Saturday, May 21, 2011

Singapore's Latin Duo: Bobo And Ally At The Expo

Well here they are ladies and gentlemen, two of the best Singapore strollers I have seen since my days in Paris, France. Elder brother Ally (right image) and Bobo (who plays lead and rhythm with The Silver Strings) are seen here at the Singapore Exposition (2011) hallways performing Latin hits from the 60's with only an acoustic guitar each. They were performing, Fly Me To The Moon and Quizas, Quizas, Quizas.

The music and vocals are excellent, definitely professional. Los Bobos, as they are called, played for two hours each day during lunch. Pity you missed them because they are a fantastic duo, playing a great number of current music too. The Los Bobos are not buskers but stroll at nightspots around Singapore entertaining moonlight revellers.
          Bobo is 4th from left (in colorful Latin shirt) before the show.

Article was written after Bobo's death:

Bobo, one half of the duo, had since passed away on 3rd January, 2015.  For a number of concerts  in Singapore, he had accompanied me on stage when I sang, Mean Woman Blues, Red River Rock and Diana. 

Bobo had, what some Singaporean musicians lack, versatility on stage. Bobo did the opposite. He could strum, sing, dance around and had such a wide repertoire that he entertained the audiences who had seen him performed.

During his performance at The Silver Strings concert he explained to me in the car (as I was taking him home), how tired he felt that night. But because of his love for music and the guitar he managed to carry on till the end of the show. He passed away five months later after having been hospitalised for a while.

God bless you Bobo. You were a good, sincere and generous person.  May you rest in peace.

Original article: Andy Lim.
Image: from You Tube by nateynoo.

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