Tuesday, December 27, 2011



  1. All the best. Thanks for the stories for 2011.

    Your photo reminds me of something. Recently I bought a set of oldies CDs of Teresa Teng and Cai Qing. The producer made the CD of black colour to look just like an EP. Very creative indeed.

  2. Hi Chun See,
    Thanks for all your support throughout these 3 years.

    Without surfers like you and all the others, both young and old, I could not have survived.

    With nanoelectronics advancement CDs will soon be a thing of the past.

    But with a creative mind, as you explained, the challenge is always to be one step ahead.

  3. Hi, Andy, I wish to join in to say many thanks for your interesting and nostalgic stories of the sixties music. In fact, I started listening to English pop music as a young kid in around 1958/1959 from a jukebox in a shophouse at Anson Road. I remember the song that played very frequently from the jukebox then was the Platters' The Great Pretender ! Nevertheless, I wish you and all your readers a happy new year 2012.

  4. Anonymous29.12.11

    From a reader:

    For confidentiality, names will be left out.

    My father in law used to play for ___ ___. His name is ___ ___.

    Not sure if that rings a bell but he may prove to be a worthy person to interview.

  5. Thanks for your mail and reply to my invitation.

    I have since written to you.

  6. Thank you very FL for contributing so much.

    Relating your past experiences with Singapore music from the sixties has made this blog richer in content. You have also kept to the theme.

    Yes, those jukeboxes found at some public places have always been a boon to pop fans who wish to listen to the latest songs.

    I used to eye these colourful machines but refused to pay the few cents for the music, thinking how wasteful it was to pay money for just one song.

    'The Great Pretender' is one of my favourite songs from 1955.

    According to Wikipedia, it reached number one on the R&B and Pop charts in 1956 and voted the 351st greatest songs of all time by Rolling Stone magazine.

  7. Anonymous29.12.11


    Was Silver Strings originated from Tiong Bahru area?

    Did a Ronny Tan ever a member of the group or other groups in the early 1960s?


  8. No, The Silver Strings originated from Idris Road near Lavender Street.

    "Marng-kar-kar' the area was called, was across the road from the Rumah Miskin police station.

    As far as I remember, Ronny Tan (if it's the same person) was a singer and fronted a group called, The Echo Jets.

  9. Before d line is jammed tonite I like to wish u n ur famiy a Happy n Prosperous New Year Audie.

    From iPhone

  10. Anonymous1.1.12

    Wishing you good health happiness prosperity and a blessed 2012. EA

    From iPhone

  11. Anonymous1.1.12

    Private mail:
    What this Echo Jet? 1960s already use space age terminologies. So the music is also space age?

    Where did Echo Jet perform? Local or overseas?


  12. From private mail:
    A local group sir. Like other Shadows/Ventures guitar teams. Formed around 1964 I think. So many of these groups but they never cut records.

    Hey, space age terminilogy was used way, way back. When did Sputnik first orbit the earth? In 1957, which started the space age.

    No music is not space age but similar to other 60s bands, mostly S/V style.

  13. Anonymous1.1.12

    From private mail:
    was there a ronny tan fronting SS and sang like Elvis?

  14. A check with Audie Ng(leader/bassist Silver Strings) proved that there is a Ronny Tan but he did not front SS.

    To be honest, I am sure Ronny Tan sings Elvis. Most singers can sing the King's numbers.

  15. Anonymous1.1.12

    From FACEBOOK:
    Hey Pal, Happy New Year to you and family.

  16. Anonymous1.1.12

    From FACEBOOK:
    "Happy New Year andy:)"

  17. From FACEBOOK:

    Ernesto Valerio invited you to "Nostalgic Music from the 20's to the 60's!"

    Monday, January 2 at 8:30pm
    Location: The Prague @ Amara.

    Are you attending?

  18. From FACEBOOK:
    Hi Irene,
    So all went well? Ushering in your new birth year and 2012.

    Thanks again for the invitation to your party. I would have gone if my 8pm schedule didn't overlap.

    And you were singing too? Wow! I really missed something.

  19. Again thank you for your best wishes and season's greetings from all friends and enthusiasts whom I have met these past years because of this blog.

    Let's hope for more news and views for 2012.
