Friday, August 07, 2009

Elvis Presley 60s Pop Music For Young Children

It is always a joy to introduce music to very young children. Even pop music, especially from the 60s genre, if correctly selected, could prove fun and stimulating for the little ones.

Personally, grandson Joshie at 3 years old, sings a selection of 60s music with ease and pride, when he goes into his own rendition of, Fireball XL5, *Obladi Oblada, Wooden Heart (image), Big Boots, *My Bonnie, *Diana, Beautiful Sunday and The Chipmunks' Christmas Song. He sings them, he hums them and even shakes a leg to these melodies, just like a professional.

However, he learnt his simpler pieces and started off with Twinkle,Twinkle Little Star, I Hear Thunder, Ticky Ticky Tick (Frankie Laine) and Little One (Russ Hamilton) way before the real pops. He was only only one and a half then.
*Take heart with some lyrics from these songs.
Image: Elvis/Juliet Prowse/GI Blues. From: Elvis Movie Database.
Original article: Andy Lim


  1. When I bought a CD of Elvis and played it years ago. My children liked the song "Wooden Heart" very much. They even searched Elvis' songs such as Wooden Heart and Jail House Rock from the Internet.

    My children are now 15, 14 and 12 years old respectively. They are unable to appreciate my collection of Country & Western and other old songs.

  2. Elvis Presley is Western & Country too. Tell them about the movies, "Love Me Tender" and "Loving You" and the exciting songs like, 'Party', 'Teddy Bear', and 'Mean Woman Blues' because if they can appreciate the two songs you mentioned, I am positive they will these other songs. My grandson loves 'Teddy Bear'.

  3. missing word: 'they will love these other songs...'
