Sunday, June 06, 2010

Naturally BBC: English Gentleman Without The Stiff Upper Lip - Larry Lai Interview - (Part II)

Backstage with Larry, songstress Frances Yip in silver, before a show. 

"You speak and behave like an English gentleman. All you need is a bowler hat, an umbrella with a whangee handle and polished leather shoes. Like John Steed in The Avengers?" That was the truth about this celebrity broadcaster because he did not have a phoney accent and spoke as naturally as the announcers on BBC. And according to him, "The BBC was where I learnt my trade... yes... listening to the station daily... from home." So as we started on our Katong laksa, Larry Lai, who never liked to talk about himself, reluctantly related in impeccable Queen's English his 18 year relationship with Rediffusion.

He came with his family from Shanghai, China, had his education at Pearl's Hill Primary and studied commercial subjects at Outram Secondary. He started as a Rediffusion announcer in 1960 with Tan Swee Leong. They had replaced Tan Hock Lye and Steven Lee who left for Radio Singapore. Being a broadcaster was challenging but he loved his profession at the station, working with the Rediffusion family until he retired as manager and producer in 1978.

Straits Times Advertisement 29th September, 1966.

Larry remembered how difficult the job could be. Besides doing the routines where he had to broadcast, make announcements, play music requests, prepare scripts, etc. in the studio, Larry had also to carry out extra curricular activities outside.

When his boss Len Thorne phoned him in December, 1961 to interview U.S. crooner Frank Sinatra at Singapore Airport, he lugged his heavy, bulky tape recorder and sped all the way to the tarmac hoping to get a scoop. He was excited when Sinatra finally emerged from the plane but before he could approach "Ol' Blue Eyes", the singer made an about turn and disappeared. Larry was so upset, he refused to play Sinatra records on air for a week!

On another occasion, he and Tan Swee Leong climbed a tree, risking broken bones, to catch a glimpse of 60s Calypso singer Harry Belafonte at the Raffles Hotel. When the singer saw them perching precariously beneath the pale moon and fearing their safety, he quickly agreed to the interview. It was an exclusive for Rediffusion and a pat on the back for the "terrible twins" (Lai & Tan).
Clockwise: Larry Lai with the late Reim de Wolffe [Blue Diamonds], 
Andy [Blogger/Silver Strings], the late Jap Chong, Vernon [Quests].

But then there were other moments of joy too when Larry compered game shows with beautiful, perfume scented ladies. Like when he hosted and interviewed Philippino songbird Teresa Carpio, Hong Kong superstar Jennie Tseng (sidebar image), Cathay Pacific's ambassador, Frances Yip (above image) and other glamorous celebrities during live shows at the National and Victoria theatres, cinemas, shopping malls and the Rediffusion auditorium.

At this point of the interview I interrupted him and asked, "And the lady in your life, Larry. Tell us about your very pretty wife. We've been introduced, so perhaps you'd like to recall how you met her the first time? "

"Oh," he said, "that's with Saloma and Ahmad Daud... at the Lido Cinema. And she was with this gentleman. But it's another story... "

Image: Larry Lai Collection: (The lady next to Frances Yip is Katherine Kan from an earlier metamorphosis of Media Corp, possibly RTS. It was backstage at the National Theatre during an end-of-year show in the early 80s.)

Original Article: Andy Lim.

Check out: Saturday, May 08, 2010
Larry Lai King Of Singapore 60s Airwaves (Pt I)


  1. Wow YG, you actually had the opportunity to interview Larry Lai. Impressive!

    It must have felt quite different for Larry to be in a reversal of roles. Can't wait for Part 3, the part about how he met his wife.

  2. Hey, Victor it's Andy not YG. Thank you for the compliment.

  3. Oops... of course I mean Andy. Haha.

  4. Yes, I remember him on radio. Never to be surpassed by current crop of newsreaders or DJs.

  5. You said it man! Never ever to be surpassed. The ultimate, professional broadcaster with finesse and panache; that's Larry Lai.

  6. Part II of Larry Lai's exclusive interview at "Singapore 60s Andy's Pop Music Influence" blog has long been awaited; after Part I appeared sometime ago. Thanks Andy.

    Larry's fans and friends would also be interested to read Larry's eloquent article on "Civics Tour on 10 September, 1958" in the Outram Annual at:

    Civic Tours on 10 September, 1958 .


  7. Hi James,
    Thank you again for visiting. The essay is indeed a well constructed and informative one.

    I hope many surfers will read it and realise the sound quality of a secondary school education in the 50s.

    I have informed Larry Lai about your blog and Facebook.

  8. Thanks once again, Andy.

    I wonder if Larry could still remember this school magazine in 1958 written under his name registered in school, not as Larry Lai.

    Hope to ring a bell of schooldays memories. Larry's contribution is written to share with fans and to thank him with compliments.

  9. JIMMY YAP18.9.24

    Thanks for this interesting news Sammin. I used to play the CD of Francis Yip in my car ! Thanks a million to Andy Young who introduced me to the legendary Larry Lai of Rediffusion and The Rado Show.


    👌🏻👍🏻She was the "Trademark" for CX (r CPA)! I blvd she moved to Australia. Thks for sharing my friend 👌🏻👍🏻


    Hiroshi Deguchi
    Andy, you wrote Larry comes from Shanghai with his family but Larry said he was born in Hong Kong in the interview with Brian in Music And Me.

  12. Andy Young
    Top contributor
    Hiroshi Deguchi thanks. I had Larry confirm this piece of information. He was born in Shanghai, China but was registered in Hong Kong. So officially he was born in Hong Kong. Hope that's clear enough.


    Hiroshi Deguchi
    Andy Young Thank you so much, Andy I am impressed with your attitude to search for the truth . You are a real journalist.

  14. Andy Young
    Top contributor
    Hiroshi Deguchi it was easy. I just had to call him. I am not a journalist. I am what locals would call a busybody. 🙂 Thanks again Hiroshi for your comments and total love for Singapore pop music.

  15. CHIT CHAT19.9.24


    Hiroshi Deguchi
    Colin Colin
    Stephen Francis
    Natkin Tan
    Errol Fernando
    Nooraini Arsad
    Juliana YjL
    Muhammad Taufiq Bin Rosli
    Kevin Ng
    Paul Zaccheus
    Marianne Pereira
    Sanusi Bin
    Robin Christensen
    Nachia Maricar
    Hairilanuwar Minhad
    Jafar Taib
    Ghazali Ismail
    Benjamin Thurston Gasper
    Andrew Yap
    Lim Jasmine
    Ian Jansen
    Syafiq Long
    Steve Lee
    Sani Salim
    Ben Tiong
    Thomas Goh
    Henry Cheong
    Oliver Twist
    Tardus Et Stabilis
    Bob Kai Meng
    Chan YH
