Thursday, September 17, 2009

(H) Hotel Reservations Ariverdeci Roma Brazil Auf Weidersehn'n

The montage above comes from an EMI/Electrola Long Play F665 524 called, Dance Around The World In SRS Hotels. According to the back cover the reservation service connects customers to more than 100 leadings hotels. The music, from 22 selections, features some of the most popular melodies in the 50s and 60s.

The songs, some of which are familiar with Singaporeans include, Zorba's Dance, The Kangaroo Flop, Limbo Rock, Hare Krishna, Arrividerci Roma, Brazil, French Cancan, Auf Weidersehn'n, Pata Pata and surprise, surprise, Kyu Sakamoto's (image), Sukiyaki and Singapura sung by one Imca Marina and composed by John Mohring.

The Orchestras are pretty well-known in Europe then, Hugo Strasser's and Harry Roche's. It may take a while to sort out the other faces on the montage. Anyone familiar with the personalities?

Image/original article: Andy Lim Collection.

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