Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Julian Lennon Collecting John Lennon And Beatles

"When I started collecting I only had a couple of items, including the two guitars Dad had given me... (n)early everything now I own I had to buy at auctions... (u)nfortunately I haven't always managed to get what I've bid on at auction (Foreward: page 9)."

Julian Lennon's statement about collecting his father's and the other Beatles' memorabilia is stark and truthful because he has been collecting their memorabilia for about 20 years. And what a collection he has. From John Lennon picture postcards, personal family photographs, ticket stubs, rare Beatles records to glittering guitars, framed Gold Discs with record-sale citations, phonograph players, a unique motor-cycle and psychedelic car, Lennon junior has them all.

It is a 2010 coffee-table book published by Goodman Books. Working with well-known music author Brian Southall, Lennon gives an insight into his collection and explains what they mean to him and his family. Titled, Beatles Memorabilia: The Julian Lennon Collection, it is an interesting and beautiful read if you are an ardent fan and wish to pursue the items in images. Or in kind if you can manage.

Information and Cover: Beatles Memorabilia The Julian Lennon Collection. Design and text copyright 2010 Carlton Books Limited.
Original article: Andy Lim.

This posting is not an advertisement. Blogger has read the book and it is available at our National Library, Singapore.

Ref: 782.421660922 SOU-[ART]


  1. Odd but sometimes life is like that.

  2. He could have learnt about his father with his collection. He mentioned that it's "my life, my history, my heritage."

  3. Anonymous15.6.11

    The memo and video suggests that John Lennon was not much with his son. is that why the son buys the memo?

  4. He is a forgiving son. I guess you realise it when you become a father too.

    After all his dad was so famous. Thanks for visiting.

  5. ahyar jammari16.6.11

    I am a father and a son too. I'm able to see both sides0f the story.Life goes on ....

  6. Thank you Mr Jammari for your comment. It is a positive remark that can only be made by an experienced and loving father.

    Since you are writing all the way from the U.S., and with your busy schedule, I appreciate the time and trouble you take to pen a line for this blog.

    Thank you also for the comments and suggestions you provided regarding the improvement of this blog.

    Have a safe journey home.
