Thursday, September 16, 2010

Calling Star Gazers: A-Go-Go Record '66 (Pt I)

Hi Andy,

This is Richard Yoong, the Star Gazers lead guitarist. My playmates were Peter Aloysius Chan (rhythm guitarist), Jimmy Ahmad (drummer) and MichaelHiHHH Lai (We produced 4 instrumental numbers on an album titled, A-Go-Go (image), in 1966. 

I would like to get in touch you. I am trying to look for my band members whom I believe are still residing in Singapore. I really hope that we can all get together one day.

Can you email me at so I can share more details with you?

12th September, 2010.

(At the peak of the A-Go-Go, Shake-Shake-Shake, Off-Beat Cha-Cha and Hala-Hala craze, records like these were popular with the Singapore crowd. Record companies were trying to exploit the market and bands for financial gains.

The above vinyl is from Eagle Record Company: TK 1021 and the Chinese instrumental numbers include: White Cloud, Sunday, Horn Pipe and The Lark. Do write to Richard if you had been a band member or if you know of their whereabouts.)

Check Comments from following article on: Friday, May 08, 2009

Connect: Singapore 60s Music. Singapore Blue Diamonds

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