Sunday, September 13, 2009

Anita Sarawak - Asian Diva From The Late 60s

Reading the newspapers this morning: Anita Sarawak, one of Asia's top diva, had a nasty experience when her husband, Mahathir Abdullah, was attacked by four armed men in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on Friday, September 11th, 2009. They are both safe and the Malaysian police is investigating the robbery.
Ms Sarawak, who started her career in the late 60s has cut vinyls with *EMI and was backed by The Quests. She has recorded in many languages and appeared in Las Vegas, California for some 20 years since 1985. There are numerous websites about her. An earlier posting about her is available on this blog.
*Sampling: ECHK/633/1969: Conversations, My Cherie Amour, Stepchild, Don't Let Me Down with The Quests. Produced by Reggie Verghese.
Original article/vinyl: Andy Lim Collection.

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