Wednesday, February 24, 2010

IMAGE 2: 1970
Coincidences can really mystify. When I was taking out a vinyl of The Stylers today and checking my blog for Comments, I saw Randy Lee's note on a Stylers posting (image 1) dated Sunday, January 04, 2009. It read, "Hi Andy, Members of the Stylers from left to right of the image: Randy Lee (rhythm guitarist), Frankie Abdullah (bass), Osman (drums) and John Teo (lead guitarist). Regard Randy. February 24, 2010 12:26pm.

Thanks Randy for writing. And as I blog on this particular post, I have another line-up of The Stylers (image 2) taken from one of their numerous Top Hits EP (1970) featuring, Knock Three Times, Who'll Stop The Rain (vocalist John Teo), Have You Ever Seen The Rain? (vocalist John Teo, Douglas Tan) and 500 Miles (vocalist Robert Song).
So from the left, there's Douglas Tan (bass ), Alvin Wong (drummer), John Teo (lead and anchor man), Robert Song (percussionist) and Rann Lee (rhythm). Depending on the dates of recordings The Stylers, personally, are as versatile as the music they play. And line-ups do change too.
Do you still remember The Stylers? Do write in to comment about their music!
Image: Back sleeve HREP/7005, Hoover Records Trading Company, Singapore.
Original article: Andy Lim Collection.

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