Saturday, June 19, 2010

Malaysia's Melaka: Malam Melody Makers (Pt I)

Sultanate Palace, St Paul's Church, Stadthuys, Bukit China, A'Famosa, Baba Nyonya Museum, Jalan Tun Tan Cheng Lock and Tranquerah Street will tell you that you are in Historic Melaka. But is Melaka only full of historical sites and sounds with nothing else?
The image reveals the other side of Melaka because, while walking through Jonker Street and its surrounding, I ended up in a nightspot and found myself listening to both Malaysian and western pop music.
Young and handsome Aloysius Kessler (*image) strums his guitar five nights a week and provides "Live Sentimental Oldies" on a first floor bar at Lorong Hang Jebat a.k.a. Jonker Street. Outside, just across the road flows the quiet Sungai (River) Melaka.
In the day, Jonker Street sells antiques and other paraphenalia you may not find in the other shops in Malacca. But at night the street is transformed into an attractive playground for music lovers. Name any song and the melody makers there will play it for you.
On Friday and Saturday, Jonker Walk Pasar Malam (Night Market) in Malacca's Chinatown closes down Jalan Hang Lekir to traffic and the colourful bars along the boulevard are filled with tables on the sidewalks and lively tunes in the air.
Songs from the 60s is the craze in Malacca too and these entertainers have a wide repertoire of melodies. If shopping is your preference, you can "bask in the moonlight, visiting stalls upon stalls of traders" peddling all sorts of goods and food in Malacca. Otherwise, just buy a drink and enjoy Malacca's troubadours at their best. And don't forget the nyonya pineapple tarts! Dondang Sayang lagu Melayu...
I honestly spotted a bibik in baju panjang and chewing sireh. Amboi!
(This article is blogger's experience in Jonker Street. It is not an advertisement.)
Original article: Andy Lim
Image: email:
*Taragon Bar flyer, Melaka, Malaysia.


  1. Anonymous11.7.10

    i have seen this lounge singer in malaka. very good entertainer.

  2. Thank you for visiting whoever you are. Could you be a blog member too? Melaka is as rich as Gula Melaka, don't you agree? And pop 60s music is everywhere in that state of Malaysia.
