Sunday, May 29, 2011

'The Swallows' Blog From France By M. Erwin

Here it is at last, a blog about The Swallows, Singapore's top Pop Yeh Yeh band from the 60s. It comes all the way from France, written and compiled by good friend M. Erwin.

Thank you Erwin. I hope fans of The Swallows will check out your blog here:

Images: from M. Erwin's blog.


  1. Anonymous29.5.11

    M. Erwin wrote:

    Hi Andy how have you been?

    The following is my first ever Blog which I've yet to finalised due to grammatical errors which I've been trying to cope. (I'm all tied up with French at this point of time.)

    It's regarding The Swallows and I will add in more photos in due time. In the meantime, do enjoy!

  2. Thank you Erwin,

    It's posted. I hope many surfers will read about the Swallows again, this time in detail.

    There is much information about them, some of which I am not familiar with.

    The photographs from your collection show the popularity and ability of this group to accompany so many top stars from the Malay music and movie industry in the 60s.

    I am glad I was one of the first few singers to be accompanied by The Swallows.

  3. Erwin's Blog announced:

    On 17/05/2011, the drummer/leader of The Swallows, Haji Affandi Haji A. Rahman suffered a stroke in Batam, Indonesia. He passed away at the age of 71.

    My condolence to the family of the late Haji Affandi who had passed on recently.

  4. Anonymous29.5.11

    An extract from Erwin email last year (2010):

    "Here in Paris, we have an ARTs Channel dedicated to the 60's. Unfortunately it's in German and French but I've managed to learn a lot from it.

    I hope you continue to write freely. My wife just reminded me that it's the 50th Anniversary of the swinging 60's!

    Going on-line must have been a big challenge for those who have witnessed life in the 60's. (I know cos my parents are struggling to learn the ropes on-line too.)

    Feel free to ask me any technical questions and I'll see how I can assist you from Paris.


  5. Anonymous1.6.11

    Thanks Andy for the link to Erwin's blog. I have left a comment there as well.


  6. Thanks Steve for the interest and visit.

  7. I would like to update you on Kassim Slamat & The Swallows new URL. It is now called

    The former URL is way too long. Thought it would be easier for people to swallow & win at the same time! :D

  8. All yours Erwin. For the world to see.

    Keep in touch.
