Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Stringing Along With "The Boys" Night Out

Jerry Fernandez, Robert Suriya and Alphonso Soosay are the best of friends and have been keeping in touch.  The last time Audie Ng met Robert was in 1972 in Japan. And so the friendly get-together went. Jerry from the Neu Faces, Audie and Andy, both from the 'Silver Strings' met Robert and Alphonso from 'Naomi and The Boys' fame.

Jerry hosted the delicious dinner buffet they had at a hotel in town. Chatting through last night they said their goodbyes near eleven in the evening. One for the photo-album or iPhone pix.

Image from left: 
Alphonso Soosay, Jerry Fernandez, Robert Suriya, Audie Ng, Andy.


  1. Did you introduce my book to them?

  2. Forgot. Next time around when I see them again.

  3. Hi Andy,

    What a great time you guys must have had. I do periodically check out your blog site for new postings and I'm saddened to read of Ismail Haron's passing.

    Best regards,

  4. Thanks for visiting Jim. Yes truly saddened by Ismail Haron's death. He's got a great voice and was a pretty humble guy.

    Robert Suriya and Alphonso Soosay were in town recently. It was great to have met up with them.

  5. Thanks for the pic, is that you far right??

  6. Yes Irene. And Audie, Silver Strings next to me.

  7. Yes, I know Audie and Jerry. I may have met Alfonso but Robert, I can't remember...

    It's been a long time and the musicians I met unless I've worked with them; otherwise we all change and memories are such. Out of sight out of mind...


  8. It's true Irene. Out of sight, out of mind.

    Thanks for the Facebook and email replies. Do keep in touch.

    You are definitely not out of sight nor out of mind. Ha, ha.

  9. Hi Andy,

    It was great meeting with you - and Jerry in Singapore - and not forgetting the great food. We will do it again some time.

  10. Thank you all for the Facebook replies. We hope to meet again soon.

    For those not in the circle, Robert Suriya was the lead guitarist for 'Naomi and The Boys', one of the top guitar groups in Singapore 60s.

    I have yet to feature them appropriately on this blog. Hope to do so soon.

    And thank you Robert for sharing.

  11. Anonymous27.4.12

    Hi Andy,
    That was great that you could meet up with some of The Boys. Robert Suriya was a great songwriter and no slouch on the sitar either! I really like the two solo The Boys singles.

  12. Hi Steve. It was great to have met up with two of The Boys. You are right about Robert's compositions. They are classics today.

    Thanks for visiting. Glad you're back in circulation. I missed you for a bit.
