Saturday, November 12, 2011

It's Not Another Elvis Posting. Martin D28 Guitar

I have been asked many times if I play the guitar. Yes, I replied, but only using the 4 basic chords on C. Well, that's not too bad, some cynics replied, better than not being able to play at all. But deep within I know I can play more chords than that.

On another occasion, someone who has been reading my blog regularly (I have some blog fans too you know) asked me if I knew anything about musical instruments. A very superficial knowledge I said. Well, this gentleman replied, you need to write some articles about the guitar at least. What's a music blog without stories about musical instruments? True!

So with a mission to accomplish, I decided to buy another guitar to learn about the guitar and with the help of an exceptionally good lead guitarist from a Singapore 60s band (don't ever sound my name, he says) I went searching for one. And that was when I rediscovered the Martin D-28, one twang twang that I had salivated over for some time.

So without anymore fanfare, here's a brief from Internet websites and my own experience about this particular guitar that Elvis Presley fans will be definitely be familiar with (image 1). Or are they?

Do you own a D-28. Want to tell your story before I begin mine?
Image: From Scotty Moore's website:


  1. Anonymous12.11.11

    From JimLim35:

    I'm a fan of the Singapore scene from the 60's. I have some collection on vinyls but its very difficult to find now.

    I used to go to Sungei Road where this gentleman by the name of George has old vinyls and if you are lucky you may find some EPs.

    But where is the flea market relocated to?

  2. If I am not mistaken George is still at the same spot but with a smaller selling space.

    The stall holders are in a really sorry state and have hardly any space to display their wares. Making way for progress but I feel for them.

    George seems to be keeping all his better records stored somewhere. He had better selections two to three years ago.

    I haven't visited him since.

  3. Hey Andy,
    Best guitar ever.

  4. You have inspired me to blog about my attempts to learn the guitar during my Sec school days. Even has a photo.

  5. Anonymous12.11.11

    From JimLim35:

    Dr Lee Yan San used to loan his records to RTM Radio 4 from Monday midnigt till 2.00am and the DJ in attendance was Joey.

    Those songs spun were the best from the 60's & 70's. Wonder where is Joey now?

  6. I really don't know Jim. You must be from Malaysia then.

    If you wish please contribute some articles about Malaya's 60s pop music for this blog.

    Thank you for visiting twice tonight.

    (JimLim35's Comments have been repeated here from other postings.)

  7. Thanks Chun See,
    I shall have a read. I am glad my blog has inspired you to write one on yours.

    I sincerely hope we can all inspire each other to write blogs about our past achievements... and failures too.

  8. Anonymous13.11.11

    From JimLim35:

    Yes I'm from Malaysia, JB to be exact. As a young boy I never missed those concert parties where Singapore bands were in attendance.

    Even though they played cover versions,but we always favoured theirs rather the originals.

    (Originally posted on LeeYS's recent article on the Russ Hamilton interview.)

  9. Nice post!

    No thanks to Elvis, my siblings and I got the letter 'E' for the first letter in our names.

    And thanks to this blog, (and other factors) I recently got myself a 2nd hand Fender Electro-Acoustic guitar after 15 years of menopause. 'E' guitar chords and 'E' minor never sounded so sweet before. Especially when playing Elvis songs! Should try it sometime. : )

  10. Thank you sir. Never knew you play the guitar too.

    Fender Electro Acoustics are for the serious players.

    I know you are as serious as the sun when it comes out to shine to fill the earth with greens.

    You are one great supporter.
