Monday, July 20, 2009

Apollo Moon Landing 20 July 1969 David Bowie

20 JULY, 1969 APOLLO 11 US
20 JULY, 2017 APOLO 7 SG
I remember a friend who used to live in the Katong and Joo Chiat area. He tried to tape the sound of the moon landing from his radio and television set, using his leather bound Sony Tape Recorder. It was an open recording where he held the recorder's microphone directly in front of the radio loud speaker.  I told him would not turn out clear. But it did. The magic of cassette tapes then.
                 First Moon Landing 20 July 1969: Video from beanz2u

On July 20th in 1969 (exact to the day), the lunar module Eagle landed on the moon at 20:18 UTC. Apollo 11 was the spaceflight with two humans on the moon. They were mission commander Neil Armstrong and pilot Buzz Aldrin.
A special song by David Bowie made its debut in July 1969. Because of much interest amongst the public with space flights, Space Oddity was released to great success.  It was a seven-inch vinyl single. 
Apolo 7 SG Landing
20 July 2017

This posting has just been rejuvenated and 8 years added to it. By a strange coincidence, 7 of us good friends, landed at the Apollo Restaurant this afternoon (20 July 2017) to have lunch. 

Same Name and Day: Apollo 11 Spacecraft. Apolo 7 Restaurant. 20 July 1969, 20 July 2017.
Astronauts @ The Apolo (from left): G. Jega, E. Angullia, Mr/Mrs Tan WS, Jerry S., Rajendran, Andy Lim.
Images: A Personal Collection, Google.
YouTube Video: Official Video of David Bowie July 1969 Recording: Space Oddity.

The Fabulous Echoes: Dancing on the Moon
For Peter Cheong


  1. That's interesting...did he manage to tape the historic occasion?

  2. He did but with 60s music in the background. It was a pleasure though and a day to remember.

  3. Another rejuvenated posting because of the moon landing this day. Just by coincidence 7 of us landed at the Apolo (minus one letter L) for a lunch organised by G. Jeganathan yesterday 20 July 2017.

    Thanking Jega and the group all in their 70's and 80's for a great meal.


    David Bowie's 'Space Oddity' and Moon Landing. Some say it's a sham. What say you?

    Stephen Han
    Phew, times really fly, it was 50 years ago when Neil Armstrong took the first small walk on the moon.

    Andy Young
    Some friends say it's fake.

    Jimmy Appudurai-chua
    Andy Young Chinese landed a probe on the dark side of the moon recently, the real deal.. I really don't know about the USA... Some said it was done in a Hollywood studio. It's about the four shadows. Image is disturbing.

    Thanks to all LIKES for this post and Stephen and Jimmy for the comments. Yes, the controversies that abound will cast more than 4 shadows on this Apollo Landing. :-)


    Peter Cheong
    I remember the song Dancing on the moon.

    Andy Young
    Hi Peter yes that's a nicer song to put on the blog. I'll search for it and say it's from you. Thanks. :-)
