Wednesday, September 02, 2009

(A) Mysterians 60s Masked Pop Group Reveals

Do you know that there was a Singapore pop group that wore masks? Who are they and why did they appear incognito on stage and record? Was it a gimmick on their part? Were they trying to attract everyone's attention? Were they the only group wearing masks? The mystery, hopefully, will be revealed soon.

(Because of much effort among some 60's music lovers in Singapore, who are neither interested in making a profit nor trying to gain popularity out of this venture, the era is slowly regaining its strength and making a comeback.

Will there be a resurgence? Will our youths today finally appreciate and learn to understand Singapore 60's pop music heritage?)

Original article: Andy Lim.


  1. The crux of the issue is greater publicity. Those who had a first-hand role in 60s music could be the catalyst towards a resurgence of 60s music.

  2. Not many people of our generation will bother to publicise it since we are in our senior years. The younger set should be doing it too.

  3. Having a passion helps seniors to be more energetic.

  4. Anonymous7.9.09

    Hi Andy
    I have an EP of the Mysterians supporting Leroy Lindsay on some R & B tracks. It is also on Cosdel and the band is not wearing masks!

  5. Thanks Steve, Appreciate your information. Would be great if you could send the cover (image) since I don't have a copy. Future postings will explain who they are and why they are masked.

  6. Thanks to Steve Farram from Australia, who sent me a copy of Leroy Lindsay's 2nd album with the Mysterians. I can now continue with my postings of this band. All the way from Darwin.
