Sunday, April 18, 2010

Singapore Disc Jockey And Compere In The 60s

Old Victorians who have made their names as radio/tv comperes and DJs include the legendary Tan Swee Leong and the late S R S Naidu, popularly known as the Birdman of Singapore. Both were listed in the Who’s Who in Singapore and Malaysia, a publication on prominent personalities.

Singaporeans of the older generation would remember with fondness the great voice and witty presentation of Tan Swee Leong, first on Redifusion and later with RTS and TCS. He is seen in the picture interviewing Indonesian pop songstress Anneke Gronloh at Rediffusion Singapore on 6th December, 1961.

Naidu was omnipresent as a compere at beauty pageants and high profile functions and also one of those instrumental in organising the Victoria Secondary School Carnival in 1968 which was adjudged as one of the best and most popular carnivals hosted by a school then. He was the compere for the talentime contest which was a great success, no doubt boosted by the presence of the Birdman himself.

Anyone out there with a picture of our birdman Mr SRS Naidu? Blogger has a picture of another famous compere, also called SRS Naidu, for exchange? Takers?

Image: National Archives of The Netherlands (National Heritage Board, Singapore)
Edited article from Old Victorian's Association blog, comment by: 1960sVIC on June 10, 2009.

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