Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Calling All Princess Elizabeth Estate 60s Bands

Hello Andy,

My name is James Tann and I was at the talk you gave at the Old Parliament House last Saturday. I am a friend of Peter Chan as well as Lam Chun See, who inducted me into the FOYERS group last year.

Congratulations for giving a fine address and the Sentimental Journey. This song always brings me back to memories of the days when I sat beside my home 'hi-fi' record player and played Doris Day over and over again.

As you are *the acknowledged expert for Singapore music of the 60s, I am trying to tap into your wide database for some information.  I write a heritage blog called Princess Elizabeth Estate: memories of my old home village. Princess Elizabeth Estate was an old SIT estate located off Hillview Avenue in Bukit Timah, now demolished as with so many other heritage losses. My blog has articles of events mostly from the 60s and 70s and focused on the estate and its surroundings.

Princess Elizabeth Estate was also the home base for the 60s band Pest Infested (right). I also know that quite of number of the boys from Princess Elizabeth Estate later joined or were part of bands like the Surfers (October Cherries), Blue Stars and Siglap 5.

I am in the midst of writing another article on these boys who went on to form some of the bands in the 60s. From your vast knowledge, do you know who else, beside the Pest Infested, were from Princess Elizabeth Estate? I have the Pest Infested covered as I knew them personally as well as their parents too but the others from the estate who joined other bands I am not to aware of. These 'lost' boys are the ones I am interested in.

Princess girl Bridget Ong Mei Li was Miss Singapore/Universe in 1967.
Slightly later boys from Princess Elizabeth Est who became 'famous'  are people like Ramli Sarip and his brother (Sweet Charity) and Moliano from Lovehunter.

I hope you can find some time to help me with some details,

Best regards

*Thank you James but I am not an expert but a student learning about our local 60s music.

Readers can write to me or directly to James' blog below. His email address is available too but do write to either one of us.

James Tann's blog:
Images: James Tann Blog.


  1. Hi James,
    This mail is to acknowledge yours. Thanks. Will write to you soon.

    Do you mind if I publish relevant parts of your letter on the blog because I am sure there are readers out there who can help with the answers?

    BTW I am no guru. Still learning.


  2. JAMES TANN18.7.12

    Hi Andy.

    Thanks, that's already a lot you have done putting me in touch with readers of yr blog!

    Now I await eagerly for their feedback and hidden gems of info.

    I just got in touch with The Blue Stars, another 60s band out of Princess Elizabeth. Do you know them?

    I will have my article up by next week,

    Best regards

  3. Hi James,

    I have heard of them but do not know them personally. We come and go back stage and with my two year stint with Strings met lots of bands.

    Keep up the good work with the very detailed blog.

