Shirley Nair.  Can you name the songs that were recorded on these particular vinyls?  No prizes but I am sure many of you cannot identify them.
Display Board of Local Music Record Covers.

There's also a general information board that explains the history of the National Theater and another that describes what Singapore in the 1960's was all about.

These exhibits took time to collect and display and historian Ms Tan Teng Teng had many hours setting them up before the big day.  She had to come to my home, catalog every vinyl record she took from me and insure them for $500 each. Then she placed them in plastic pockets to make sure they stay unscathed.
Information Board explaining the 1960s.
A whole array of stuff can be viewed from the 50's up to the 80's and they all come from the people's collection that was telecast a few weeks ago on Channel 106. 
From kopi-tiam (coffee-shop) paraphernalia to a large garden fountain, from a Green Spot thermometer to a humongous car, you can have lots of fun guessing in which period they were used.  Unless you've seen the series you might be making wrong guesses.

I must thank pop blogger James Seah (left) for promoting my blog on his.  He is seen with the Museum's Senior Officer for Marketing and Corporate Communications, Norfaiz Noeryamin.

Since all TV participants for 'Treasure Hunt' were invited for the big day, we tagged along.  That's grandson Josh below in red, with pop TV host Anita Kapoor, on my right.  Archaeologist Chen's busy with other guests.

Don't forget to identify the songs from the vinyls above. Come on you guys, give it a try. And check out the treasures which you can view until the end of April, I think.

Check James Seah's Blog:
Images: J. Collection.


  1. pak gendoet1.4.14

    this is good post...

    i like this...

    thanks very much.

  2. I met my blogger friend Andy Lim of "Singapore 60s: Andy's Pop Music Influence" and he was at the exhibition with his 7-year-old grandson. Andy is a contributor to the People's Collection with vinyl records of Singapore pop groups from the 1960s which has been hailed as the "Golden Age of Singapore Music".

  3. Thank you James for the connection to your blog and Pak Gendoet for appreciating my post.

  4. chakap chakap2.4.14

    Visiting a museum:

    1. Do a little research and be prepared for the visit.

    2. Decide which museum you wish to visit and one that can excite your curiosity.

    3. Find out if there are talks on that day, special people to meet, any concessions for you.

    4. Learn something from the visit and don't go away without new information.

    5. Be prepared to fill the tummy and take along some drinks.

    6. Go with a friend who's interested in the same subject or exhibits.

    7. Carry your note-pad or iPad or tablet if you need to and that camera (if they allow picture taking).

    8. Enjoy yourself.

  5. FACEBOOK ANDY14.4.17

    Stephen Han
    Ivor Lesslar
    Raymond Cho
    John Cher
    Philip Chew
    Tony Ng
    Randy Lee Keng
    David Lim
    Alphonso Soosay
    Mohammed Ali
    Leslie Wilson Joseph
    Irene Yap
    Maung Pe Ne
    Dawn Karen Tan
    Charlie Yap Locomotion
    Joseph Goh
    Jon Goh
    James Seah
    Peter Lim
    Joycelyn Leong
    Lange Brunei
    Ann Rowena Lim
    Roland Soh

